One last time...

A long time ago, this forum underwent a troubled period known as the Iraq debate. But if you insist on prodding me for info, here goes. I urge you to take this evidence of yours with a very large grain of salt. The truth is, at this point, no one knows the full extent of Sadam's arsenal. It is inevitable that some WMD's do exist. The problem lies in finding weapons hidden by a madman who considered his people little more that human shields. Furthermore, for the time being we have no way of knowing how many WMD's were destroyed during the UN's 13 year lapse of enforcing it's own Security Council Resolutions (this being more than the US). Watch where you point the finger, being the world's foremost superpower the US has been given the job of global cleanup, and the burden of bearing the consequences of the world's ignorance. Be careful when you so easily over look the damage a corrupt government can do to a nation. The fault for this war, does not and never has been on the US's hands. Alex, how can you so easily overlook the hell that Sadam is responsible for, and furthermore the UN's gross failure to deal with him. For the UN, it's far easier to wash their hands of the situation and pass their burden of responsibility from meaningless resolution to meaningless resolution. Don't forget about France who hid behind the veil of peace to protect their multi-billion oil contracts with Sadam's regime. Unlike you, who through meaningless spiting are so eager to strike a blow for those who only see one side of an issue, even if no WMD's are found, this will not become the "greatest scandal in US history." I am still yet to hear an answer why the UN still refuses to make their word mean something, and Alex, you want proof of the UN's ineptitude... here it is.

Instead of taking the action necessary to ensure Iraqi compliance in the future, it "condemned" or "deplored 10 times the failure of Iraq to abide by conditions set by the Council (this being more than just the United States.) Listed below is a sampling of those...

UNSCR 1060: "Deplores" Iraq's refusal to allow access to UN inspectors and Iraq's "clear violations" of previous UN resolutions.

UNSCR 1134: Repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access" to UN inspectors, which constitutes a "flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687, 707, 715, and 1060

UNSCR 1137: "Condemns the continued violations by Iraq" of previous UN resolutions, including its "implicit threat to the safety of" aircraft operated by UN inspectors and it's tampering with UN inspector monitoring equipment.

UNSCR 1205: Condemns the decision by Iraq of 31 October 1998 "to cease cooperation" with UN inspectors as "a flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687 and other resolutions.

The UN has adapted the "speak loudly but leave your big stick at home" stance. US forces have found a wealth of documentation detailing Sadam's WMD capabilities in the face of UN orders that he was not to possess them or implement programs to make them. This alone provides adequate justification for the US's involvement. When you add the sickening multitude of death and destruction Sadam reigned down on his people, you have wealth of evidence that far exceeds any reasonable burden of proof.

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