Jesse's Posts

Europe, Part Deux

First off I want you to direct quote me where as you say "your blog proved you wrong" Secondly where did I say that I don't know anything about European affairs, I'm quit probably the only one here who was worried about the Super Nazi Le Pen vs. More liberal candidate Jacque Chirac (please excuse my spellings). You have a large tendency to misread things (especially mine) and then bitch about things I didn't say or mean. Moreover, I refer to Europe as a single place because they are consolidating into one. If don't believe me? Look at the Euro for instance, and many of there borders are as open as ours with Canada. They are less of countries and more like states. Lastly, by care about anyone else, I meant "give a rat's ass". Europe could care less about 911. Instead their wee-little governments are too busy enforcing stupid laws like 'No Wolfenstein' in Germany, and how France still keeps their homosexuals in concentration camp like cities (at least this is what I have seen on a pbs special quite a while ago), and yet they bitch at us for not having morals. They are the ones who shall burn, by my hand if necessary.


I just want to say that Europe cares for no one but them selves, and they are too shut out from the rest of the world and too self loving to be of any signifigence. Europe has achieved nothing in the last 300 years and probably will never again. I care not if Europe supports the untied states actions, for Wisconsin is more powerful than the whole carcass of Europe. Europe is a fa?ade, as are their kings, of its former self. Europe sits around whining and never does anything about it. I say nuke Europe, for they will be the damnation of all.

Oasisband has a Band

Through some random turn of events we through together a band. "Phonx Monkey and the Five Man Trio" I added a page for the band, and I suggest you give it a look over. You can currently download all of our songs in mp3 form.

Oasisband may have been down, but the soul still Burns

Many of you probably havent noticed, but Oasisband hasnt been update in over a week. That is mainly because we use an automatic service called blogger, and in a recent turn of events the space provided to my by my ISP decided to only allow ftp access from computers on their network. Well to make a long story short has risen like a Phoenix all thanks to the kindness of a man I met through his shoutcast broadcast.



Madness, woe, and subtly sweet gloom
'tis what lies in the eye of such who live as such
may by no means be
leave thy live, for not a soul can assist
a means to an end
an end to a means

I stupid poem I wrote late at night

I'm sick of African Americans people blaming all white people for their enslavement and I'm sick of being called white!

The fact of the matter is that the great majority of slave holders were rich English immigrants, and yet all white people receive blame. How can you call an Italian the same kind of person as a Swede? They are grouping us by the color of our skin, and not by race, and yet they call it racism. It should be called something to the extent of Pigmentism.

Note that the word slave comes from the word Slav:

Acording to Merriam Webster

Main Entry: slave
Pronunciation: 'slAv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclave, from Old French or Medieval Latin; Old French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, from Sclavus Slavic; from the frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe
Date: 14th century

Slav refers to the Slavic people, who were by Europeans for centuries, African slaves are a far more recent and brief development. I am Slavic, we were enslaved far longer, and yet do we ask for retribution? Do we want companies to pay us back?

I want to live in a society where everyone can forget the sins of the past and live productive lives in a colorblind world. It was a long time ago, before you were born, let it go.

A better file sharing Agent

I have found a gnutella agent that actualy works, and has no adds of any sort. It is "Shareaza" sure the name may be cheesy but it gets work done. It roxors my boxors and I suguest you test it out. Click here

Fly the Confederate Flag High and with Pride

There is currently a war raging in the south whether the state flag of Georgia should have the confederate flag in it or not. The African Americans object to it because they say it's racist. You have to realize though that the civil war was not about slavery. In truth, it was all about economic issues. The north was really for lack of a better word fucking the south over. Now days the Super Liberals want to make it out to be a battle fought for freedom, while truly it was a battle fought for money. It is the history of the south and therefore should not be forgotten, let them raise their flag. It is a simple piece of fabric, no more meaning then the beholder cares to put into it. And if that beholder is so feeble that he feels offended by a simple piece of fabric with a pattern on it then so be it. But it is these men that will be the damnation of all man.

Windows Media Player 9

Lets just say if you didn't like 8 which was only for windows XP, you wont like nine. Its slow and ugly, and huge. Personly I like 6 or earlier. I'd suguest not to download the update UNLESS you absolutely have to.