
Haha, you suckx02.

Haha, you suckx02.

By the way, anyone who wants to submit here is more than welcome to... I'll take pretty much anything that's good... Or even half-decent... And that requirement isn't stringent...


Franson Returns

Franson Returns
Well, after almost a week of being entirely uninspired.... I'm still uninspired. Dammit! Well, we'd best wait and see if my associate and I can come up with something in the next day or two. Ciao 'til then.

New Freeform With Historical Inspiration

New Freeform With Historical Inspiration

This one's inspired by the beatniks too, folks. Here's "Freedom"

The inky stream,
Black fire river,
Cutting, shaping,
Blacktop spans deserts and centuries,
Crossing, following,
Path to home.
Fallen angels,
Cast into shadow,
Teachings rejected,
New order, new life,
No recourse,
Can't turn,
No place,
No haven,
Cold and all alone.
New light dawns,
Shining bright,
Over lives and loves,
New ideas,
New life,

New Freeform to Accompany New Poet

New Freeform to Accompany New Poet

Well, now I've got two poets in the section: myself and someone who would like to remain anonymous. I personally think she's very good, but hey. This is "Oxygen".

A setting sun,
A sparkling horizon-
I run to it,
Needing to escape.
City walls trap and suffocate-
They aim to kill,
Aim to defeat,
Aim to make me bleed.
A winged creature roams the sky-
Pale blue,
�Join me in my liberty!�
And what of that winter day that calls upon you?
Falling snow,
Sparkling fields-
I reach for it,
Needing a home.
Life�s edges are harsh,
Who is untouched?
Why conduct a symphony when I only want to dance?
A row of painted skeletons takes over the land,
Eyes, ears, and hearts are drowned.
I sink beneath the surface
And I can find no air.

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Flowers open here
Budding blooming yellow there
Love year-round unfurls

And, on a side note, there once was a man from Nantucket. The stories are greatly exaggerated.

Well, Folks, Here's Some New Stuff

Well, Folks, Here's Some New Stuff

I'll see if I can't get some other people to contribute too... Someone showed me a freeform they had written, and it was incredible, so I'll see how that goes. But I digress:

Why another day?
Why this awful awful waste
Of my precious time?

(That was written when I was delirious as HECK)

Cold winter breezes,
Snowflakes falling in sunshine,
Aspens in the wind

(My first (and only) attempt at a real haiku thus far)

And that's about all. I'll post more tomorrow, if I think of something witty.