News to be Two

The 30th of this month marks oasisbands second birthday, and what a great two years it has been. I may do somthing spectacular, or I may not do anything. Stay tuned to find out.

I would like to announce the fact that is now courteously serving the Island of Tokelau's crappy webpage needs. Check it out

I may later do somthing with it like the difference between and but for now let it be.

Guest Bloggs

If any soul out there has a need to respond to any article review etc. on simply e-mail your post to and if it is any good ill post it. If you have a number of good posts we may ask you to join the staff. This works for all but the main page so share your thoughts.

Javascript Rox

I am trying to put the javascript I took the time to learn to some good use, check out the new article counter on Atimes, w00t w00t.

Comics Up Soon

I will get the comics up soon they take longer now that I have to draw them but your will be done.

Post Script: you all need to yell at me more to get comics up or elce i won't do it.

Post Post Script: would like to welcome Hans Kuder to the site lets hope he types something not like that lazy slacker Franson.

Oasisband needs your Help

I was going through the spectaculars, and I noticed that all I had was the 500, 2500,4000, 5000, 7500, and 8888 hit spectaculars. I checked every folder on all the servers, and my local hard drive. This is very depressing because we are loosing our past. If anyone has any spectacular saved on their drive for some reason or another I would be much ablidged.

Phonx Monkey

More Phonx Monkey is up along with pics of the band in the bios section. It looks like we not meet next week cuz of random stuff so untill then you can just idolize the Thoreau Bot and sip from Franson's Water Jug.

Oasisband has a Band

Through some random turn of events we through together a band. "Phonx Monkey and the Five Man Trio" I added a page for the band, and I suggest you give it a look over. You can currently download all of our songs in mp3 form.