Jesse's Posts

Thats whats wrong with Politics

Thats what's wrong with politics today, everyone is scared to take a stand, their scared to stand up for what they truley beleive in. Instead we get a bunch of worthless do nothings who spend all their time trying not to offend but instead to make everyone happy. Stop the bullshit, speak your mind. This is why I liked Jesse Ventura

Yes, Trent Lott

I got the names screwed up and I thought Trent Lott was just a saying, like thats a whole trent lott. Well maybe its just me. Alright, well yea... Franson is a lazy bastard

Al Gore, a true feeb among men

During the celebration of Strum Thurman's 100th birthday, Trent Lock gave a speech in which he called Strum Thurman a good man. Now all gore is calling Trent Lock racist and wants an apology from Trent because Strum Thurman back in 1948 is said to have said racist remarks against African Americans. Honestly, how old was Trent Lock when this was going on, I'm sure he was speaking of Strom Thurman as he is today and not as he was fifty years ago. It is my belief that Al Gore actually lives in his own little world of nonsense where as he invented the internet.


Alice is a fairly old game, but it is also a great game. I had not played it until today and now that I have I am very glad. Although I am not very far into the game I just want to say what what I have seen so far has been magnificent. Its based on Through the Looking Glass, the second and much darker book of Alice in Wonderland, although it does not folow the story line at all. This game is dark and freaky and not for everyone. If your like me and you get scared while playing video games(heh) you should only play during the day. It roxors my boxors for sure. Check it out

10,000 Hits!

I went to check out to see if anyone had written anything new for the Atimes and I noticed that I had gotten the ten thousandth hit. I was ecstatic and took a screen shot of it. This is the highest any of my WebPages has ever gotten to and I want to wish Oasisband well and another 10,000 hits. To celebrate this incredibly massive occasion instead of having some crappy 10,000 Hit Spectacular weve decided just to completely fix up/revamp the site. This has already begun with the Atimes and Links pages. Come back often and tell your friends.

Updated Bedroom
-After rearanging everything in my bedroom I realized I had to update the site, so go to the "about the author page" to see my new room

Anti-Terrorism... Gone too far?

The government is taking steps to have the ability to monitor suspected terrorists. Through wire taps and other meens they are listening, and how do you know their not listening to your converstations you have. My greatest fear is this whole thing is going to become one giant witch hunt like in the 1950's over communists. Well this is just a little rant I thought up since no ones written anything in quite a while.

Who wants Palladium, censorship, and no privacy in computing? Not Me!!!

Microsoft and Intel are working on a new computer base where as every program has to report to a server to make sure its legit, they get to monitor the files on your hard drive to make sure their not pirated, an Audio CD cant be played without connecting to the internet, and make it so a file made by say Microsoft Office could NEVER be opened by another program. It does this by using a "fritz" chip on your motherboard which makes sure you obey. Unlike software that can be worked around this chip is built into the mother board. ITS EVIL, DON'T BUY IT, PUT MICROSOFT OUT OF BUISNESS IF THEIR GOING TO KEEP THIS SHIT UP. for more information click here.