Pardon my grammar, we're back at square one

Please stop acting like the first thing that pops into my mind is war. No one in their right mind would ever choose war over peaceful resolution. However, the time for diplomacy has long since past. Over a decade ago, following the war in the Gulf, diplomatic efforts began to ensure that the world would never need to go to war over Iraq again. Sadam was unwilling to pay the price for his attempted conquest of Kuwait and according to the "Second report under resolution 715" (UN Security Counsel) Sadam had already begun to evade or disregard essential steps toward peace as early as October 1992, barely two years after the end of the conflict, was written using information gathered from UN and US forces in Iraq. In the next six years, UN and US personnel documented sporadic Iraqi co-operation and compliance with UN mandates. UNSCOM, the division of the UN responsible for finding out if Sadam was complying, was beginning to face significant resistance from the Iraqi. This lead to documented attempts by Iraq to prevent the inspectors from doing their job. All culminating in 1998 when the Iraqi Government officially ordered the removal of the inspectors even though they were UN mandated. In the year before their removal, UNSCOM inspectors had been organizing the dismantling of weapons that Sadam had built since the Gulf War. Sadam has no regard for the world around him. He has no regard for the welfare of his own people as seen by his use of chemical weapons on his own populous and his use of Iraqi Civilians as human shields. To him, whether his people eat or starve is irrelevant, as he's preoccupied with the state of his military. The man has no intention of going away peacefully and every intention of evading the consequences of his actions. He has systematically defied every attempt to prevent the very crisis that we find ourselves faced with today. There is a very fine line between national sovereignty and global stability. Once a nation crosses that line it becomes the responsibility to contain the rogue nation and take steps to prevent it from ever happening again. The Iraqi Government under Sadam has again become a clear and present danger to global stability. We are back to square one. The situation in Iraq is no better off than it was ten years ago because Sadam Hussein has and will continue to refuse to accept the consequences of his decisions. If I am wrong and war is avoidable, then we are all the better knowing that the problem in Iraq was solved without conflict. However I have seen little to indicate that a peace deal is possible, and even less to suggest that Sadam would abide by the terms of such a deal if it was reached. The world's dealings with Sadam have been met with little more than manipulative lies and broken promises from Baghdad. For over a decade, Sadam has had the opportunity to improve the condition of his people. Instead, he's slaughtered them by the thousands (some reports place this figure in the millions). Sadam has had the chance to reconcile with the global community, instead he has done nothing but provoke them. War is a terrible thing, but Sadam, through his own madness, has deliberately steered both Iraq and the world into this conflict. Sadam's actions over the last 11 years have proven his sees peaceful intervention as a method of manipulating the global community. The US has is finally taking steps to end the decade long appeasement of a madman by enforcing the UN resolutions Sadam regarded as irrelevant and speaking to him in the only language he understands: force.

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