
Warning to Those Who Are Feebs: This Will Make No Sense Whatsoever

Warning to Those Who Are Feebs: This Will Make No Sense Whatsoever

Here's my crappy attempt at a beatnik poem. This was written in fifteen minutes total, folks. Check it out:

Foreign policy
Same boxing match every year
Ike in the blue side

Khruschev in the red
Yet never a punch is thrown
Not a punch is thrown

Radiation land
Bomb streaks over childrens' heads
No ones ever safe

"Cold War"; "Kill the reds!"
Thats all anyone can hear
Anyone can hear

Red immolation
Fire across land; nothing lives
No life anymore

Khruschev in the red
Ike in blue; American

But war can be stopped
Though its at our door; can stop
If we think for us

Skeletons strewn here
Over the land of red
Mushroom-shaped doom cloud

Khruschev dropped the bomb
He threw the powerful hook
The powerful hook

Ike would not be beat
He returned with a strong jab
Ike with the strong jab

Now where are we all?
Under bricks; over houses; dead
Strewn about like dolls

Now my haiku over
Haiku finished now; go home
Haiku haiku done

And that's about all. Perhaps more tomorrow.

Crappy Poetry that Me and Jeff Came Up With in English Class

Crappy Poetry that Me and Jeff Came Up With in English Class

Haiku 101:
I am writing now
Writing writing am I now
haiku haiku done

Tonka 101:
I am writing now
Thoughts to paper here are they
Writing writing am I now
Tonka tonka over now
Tonka tonka done

Mango Street Blah-blah:
Syllables all wrong
Mango Street cat had blue car
Inconsequential blah-blah
Burning book sets heart ablaze
Cats and cats and cats

House on Mango Street
Only word that describes it
Of which tears my heart in two
Bad bad bad bad book

Kill Kill Crush Burn Kill:
Kill kill kill bad book
Crush crush burn crush Mango Street
Haiku haiku done

Mango Street Be Damned:
There once was a book that was bad
Can't find any plot that it had
I went for a match
Best make it a batch
A book never poignant, egad!

And thats about all for now, I might write something serious here later (might being the operative, lol).