Forshizzle's Posts

Response to Paul

You must remember a few things. Refusing to do something is not forcing your beliefs on others as they can go get it somewhere else (I mean I don't go to church dose that make you an atheist?). A person has every right to sell what they want in a private shop. however a public institution does not and most pharmacies probably fall under this category. Any republican strictly adhering to the thoughts of the group and taking there morals from their political party with no outside thought has major issues. And there are at least would be dissenters (not that I know but I hope so) that are in the party because it lines up on the majority of issues. As for abortion its easy to argue any angle but you really have no idea what its all about until your involved in a situation where it comes up. I've never had to make that decision myself but once you have had a woman cry on your shoulder because of something like that you see things a little differently. . .

Finally an official comic update

Uploaded the third comic of this run (including one done by Jesse and scripted by me) to complete what I consider one update. Lots of improvements are happening on the site and we want everyone to come back and start posting again. If you haven't checked out the new movies page and A-times go check those out. Lets get some more traffic so we can hit 25000 then I'll have an excuse to update a few comic.

Offret - Sacrificatio

This is probably the most amazing thing I have ever seen and maybe the most beautiful thing I will ever see. I was literally stunned for 30 minutes after viewing it. Now most of you are probably not acquainted with Andrei Tarkovsky and if your are not don't start with this move. Even more of you are probably not familiar with Sven Nykvist. Both are masters beyond words and This is the only time you will get to see them working together. The plot is hard to describe. Basically Alexander sees visions and thinks that he is the only one who can prevent world war three. The story greatly parallels the story of Job but with the questions unanswered and reward un-given. The larger issue is to explore faith and all the light and darkness that surrounds it. This is at the heart of all Tarkovsky's work and every film is one of those deep edifying experiences that make us all better as people.

In Good Company

This movie was fairly unremarkable in almost everyway. That being said it wasen't half bad. Now there was one fairly bad office scene and some actuly warented Dennis Quaid butt but not quite enough to ruin the movie. The sappy romance factor is high and the photagraphy is a bit slap-dash for my taste. Topher Grace's acting is weak at best and he has a major part in the movie. Catch it in second run if your bored. . . but be fairly bored unless your taking a chick. . . she will asuredly like it more than you do. . .

The Aviator

The Aviator is more or less a biography of Howard Hughes. Those of you not aware of Howard Hughes are probably my age and not put in raptures by shiny or really big planes. This movie was way too long. There was little action in a movie that everyone should have known the ending going into. Allot of people will say that the camera work and the direction is flawless. This can be said of most Spielberg wastes of time. Flawless with out an artistic vision is boring. I'm not as up with Scorsese as I should be but he seems to make allot of pseudo-art like this, that?s just boring. Although, this might be worth the $1 at a second run.


Sweet lady Oasis has had alot of work done in the last few months but trafic has been down. Now that everything is improved we should all try to get the trafic back to what it was in the good old days. I will try to post comics as soon as I can (there is a new one if you haven't seen it). Also The Medium has a new page (that rocks by the way) and some new songs that will get up the next time I'm back home. Lets keep this site alive and well.

Holy Crap

Well "soon" and an entire school year are almost the same thing. I have uploaded comics and they are better than normal but being as Jesse hasen't shown me how to edit the scrip they may not be up for a day or so. I've done my part so start complaining at him.


Well back to school and comics shall get updated soon. The garage sales are on sat. buy my crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Requiem for a health project

Its 4 AM and I just started my health project about an hour ago. I've done all the things I need to get done (walk the streets at 2 AM, watch tv, eat baked goods, listen to motzart and depesh mode back to back, ect.) save do my math and the comics yet again. Math will get done tomarow but the comics wont. I feel I need to some how rectify the lack of comics i will be up dating after school lets out and i also might make a Hover/Boy Nixon comic book if any one would think that interesting.