Jesse's Posts

Re: It's Me Again...

Just one thing, in your latest post Ben you said Franson said "Americas are some of the cockiest ethnocentric bastards of the world." , but that was I, and im proud of it.

Ben, shut up, shut up, you stupid bastard

Ben, evil brings nothing but evil. It is this simple and I'm with franson on this one, that killing in any form is evil. I take it you personally believe no innocent civilians were killed. I take it you are a child of the media. You must realize that in even the lightest context the media is nothing but manipulative. They show you not the truth but what they will get good ratings for seeing. You may have the so called "facts" but the problem is you believe the "facts." You seem like the kind of person where as CNN tells you that the boogie man lives under beds, you'd stay damn far from any bed. 911 wasn't as big of a deal as it was made out to be by the media. This kind of thing happens all over the world every day, maybe not on this scale, but it does, and no one here seems to give a fuck. And yet when it happens to us it hits us like a slap in the face, when it really should have just been a realization. The average American was ready to kill any Arab they saw because they were blind with rage. The average American doesn?t understand the situation in the Middle East and probably never will, and yet the average American votes and has an opinion on this. How is this right? I personally think that the government should be ruled by the rich, and lower and lower positions given to the poorer and poorer, so the average people still have representation. It would work far better for everything I believe. Well anyway, yea, kind of went of on a tangent there but that?s really what atimes is about. Random Tangents.

Now for those of you who were not here when Andrew asked this, which do you prefer
Efficient German Sex or Old Fashioned Melee Lovin?

Its been quite a While

Well its been I'd say over a year since anythings been done having to do with the store on the site, but today I have introduced 2 new items to the store, but instead of telling you here you will have to go find out for your self

New Atimes Members

No one seems to have mentioned anything about it, but we have 3 new Atimes members in our midst. They are Nick Miller, Mike Young, and Ben Somthingorother(to be fixed). So check out the atimes and be merry.

Theirs a problem in your logic

WHO's standards of morality per say? Obviously you mean by yours, YOURS. We look back at the Romans and their gladiators and wonder how could they do something so cruel, but you are looking through your own eyes and their in lies the problem. It wasn?t considered wrong back then and that?s because the mentality was different. Just as their mentality is different in the Middle East. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL SOMONE ELSE WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG. Just because it makes since to you, does not mean it will to them. This is the problem with many US citizens; they feel that their way is right and that just how it is, but it?s not the truth. Americas are some of the cockiest ethnocentric bastards of the world. Once you understand that their life style works as it has for thousands of years, and the people do not want to change it, let it go let them be their own country. We should support no one but our selves and we should NEVER judge anyone. We feel as though some how we inherited the duty of policing the earth, but we didn?t, and no one wants to be policed. You may not realize this, as most feeble people have not but morality is 100% opinion, their is no true right, their is no true wrong.

Who says democracy is right?

Just because we like democracy does not give us the right to shove it down other peoples throats, we would then be as bad as Russia after World War 2. I think we should let countries do what ever the hell they want and not fight unless we are first damaged. If the people want democracy let the bastards get it them selves, they don't need our help. If someone wants to worship a different god he can get the hell out of those countries

Oh, and BTW Dan, Clinton knew and also did nothing, not to mention after the Kohl (don't mind my spelling) he did nothing!

Re: Re: How Different Are We?

Dear Mr. Ben, I do believe you have misinterpreted what Andrew meant by his article, I reread it just to make sure and I do believe Andrew was saying not that "we should not fight terrorism" but instead that it should be expected, After 911 there were so many stupid people running around with stupid deer in the head light looks on their faces while I sat back relaxed expecting it. If your going to have a country as free as ours shit is going to happen, this is a realization that people must come to. Then stupid people go from being frightened to angry, but not just any anger but the worst kind, uninformed naive anger, the kind that fuels racism and most European households. We are far to comfortable here where we are, with helpless Canada above, economically challenged Mexico below, and ocean on either side. But the world is becoming a smaller place, and our beliefs on warfare HAVE to change if we are to survive. ?An attack on America, my god? is what most people would have said, but honestly if you think about it, everyone hates us and we let everyone in, I expected it and hope you did too.

Re: Right...

The school doesn't need more money; it needs to spend the money it has well. For one thing if the school doesn't have enough money how could it afford to replace all the iMacs in the school with the crappy new lamps (they didn?t even bother selling the computers because they were scared some kid was going to get some important document or something so they recycled them all), and are planning on putting a fire place in the lunch room. The jewelry department got brand new desks, and the tech department new chairs all of which they more than likely paid too much money for. Our schools are still over funded, they just don't know how to use money wisely, and I believe it's something near 80% of the states budget goes to education. That is far too much. Not just that but our teachers are some of the highest paid in the United States, making upwards of 60 thousand a year, and yet they complain that they don't have enough money. I have a 5 person family and we live just fucking fine on $30,000 a year. Also I know for a fact that the superintendent makes upwards of $130,000 a year. If the school could buy more previously used things just imagine how much they could save, "Why buy new when slightly used will do?" It?s like a slap in the face when they ask for more money. The problem is they don't care, it's not their money, they have a never ending flow of tax payer money and when Ventura pointed this out they felt threatened. The school system is like a little girl who always gets what she wants. I say for once tell the little girl to shut the hell up and slap her.

Oh, and Paul Welstone was a communist


He Dropped school funding and took his every waking hour to insult the media, this is the work of a great man. He has said him self that the media is completely controled by the Democrats, which is true. He helped bring trade with China to Minnesota and he hosted the XFL, what more do you want from a govenor, he got things done.