
We'll Be Back

As you've probably noticed the page looks a little funky. We were hacked a few days ago, and Joel has disabled writing (ie: updating the counter) until he figures out what caused the problem, and how to fix it. He's talking about moving us to a different server, which should be interesting. We'll be back to normal soon though.


We're not dead yet, though looking at this chart of our hits as of late, next near. How do we draw hits? What would you do? Anyone who wants to write awesome content or knows someone who can write, or has amazing ideas for the site get a hold of me: here.

Feed Me

Oasisbands new RSS feed is operational after much fighting. As Paul put it "They dont like you, seriously, saw an aritcle about it on the web, 'RSS2.0 hates Jesse Donat' they were very in depth" I intened tto fix it up some over time, as it was a little hackishly thrown together. If you're using Firefox you can subscribe by clicking that icon on the right of the address bar, or you can use an external reader. I'll put a link to it in the side bar later. It can be found here: link Also, if you're using Firefox, but wish to use an external reader, Feed Your Reader is a great extension, available here.

Steve Irwin Died Today

Steve Irwin, the "Crocodile Hunter" one of my favorite crazy bastards died today messing with a stingray.  As Mike says “That'll teach him to fuck with stingrays” (cite BBC News) He will be greatly missed by young and old alike.

New Comics Up!

After much waiting new comics are up (Over 150 comics now (woot)). Two by me and the rest by me and Meka (the difference should be painfully clear). More on the way soon so keep checking. I did my part not the rest of you lazy bastards post some thing.

Still Here

Though updates have slowed a little, we are still here and will continue to update the site. Jeff has a number of new comics lined up as well as an insight article from a long time Oasisband member who has never written anything before.

Oasisband Services

Omnipresence goes public! I've added a new page to the site "Oasisband Services" which is currently just Omnipresence. Omnipresence is a notepad like tool that can be used either as a standalone application, or through the services page to keep track of notes between multiple computers, (school, home, work, etc) Personally I use it to keep track of things between my laptop, my tower, and my parents machine. I had found myself keeping text files on my desktops to keep track of notes and thought "There has to be a better way" so over the last Year Omnipresence has developed into its current form. All Oasisband writers have accounts, though the ones I don't have email addresses for (Chris Franson, Hans Kuder, and Nick Miller) might have trouble with their accounts. If anyone needs their passwords, the password recovery system will send it to the email address we have on file, though they may be outdated. If anyone needs assistance just email me ( and I'll be more than happy to help.