the zorz's Posts

The age old question: Which is better, Shampoo or Conditioner?

We all know both are essential, but which is better? Both are vital. Shampoo tends to go on first, and often cleans the hair; sometimes needing to be used twice. Conditioner makes hair managable, and creates the after shower smell. In a war, I bet conditioner would win. It'd be insane, and probly use nuclear bombs. Yeah, I said it, conditioner is a totalitarian substance. But then shampoo would be all like "you hurt me, so I'm gonna rape your in the ass". At which point the war would ensue, and then both would die, and soap would cry cause it's all alone. :'C

Jesse, stfu

You're completely retarded if you think that we can't find ways around that. There are water based lubricants. You can make fuel out of alcohol. Just because oil is in so many things NOW doesn't mean it always will be. We should start working on something more permanent, because furthermore, there won't always be oil. If we are entirely dependent on oil, and it eventually runs out, we'll be more fucked than ever. It would be better to start spending money on something practical rather than trying to control what little scraps of a dieing system.

Why oil?

What seems dumb to me, is that we're wasting money on oil, whereas we could focus more on more renewable sources. The money we're spending on OTHER COUNTRIES could be focused domestically on energy sources like solar and or wind energy. In fact, we could build a light rail system that would work instead of going to war. Maybe it's because I'm an isolationalist, but I think the money being wasted on this situation has some real purposes hear.


wow, i just found about that people are trying to change the name of french fries to freedom fries. this is possibly the dumbest idea i have ever heard. i guess the intended point of this would be to piss off the french. as we all know, im sure they think we're going to attack and are preparing they're national flag (or just a white towel or shirt or something else white). personally, i don't plan on changing the preceding word in front of fries. this is perhaps the silliest thing i've ever heard. cause im sure people are going to support the war since the name of fries isn't french anymore.

The letter "U"

Yes, the letter U is a commonly used vowel. It's the twenty first letter of the alphabet, and is often used in the word "you", which as you all should know, sounds like the letter, and even contains the letter U. U comes from the greek letter "upsilon", which makes the "pUt" sound. U takes many forms, and exists in many words, sometimes even becoming a word itself, for example while people type back and forth online, "r u gonna go 2 the mall laterz?". Though it can be seen in many words, it's the least common actual vowel (lousy fucking Y's...), it thus doesn't become overly prevelant among the language. U thus recieves 6 capital and 3 lowercase U's out of 11.

Paul, shut up

Find your own topics to review. That's my name next to insane content and don't you forget it...
On another note, your rebut to my sox lacks clear advantages and disadvantages. Also, it wasn't a "theory", it was a review.

And for god sakes, you need a better number scale. You don't even give a total. get with the program man

Words to the n00bs

I guess just about anybody can get on this blog now-a-days... I remember the good ol' days when we were elitist bastards, and wouldn't let just anybody on... granted, it's actually ALWAYS been like this...

Furthermore, Paul, nobody "trembles" or "bows" in your "presence".

What the fuck are you talking about...

Jesse, how exactly do you know nobody else who writes here was concerned about the uber nazi coming to power in France? I for one was quite concerned.

Furthermore, Europe is definately not consolidating. Moreover it wouldn't matter even if the countries of europe WERE consolidating (which they aren't). There are multiple factions within countries that have differing opinions. That would be like saying every citizen in the US was in full support of "the war on terror", or as I like to call it, Bush's revenge for death threats on daddy.

Another thing Jesse, there was a WAVE of support to the US from European countries after the attacks on september eleven (felt like using letters rather than numbers for some reason...(on a creepy note, when i flash my bios, that's the date it was reset to...)). Support for defense can only go so far. We're going on the offensive. Iraq wasn't even involved with the attacks on 9/11. It's not that they didn't/don't care, it's that the US is stretching the boundaries under which we're calling defensive purposes.


They slide over feet, and go inside shoes. Yes, socks(often abbreviated "sox") keep the feet warm. But one might say a little TOO warm. Not only are the footwarmers in a manner of speaking, they also act as a barrier between one's feet and shoes. On the downside, you can slip/slide on some floors specifically because of socks. Out of 11 socks, socks recieve 9 socks.