the zorz's Posts

Not exactly fresh news...

Yeah, I haven't been paying much attention to the news at hand lately, but I was talking to somebody (can't remember who exactly) but we were discussing censorship. It seems to me that ALL censorship is lame ass to the max. Do the censors believe that people are going to realize somebody says shit because the i is missing? This seems ass backwards to me.


Everybody wears them (cept me), but why? For those who don't know, pants are clothing for the legs, come in forms such as bleu jeans and khaki. In general, the make the world a less comfortable place, and get in the way of more important things. Furthermore, when not wearing pants (which includes wearing shorts), you feel the air around you clearer, though they do protect the legs from the elements, wind especially. Pants thus recieve 3/11 pant-legs.

Jesse, why must you be so biased?

This is in response to when Jesse said in response to my latest post about the Clinton admin warning the Bush admin. Seeing as how Jesse probably won't care that there are legitimate reasons for the Clinton adminstration not taking actions against Al Qaeda, I'll be breif with the details. Furthermore because of my own laziness, from now on when I say Bush or Clinton in this post, I'm refering to their adminstrations.

1. Clinton had planned to attack the forces plotting against us, but because of incidents involving his wang, the American people would not have supported it.

2. The second time Clinton was going to strike was during an election, and he didn't want to make that into Gore's campaign.

You see Jesse, it's not that I really care, it's that you unnecarily bashed Clinton, since there were actual reasons for Clinton, and I've looked and found NONE for Bush, except that he wanted to sweep the budget crisis under the rug.

ih8 idiots

I find it hard to believe that the terrorist attacks were completely inevitable. I've heard accounts of people in the Clinton adminstration who warned the Bush administration of the Al Qaeda stirring up. The response of the Bush administration was one of either arrogance or ignorance, I'm not really sure which. My point is that was a typical American response: to not care. Something unfortunate has to happen for anybody to listen, and even when they do, they don't react right, and they still don't care for very long. Don't get me wrong, I love America, I'm just not too fond of most Americans.

btw, technically, Saddam Hussein was elected "democratically", it was just a corrupt election.
and also, America doesn't just go into countries and place democracies, it puts whatever is easiest to manipulate (think chile, they democratically elected a communist, we dispose him and put a dictator in his stead)

My Review of the Sun

I left numerous sides out of the review, though there was a lot still included. Some high points were my explanation of what the sun is, and my explanation of both arguments. Some low points (and they were rather low indeed) were overwhelming bias and lack of a creative and predictable rating object. Therefore out a 11 thumbs, my last review recieves 3/11

The Sun

The Sun is a big ball of gas and plasma, and the center of our solar system. Its strengths include it's life giving properties, gravitational pull keeping the Earth in orbit, the energy it produces, and the beautiful sun rises and sunsets Unfortunately, there are many downsides of it, like its blinding capabilities, and radiation that can cause skin cancer. Furthermore, it cannot be seen the entire day (usually), leaving darkness everywhere. It's also a dumb color (yellow). In conclusion, the sun recieves 5/11 stars. On an added side note, I'd like my personal loathe to be accounted for.

fuck this shit

fuck this shit
i hate the time of year
i hate every little bit
it brings me to tears

the temperature of the air
causes my head pain
so why don't i care?
this holiday's so fucking inane

it makes me wanna scream
i just want to tear
away this fucking dream
or should i say nightmare...

in essence - christmas blows
and i really hate the snow
why won't it just fucking die
so i can poke it in the eye

Re: That's what's wrong with politics

It's hard for me to believe that you brought up Ventura, when a much, MUCH better example would have been Paul Wellstone. I mean come on. He ALWAYS voted his opinions, even to some degree the only senator to dissent from the other 99 senators. In fact, Ventura was a terrible example. His policies were unknown to practically everbody who voted for him. Furthermore, he never did anything about them once he was in office(Gross went into great detail, so it's pretty pointless for me to). And as far as the Strom Thurman issue goes, it wasn't just Gore that took notice of the racist overtones regarding Lott's statements. Besides the fact that this wasn't the first time Lott made statements about Thurman's 1948 presidential campaign; he made similar statements in the 80's. Oh, and also Jesse; LAY OFF GORE! Whenever you have a complaint about something political and you conceive a possibility of Gore being involved you relentlessly attack, despite the actual level of his involvement.

My Message, Mister Mike

My Message, Mister Mike (and other fun alliterations too!)

To start, I'd like to say that I resent being catagorized is "the rest". Secondly, I'm insulted by the fact that you say everybody here is republican. If you would care to look back, you would have noticed that neither Gross, nor I are republican. In fact, I associate myself with the Whigs, and would advise you to be a bit more attentive to the politcal statuses of this blog. And lastly, I lied about the other alliterations. There aren't any more.