Why the re-recording of songs must Die.

Recently, when ever they've decided to take a break from randomly sueing the consumer for refusing to buy what is generally a piece of crap. I mean no sane person would logically agree to pay 10 to 20 dollars for a CD that's likely to contain on average 3 or 4 songs they're interested in. Break it down that's roughly 5-6 bucks a song.

I'm told that we should use a legal download service to solve this predicament. However legal downloads are almost always heavily ladden with copyright protection making it difficult or impossible to enjoy the music as you would normally, either by downloading a copy-right free illegal version or by ripping it off of a legally bought CD.

I'd also invite the RIAA to accurately report its figures regarding CD sales. Its simple supply and demand. The demand is low because the product often is not worth the steadily increasing asking price, and often the consumer can't afford the luxury of paying for an entire album for the ability to listen to a few songs. Once upon a time every artist took pride in putting together an Album that was great in its entireity, those days are gone and in the world of big music business, putting out singles is the new priority. I ask someone to prove me wrong that this single handidly explains the initial success of file sharing, to which the RIAA's suing of Napster exposed to the general public as a logical alternative to getting ripped off.

The latest casuality of big business music, is the trashing of great music by some kind of compulsion to remake great music. I mean anyone should have the sense to know that no one really wants to hear Mary J. Bliege sing "Walk this Way" or be subjected to Christina Agulara recant "Car Wash." To those with this "George Lucas" type need to re-do great works all I can offer is some advice from what seems to be "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away..."

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

-Paul "Vanillacoke" Johnson

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