
Requiem for a health project

Its 4 AM and I just started my health project about an hour ago. I've done all the things I need to get done (walk the streets at 2 AM, watch tv, eat baked goods, listen to motzart and depesh mode back to back, ect.) save do my math and the comics yet again. Math will get done tomarow but the comics wont. I feel I need to some how rectify the lack of comics i will be up dating after school lets out and i also might make a Hover/Boy Nixon comic book if any one would think that interesting.

If Your Blind, You wouldn't be here...

The main page has been updated (finally) Tell me what you think of the new look. Simple, clean, better fits with the new navbar. Still doesnt work with Mozilla quite right although it should when I move the sidebar onto Edogg. that will aslo make the non disapearing scrollbar on the navbar go away. I'm working on it.


No comics this week cuz... well for no good reason. Some one remind me next friday and ill get 8 or so up.

15,000 Hits!!!

I was informed by my father earlier today that our site had almost hit 15,000 hits, at which point it hit me: "Oh Crap, I need to make a Spectacular" I threw this together, I hope you like it Click Here

Sidebar 4.0

If you havn't noticed there is a new sidebar to your left, I notice a number of broken things on it, and I am working on fixing them. Some people love it, some hate it. I am not sure although I tend to lean twoards the latter.


As most of you know I've been on the choir trip for the last week. I am planing on updating comics sometime this week (I have three done but I figure I owe you at least 6). I am also spending all my money on audio equipment so that the band and anything elce i happen to record sounds better. I only say this because I need money and most of it goes to improving the site in some way so if anyone can give some work my way I would be vary happy.

If you are wondering why your guest post isnt up yet..

The last two posts I got sucked. I'm sorry they did. Now I agree most of the staff wite stuff that has sucked more but if your not part of the staff yet you don't have that right. After I'd say less then 7 posts (I'm not the athority on this so I'm just throwing out a number) we will ask you to join the staff but they all have to be good posts then you can slack like Franson or pull a Sevensson.

Trouble out back

I am having much trouble with namezero right now so anyone who uses domain forwarding currently will have their email forwareded to me and probably wont get it, i'll try not to read your mail and forward it to you as soon as possible. I will also try to fix this problem as soon as namezero gets back to me. Thank you