The UN Security Council: Our motto since 1991, speak loudly but leave your stick at home

April 3, 1991: United Nations Security Council Resolution UNSCR 687 is passed. The resolution calls for the following

1.) Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all research, development, support and manufacturing facilities."
[-Coalition forces are finding this stuff as we speak]

2.) Iraq must "unconditionally agree" not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material" or any research, development or manufacturing facilities.
[-Documentation has been found of Iraqi attempts to acquire both refined nuclear material and the equipment needed to refine unprocessed nuclear ore into useable weapons; as well as the equipment needed to launch ballistic missiles]

3.) Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 KM and related major parts and repair and production facilities."
[-Several weapons including Scuds have been fired against Kuwait in the current engagement while others have been modified for range in excess of 150KM. The firing of a Scud was proof of Iraq?s failure to comply as the weapons have a range of 298 KM (roughly 185 miles)
-British reports indicate the Iraq also has around 20 Al-Hussein missiles that have a range of 644KM and can be tipped with biological or chemical weapons]
-According to CNN Iraq also has an unknown number of FAW 200 cruise missiles that have an operational range of 200 KM.]

4.) Iraq must not "use, develop, construct or acquire" any weapons of mass destruction.
[-See Chemical attacks against Iraqi Kurds in 1988]

5.) Creates the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) to verify the elimination of Iraq's chemical and biological weapons programs and mandated that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verify elimination of Iraq's nuclear weapons program.
[-UNSCOM and the IEA were expelled from Iraq after they began to make headway exposing Baghdad?s widespread failure to comply.]

6.) Iraq must fully declare its weapons of mass destruction programs.
[-Documentation has been found of the continuation of Iraqi efforts to obtain and produce weapons of mass destruction, that have remained undeclared]
7.) Iraq must not commit or support terrorism, or allow terrorist organizations to operate in Iraq.
[-Coalition Troops have found a number of Terrorist Training Camps in
Northern Iraq]

And so it began...

A total of 17 resolutions were passed between 1991 and the passage of Security Council resolution 1441 on November 8, 2002 which called for:

-An immediate and complete disarmament of Iraq and its prohibited weapons.
-UNMOVIC and the IAEA full access to Iraqi facilities, individuals, means of transportation, and documents.
-[Also contained reminder that] the Security Council has repeatedly warned Iraq and that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations

It has been a decade long story that has shown the inability of the Security Council to act back up its words with action, and enforce its' mandates when and where they are violated. The Council knew full well that Iraq was violating its resolutions. However instead of taking the action necessary to ensure Iraqi compliance in the future, it "condemned" or ?deplored 10 times the failure of Iraq to abide by conditions set by the Council (this being more than just the United States.)

Other Iraqi Infractions recognized by the Security Council are documented in:

UNSCR 1060 : "Deplores" Iraq's refusal to allow access to UN inspectors and Iraq's "clear violations" of previous UN resolutions.

UNSCR 1134: Repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access" to UN inspectors, which constitutes a "flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687, 707, 715, and 1060

UNSCR 1137: "Condemns the continued violations by Iraq" of previous UN resolutions, including its "implicit threat to the safety of" aircraft operated by UN inspectors and it?s tampering with UN inspector monitoring equipment.

UNSCR 1205: Condemns the decision by Iraq of 31 October 1998 ?to cease cooperation" with UN inspectors as "a flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687 and other resolutions.

Yet, people remain convinced that the UN is capable of making the hard decisions needed to rebuild a country ravaged by thirty years of terror that runs so deep; Iraqi civilians eager to see Sadam gone are still haunted by his barbaric though now faltering regime. The UN can and should play a significant role in Humanitarian relief, but it?s track record over the past decade has proven that the UN is incapable of making tough choices in a timely manner even when the Iraqi Government has eliminated all doubt of their refusal to comply with the UN. After a decade of condemnation and inaction, a number of people would rather put the UN back in charge of rebuilding a country whose regime it repeatedly failed to keep in check. The US and its allies will finish the job in Iraq for just as we haven?t abandoned Afghanistan and we will not abandon Iraq. Under the "watchful eye" of the UN, Iraq has managed to keep a $7 Billion black market program alive. Instead of using the money ease the plight of the Iraqi people, the Iraqi leadership funnels the money into the pockets and the bank accounts of the Iraqi elite. Palaces, lavish cars, foreign assets, the Iraqi leadership has been keen to spend the both legitimate and illegitimate funds on everything except the welfare of the Iraqi people. The Security Council has had over a decade to bring accountability to its efforts in Iraq, only to remain complacent in it?s ineptitude.

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