
Finally an official comic update

Uploaded the third comic of this run (including one done by Jesse and scripted by me) to complete what I consider one update. Lots of improvements are happening on the site and we want everyone to come back and start posting again. If you haven't checked out the new movies page and A-times go check those out. Lets get some more traffic so we can hit 25000 then I'll have an excuse to update a few comic.

Anarchist Times Returns Like a Reverse Prodigal Son?

The new Anarchist Times page has much more to offer then when it left. For instance, anyone can comment on posts, not just administrators as previously. Even then, thanks to php, there is more to come: Searches, Sorts (similar to that implemented on the movie review page) Who knows what else? Only time will tell!

New Anarchist Times Beta Up!

The new anarchist times beta is up and running, also for admins the new posting system is up for Anachist Times though note that it is still in beta as well. You can expect a nicely done unified system (with spell checker) by the time I'm done. I have 2 weeks for spring break and I expect to get some work done on this.

New Movies Page Up

After much hard work, and due with help of friends (critique and a little code help) the non-blogger, highly customizable and awesome movies page is up and running. This new version is completely hand coded by yours truly, everything from the submission system to? well freaking everything. Check it out here!


Sweet lady Oasis has had alot of work done in the last few months but trafic has been down. Now that everything is improved we should all try to get the trafic back to what it was in the good old days. I will try to post comics as soon as I can (there is a new one if you haven't seen it). Also The Medium has a new page (that rocks by the way) and some new songs that will get up the next time I'm back home. Lets keep this site alive and well.

New 'The Medium' Page Finished!

After much work and bitching about the problems that occurred when the page went from Windows to a Linux sever, the new The Medium (Formerly Phonx Monkey) page is done! All the classics such as Amlie Style and Homoeroticism are up, along with all the new stuff. Check it out Here

New Movies Page and Medium Update

I am currently working on a new movies page shown here it will be Php/Mysql based and allow me much more flexability and features then blogger ever did. Also there should be a new medium page up by thanksgiving.

New Layout

You've probably already noticed that the site has a new design... some stuff doesnt work yet, some stuff has been removed, but I promise you the site will run better then ever now that we are php based... My friend recently allowed me MySql acsess... I have yet to figure out how to use it but after that gets working I should be redoing the internal workings of some of the pages whereas I had designed my own, poor, database system, although the external design will stay primarly the same.