
School Starts

Well summers over at least from my perspective and the only good thing to come of this is that Duck Hat Banana will be updated soon. So look for it with in the next week!!!

Movie Reviews and more! has once again been blessed with a stroke of good luck. Shaun Pakenham is willing to write movie reviews and more about movies for us. I'm not sure exactaly where this is going to go, but be sure to check it out on the "Movie" link on the side <---(over there)

The Store

Ever wanted your own little peice of, now you can. Get yer self one of our kick ass t-shirts off this site!! Now in sidebar, check it out foo

A New Look

I am woring on making look as snazzy as possable. Any coments or sugguestions send them to my email address listed on the contact page

Girl Friend

Just to tell you all, I gotz me a girl friend! Yep, for all you that know me, I've finally gotten up the courage to ask Sasha out, and she said yes!!!