
We Severed All Ties

Back when the stars aligned and we created Oasisband, we used Geocities for hosting, Namezero as a registrar, and Blogger for posting. We have now successfully moved away from all of them. The news page (you're reading) was the last page to be moved to my posting system.

Well, this weekend a lot has happened with the site. Firstly you might notice the new main page. Internet Explorer hates it, I plan on writing some code to catch if you're using IE, but for now I suggest you upgrade to Firefox or at least the IE7 beta. The new pages are all going to be XHtml Transitional Compliant, though thus far I believe the only pages that are are the main page and Oasisband Insight. A number of pages look really ugly at the moment, but rest assured they'll be fixed. Also, if anyone actually uses Narwhal Email anymore drop me a line. else I shall be sending it the way of the They Might Be Giants page.

Server-side as well as application-side coding of the new version of Omnipresence has completed. There will soon be a "Oasisband Services" page (to possibly replace the crappy software page) which will include the awesome downloadable version of Omnipresence as well as a web based version (at forshizzles request). PS: Oasisband Writers can download an advance version right now here.

The Album Reviews Page is nearly ready to go mainstream. It's in the sidebar now as well as the new and improved in vogue screen. Some links still don't work and the page alignments is still a little off, but expect to see it working in full by the end of the week. Also, many of you have been whining at me to get the search up. It's just about ready as well so be patient.

The image server is soon to be implimented sitewide. You can see an example image here. This will allow all the writers to easily include images inline in their posts.

Also, you may have noticed some kind of bot was spamming the crap out of the shoutbox. That should be fixed now, but the cost is you can no longer use @'s in the name of the shoutbox, I guess not really that big of a deal.

30,000 Hits

Well Oasisband has been though a lot in its 5 years, since its inception on March 30th, 2001. We've seen ups and downs, and until several weeks ago we were not even a real domain. We were a pseudo domain running in a frame. Instead of having some kind of cheesy spectacular, I'll just tell you what to look forward to. A complete site overhaul is on the way for the sites 5th birthday. We are transitioning from HTML 4.0 to a strict XHTML/CSS system and have plans to begin offering a number of services, including but not limited to Omnipresence, a simple notepad that will allow you to keep notes between multiple computers. Moving the site into our own database allows us a few justices, for example the new Oasisband wide search (Click Here) is in the works. Also, we are working on moving to just rather than as many of you may have already noticed. Oasisband is still growing and I have dreams of bringing back the community. If anyone has any ideas, or would like to write for the site just contact me at

A Host of Backend Updates

Writers rejoice! You can now login straight from the sidebar. Insight posting is available now amount a number of other updates. There are a number of things in the work as well and a number of ideas floating around my head, one that should soon come about is Omnipresence for everyone, not just Oasisband writers. Also, the imaging system displayed in my review of Old Boy shall soon be available to all the writers. Lastly, a complete visual redesign is in the works, if anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them.

Let's Offend Some People

MohammadI think giving into their demands and being intimidated is the completely wrong way to go about this, as I love free speech I am posting one of the comics. Woo we're gonna get threats!

A Large Number of Updates

Well, I wasted a bit of time fixing known problems with the site, along with adding new "Software" and "Insight" pages. Insight is mainly a place for me to post my harebrained theories, though in a few days it should be open to the public. Also I plan to redo the main page before my break is over (January 18th) Oh, and the emoticon legend is finally up. If you have an emoticon to submit that would be great.

In the coming days I plan on a number of things, new main page, album review page, get omnipresence running with its own database, finalize the Java version of omnipresence for our Mac OSX users?

Oh, not to mention I've decided to completely quit supporting Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 7 (which should fix many of the issues) is several months away and anyone still clinging to it I suggest to either just wait or switch to Firefox.

New Sidebar!

As if you haven?t noticed, to your left there is a brand spanking new sidebar. This is the first step in my work to make the site completely automated? Someday? Nevertheless, until then, these links automatilcy sort them selves based upon usage. Therefore, as popularity of pages shifts over time I, being the lazy bastard I am, do not have to change? anything. W00t, behold the awesome power of Php! Next two things in the works, new main page and finishing up the album review page.

New The Others Page Finally Finished!

After quite some time down, over a year I believe, the new ?The Others? review page is finally up and running. Many of the people working for OB may have seen the beta version of the page, but it is now fully functional and writeable. So I suggest to you all, get writing. (Though the oBlog of course, not blogger, if you?ve forgotten the link or your credentials contact me)

A gross of comics!

Comics 144 145 and 146 are up and quite bad. In other news we hit 25k hits! We need to get everybody posting again and get the site back to what it should be.