About VanillaCoke171

Nickname: VanillaCoke171
View all posts by VanillaCoke171
Latest Posts
- Xbox 360 Initial Review
- Hugo Chavez Dictator on the Rise
- A Response to Jesse about the Police Shooting of an Atlanta Woman
- Christianity learned the dangers of blind devotion painfully, Islam risks repeating history
- For Democrats its Less Truth, More Bush Bashing
- The Amazing Crime Solving News Anchor
- Bill O'Riley and Lou Dobbs are the banes of my existence
- Me, You, and Everyone We Know
- Websense: Flying just under the radar of Outrage
- Dodgeball (A true underdog story)
- Republicans giving Republicans a bad name
- 3 kinds of people who might actually piss off mother teresa
- Todays run down of the top 10 things that piss me off...
- Well they are a bunch of idiots....
- Why the re-recording of songs must Die.
Oldest Posts
- Jesse wont do it, but im holding a walkout against the walkout at 2:35
- "Kofi Bashing"
- Down with the UN and up with something with balls
- Socks
- Australia and France