
Change is bad

The people have spoken, out with the new, in with the old. Aparently the new look wasnt too popular, I didnt like it my self as a mater of fact.

A New Look as always has a new look. Tell me what you think. You can find how to reach me on the contact us page!

Painfull Art Month

I know some people are going to hate this but im declaring it Bjork month since her birthday is sometime this month, im not sure exactaly when, but i probably will know by tonight.

For the idiots

For all the idiots that signed my guest book about my previous message if you had bothered to read it it wasnt directed twoard Sasha in any way, shape or form, it was me venting for christ sakes, give me a break!

7 Magicians

If you were offended by the news thingamajig "A relationship ends not with a boom but with a "You Fucking Liar" pointed in my direction" good, for it was not insulting anyone but me. I was expressing how I felt,and my disapointment, some people here obviously need somore reading comprehension. Also to clarify it further. no where in there did I even mention Sasha other than saying I broke up with her.


Microsoft, and their Brialiant minds have decided not to include Java with their newest version of windows, xp, this realy pisses me off, Well if your as pissed as i am tell them how you feal STOP THE INSANITY <-- Click that to do what it says


The comics have been slow going with school and all but the insanity is still there it just takes more time to put on paper. The update will be day after tomarow at the vary latest. P.S. someone MUST come up something for the site if you want to drop me a line.