Jesse's Posts

Truth in my words

Even if we create electric cars, electric anything it still needs to be lubricated. LUBRICATION COMES FROM CRUDE OIL. Same place we get gasoline. As does jet, and rocket fuel. Without crude oil, no space exploration, no electric cars, no imported monkeys, no intercontinental travel. It is not as simple of a matter as the democrats want to make it. Oil is everything in the world today, EVERYTHING, but few would actually admit it.

Iraq has half the world?s oil and Sadam has a history of destroying oil fields. Without oil there would be mass starvation, and we would be thrown back to the Bronze Age. Think things out. Dumb Ass to be Two

The 30th of this month marks oasisbands second birthday, and what a great two years it has been. I may do somthing spectacular, or I may not do anything. Stay tuned to find out.

I would like to announce the fact that is now courteously serving the Island of Tokelau's crappy webpage needs. Check it out

I may later do somthing with it like the difference between and but for now let it be.

Ignorance All Around

I was appalled by the walk out that took place today. First we have the people who are completely anti-war who would rather die from chemical weapons then stand up for your self, secondly we have extreme opposite, the flag toting idiots who don't even know WHY we are going to war. Asked one he replied "Because Iraq kills their own civilians?" at which point I decided to completely disregard anything further to come from their mouths. The "Nuke Iraq" signs were not only highly distasteful but also strongly insulted my intelligence not to mention the arrogant dumb asses (for lack of a better word) who toted these signs.

- As I see it the answer lies somewhere in-between. For one thing give Iraq its dignity back. We all saw what happened after World War 1 (i.e.: ww2) whereas the world treated Germany exceedingly poorly. What gives the US the right to have such weapons but not Iraq? Why should Iraq be required to defend them selves with outdated technology (mainly ground troops) whereas we the last remaining super power get to sit on our exceedingly fat asses and have the ability to blow anything up without being there.

- Lastly why do they call Sadam evil? He has been depicted as such by the government and by the media, but other than the deaths of a few Kurds is it really justified to call him a "madman?" I say no. We are not in second grade, quit the name calling

Belgium, good waffles, bad government.

More proof of my point that Europe sucks is Belgium, a small country with nothing better to do than arrest its citizens who download mp3's. You'd think a government would have something better to do such as arrest people committing real crimes. But apparently in Belgium no one commits real crimes so instead of just firing some cops they started going after people who commit victimless crimes. What?s next Belgium, going to start arresting people for J-Walking? Belgium, get a life.

Javascript Rox

I am trying to put the javascript I took the time to learn to some good use, check out the new article counter on Atimes, w00t w00t.

Ode to Hans

I just want to say I 100% agree with what Hans said (as previous articles i have written on symbolism will show) and I want to say thatI have grown in the last year to stronly dislike america if you have not yet picked that up from my articles.

In responce to Andrew & More

Anyone so arrogant and thinking them selves so much better than everyone else that they can "ride high" and waist so much fucking fuel honestly deserves to be beaten with bamboo rods until one of two things happen. They become more humble or they die. Pride is the route of all human evil. Anyone who thinks them self too good to for something ought not exist as far as I am concerned. There are few things worthy of death in my book, not murder, not rape, but pride. Pride is to hatred like no one would ever admit. Pride is why we have social classes. Pride is why individuals waist tens of thousands of dollars on ornate and valueless belongings while there are people elsewhere struggling to survive. Of course we would never go out of our way to help another because, hell, were Americans.

Running off on a wild tangent now, and yet somewhat still involved in the previous topic is my idea for a better social system. I believe that all information should be free. No more personal information, no more hidden info, no censorship, and no more fear of nudity. It would take about a decade to get used, although society probably would never truly adapt and then the government would collapse as all good governments do. As my father said when talking about Strom Thurman "Why doesn't he have the common decency just to curl up and die already" This too holds true for good governments when they get past their prime and start to over regulate and people like Al Gore start appearing wanting to force morals upon us through a fucking V Chip and the such. And this leads me back to my point, how can we force morals upon someone if morals are dependent on the family. In my family there has never been any real big thing wrong about nudity on television. We understand that it is a human body and that as such we all have the parts and we have seen them before. If you have never seen your self naked then something is obviously wrong with you. Well anyway getting back on topic I believe that all children should be taught to respect their parents by being beaten with rods until awed at their parents mere image, wait that's not my point but that works too. My real point is that I believe the working man, the man who pounds in the rail road ties and the man poring molten steel should be making the most money. Not the fucking record execs that sit on their mother fucking fat asses all day doing nothing but whine that their not getting money for selling nothing any more due to the realization by people that they are paying money for nothing. Instead people realize they can get this god damn nothing off the internet, and god damn it this leads me back to Palladium and I need to save this for my IWW paper. Well that's it for now

My Idea

I've had this idea for quite a while, stupid as it may sound, its still mine. I believe the air planes might have been crashed into the towers by secret service agents or the such. It was all an attempt to attain a reason to attack the Middle East. One huge "dog waging"(if you don't know of this you should see the movie 'Wag the Dog'.) I honestly don't trust any government or any politician for that matter. I am pessimistic of the future and paranoid of the present. I can't get my mind off Palladium (not the element (if you don't know what it is, ask Jeff or Nick)) right now but I need to save it for my paper in Intermediate Writers Workshop.

Oasisband needs your Help

I was going through the spectaculars, and I noticed that all I had was the 500, 2500,4000, 5000, 7500, and 8888 hit spectaculars. I checked every folder on all the servers, and my local hard drive. This is very depressing because we are loosing our past. If anyone has any spectacular saved on their drive for some reason or another I would be much ablidged.