
Take Warning

Nick I would recommend not attacking people who have no say in this forum unless they are of the political realm. You can attack a group of people as a whole but unless they are able to defend themselves in this forum it is and act of cowardice and I would say it is grounds for becoming a Magico. If you want you could post that person's response under your name or convince Jesse to allow that person to post their response under their own name. But unless you do that Don't attack people who are defenseless.

Parallel Legal System

This is the wourst breach of the constitution during the 21st and 20th centuries. For those of who don't know about it try researching it to get more details but i will give a brief description. Basically any citizen or non citizen can be moved from the normal legal system into the parrallel legal system based on any anti American rhetoric or terrorism. The parallel legal system can hold people in prison and not give them a swift trial don't allow them their phone call, don't read them their rights, don't allow them to contact lawyer, and they don't neccessarly get a jury when they are eventually tried. This is far worse than the Sedition Acts of Adams and it definitely looks like the Mcartney courts of the cold war. The government should not have the power to break its own constitution so it can take away even more civil liberties. Furthermore, Jesse is perfectly correct in his last article, the government is becoming a bigger brother.deliberately Because the bombings on september 11th the government is able to grow. Which of course it quite hyprotical of the GOP because they always plead for a smaller government. With this growing size of the government our conutry is in the wourst condition since the cold war and yet people will keep on wagging their flags as their rights become so dismayal that waving the flag won't even be protected by the constitution.

My Message, Mister Mike

My Message, Mister Mike (and other fun alliterations too!)

To start, I'd like to say that I resent being catagorized is "the rest". Secondly, I'm insulted by the fact that you say everybody here is republican. If you would care to look back, you would have noticed that neither Gross, nor I are republican. In fact, I associate myself with the Whigs, and would advise you to be a bit more attentive to the politcal statuses of this blog. And lastly, I lied about the other alliterations. There aren't any more.

337 14n b0x

A certain Wellstone Whore who will remain nameless (think...) approached me during 3 block earlier today. He slowly removed a stack of 3 or 4 anime DVDs from his backpack and in a desperate attempt to be rebellious said, "Hey Nick! I'm going to hijack the tech presentation room during lunch and watch some anime! Care to join me?" I chuckled, then mockingly declined, and thought to myself, "The presentation room will be in use and he will return to class with his tail between his legs..." Of course my prediction was correct. One would think that after being shot down so many times, Mr. Activist would change his ways. Oh no. He continues to astound me. With such classic comments like "Will you help me build a 1337 14n b0x?" and "Pete Markham is a cubicle jack-off guy," the end of the stupidity remains an extremely distant point in perhaps only an alternate universe. Will he ever realize that no one takes him seriously? Will he ever realize that his so-called "activist efforts" will never ammount to anything? Is death the only escape?

Also, "meh" is a completely heinous word and all that use it should be shot.

Information for your face.

Many of you know that Donat and the rest are all dirty republicans. So you might think "Oh no! a new guy! I bet he's a dirty republican as well!" Fear not my friends, for I am here to even the odds. Oh, also next year I can vote...so there is one insignificant percent less of a chance that we'll get another "Bush" type person in office.

Anti-Terrorism... Gone too far?

The government is taking steps to have the ability to monitor suspected terrorists. Through wire taps and other meens they are listening, and how do you know their not listening to your converstations you have. My greatest fear is this whole thing is going to become one giant witch hunt like in the 1950's over communists. Well this is just a little rant I thought up since no ones written anything in quite a while.

Who wants Palladium, censorship, and no privacy in computing? Not Me!!!

Microsoft and Intel are working on a new computer base where as every program has to report to a server to make sure its legit, they get to monitor the files on your hard drive to make sure their not pirated, an Audio CD cant be played without connecting to the internet, and make it so a file made by say Microsoft Office could NEVER be opened by another program. It does this by using a "fritz" chip on your motherboard which makes sure you obey. Unlike software that can be worked around this chip is built into the mother board. ITS EVIL, DON'T BUY IT, PUT MICROSOFT OUT OF BUISNESS IF THEIR GOING TO KEEP THIS SHIT UP. for more information click here.


It purely matters whether or not they start to get uppity and wheter or not we in the CJA get bored.

Eat it

For all the evil the catholics have commited in the last 500 years, and for the Jewish creating Sam Rosen I will have take sides with the protestants