

I would like to let all of you protestants to be weary. Rachel Lavenda and I have created the Catho-Jeudism Alliance in which we are going to take down to protestants together. For most of you this means death, I am sorry you need to reform your souls some time, so I guess this is the appropriate time. All you atheists can live for now, until we run out of protestants to take down then we will come after the agnostics and atheistists out of sheer boredom. I am sorry I have to be the one to inform all you protestants, but you knew this day would come soon enough. But on a plus note if you suck up to Rachel and myself we could ask the Pope and the Jewish General "Someone" to spare your life until the 3rd or 4th wave. TA!

Am I wrong?

This is really just some random tangent, but here's what I think. If someone wants to commit suicide let them, they have their reasons and the world is overcrowded enough as it is, so if people are going to kill them selves more power to them. If everyone who wanted to commit suicide would, think of all the mouths that could be fed of people who don't want to die but will due to starvation. Think of all the money that could be saved, just think about it. Suicide should be encouraged to help prolong man kind's meaningless existence, instead of shunned and looked down upon. Suicide in my eyes is about one of the most respectable things a person can do. Secondly what give you the right to tell somone they must live in a place they hate so very very much. Some say its "the easy way out" and they meen that in a disrespctfull way, but water takes the easiest root as does electricity and these are both very noble things. Well this is my random thought for today, please don't take offence.

Everything Fucks Up At Once

Does anyone else notice that when one thing in life goes wrong, it isn't just that one thing but yet a whole stream of things come after. Today after a few unfortunate events I just felt awful and then a friend who I needed to talk to on phone was using hte internet and that damn dial tone kept coming up. And I wanted just to beat the shit out of my telephone. Next up my computer kept crashing and once again I wanted to beat the crap out of it. And then my email wouldn't work and blogger wouldn't work. And I am getting damn sick of everything going wrong on the exact same day at almost the exact same time, why the fuck can't God spread all this shit out?


I duno, im just pissed that deviantart told me I can't have:

a) Racist Slurs
b) Anti-Semitic or other derogatory remarks about philosophies and religions.
c) Offensive remarks based on gender or sexual preference.

so I would like to say oasisband.net is completely open to:

a) Racist Slurs
b) Anti-Semitic or other derogatory remarks about philosophies and religions.
c) Offensive remarks based on gender or sexual preference.

Just don't flame, flame and I'll kick your ass

The American Dream

The American Dream has always consisted of the ideal that the common people of this country were able to participate in the government and to have their voices heard. Unlike the monarchies of Europe or the totalitarian states of communism and fascism the democracy that has been employed in America allows for all peoples to choose who is to run the country. Foreigners flock to America because in this nation people are able to choose their leader instead of being forced to follow the rules of a leader who does not represent the people. This system has also created leaders who are forced to listen to his people because if he doesn?t the people have the power to remove and elect a new ruler. The democracy in America is one of the greatest reasons that, when concerning America, foreigners do not want to remain foreigners and become members of a country that allows political power to all those who want it.

But the process that has been installed the eliminate corruption in our society has been corrupted. Many times voting has been restricted few of the masses. In the very birth of our nation only men with land were able to vote. It wasn?t until Andrew Jackson when the common man started to vote. Yet still only the white men were able to vote. It wasn?t until the 20th century that black men were allowed to vote after being subject to unfair tests that would keep the black populist out of the voting booths and out of power. Then it took an even longer time for the women?s right to vote. The ideals behind the American Dream, in which all where able to participate in voting was not true until the very late 20th century.

The one consecutive truth of the American Dream is that all people eventually get accepted into our nation. The Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, African, German, Middle Eastern, and all other peoples managed to eventually, through a long struggle, get accepted as an American. Today when the question is asked where are you ancestors an amalgamation of countries is stated by many individuals. Americans consist of every nation of the world and thus something about the American Dream is a truth. People from everywhere come to America in search of something and get satisfied with what they find. The American Dream though corrupted a lot, is still not a hoax and never will be as America entertains the most diversity, whether or not it accepts the diversity, than any other nation that exists today or has every existed.

And when you do them people think that you're cool (it's from a song)

What should be the drug policy of US? Currently, the government is being retarded on the issue. Billions are spent each year to stop drugs from flowing into the US, but it's still incredibly easy to get pretty much drug one would desire. In the land of the free, is it ok to restrict some drugs, but not others? Is alcohol better than say marijuana? Are shrooms worse than a cigarettes? Some drugs I can barely tell the difference, like caffeine and speed, they both have the same effect. The whole issue is idiocy at work. Not only could we use the money saved on useful purposes, the incoming drugs could be taxed. There are examples of countries with realistic drug policies, but US politicians are too dumb to look else where for ideas.


In my eyes, the flag is nothing. It's about the same as burning a pair of pants... cause hell, they're pretty similar, they both cover up the what really matters.

BTW, I'm back to my old ways again- by which I mean slacking, and/or .... uh .... slacking........ so I guess you'll see a few posts if I'm not slacking (HAHAHAHAHA THAT NEVER HAPPENS), so expect to see more of my rants in the somewhat near/far future.........


Ya know who burns more American flags than any other group on the face of the planet? The United States government. After all, burning is the accepted way to dispose of an old flag... Well done, Jesse and Andrew.

Adding on to Andrews Last

I personally support flag burning because a flag is just a symbol and symbolism is not to be taken seriously for if we all become too centered around symbolism that we will punish someone for not respecting a mere symbol then we are but pure evil. Do not take symbolism seriously, do not stand for a flag or the national anthem, it is just us allowing our selves to be brainwashed into following what the government tells us. Do the United States a favor and burn a flag. I would have to say for once I agree with nearly everything Andrew has had to say, and if you have not yet read his article I recommend you do as such.

Flag Burning (Revisited Again)

The main coherent opposition to flag burning lies in the fact that the flag is sacred. The opposition entertains the belief that an American flag is more important than fixing a corrupt government. Americans take more offense to a flag being burned than by q government that brutalizes its citizens, or a government that supports a biased justice system, or a government that chooses to invade other countries, slaughter innocents, and internally create a system of government in the country that looks favorably to the United States, but yet is more corrupt then the previous government. And all those things have happened in our United States. The newspapers are consistently depicting events in which a police officer beats a man or women for being black. They also depict men or women being freed from jail after 20 years after they were determined to be innocent of any crime. And look to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and far worse Dresden for the slaughtering of innocents; and South Vietnam and Afghanistan for creating and supporting the corrupt government. But yet Americans choose to ignore the facts and instead choose to support their government and agree with its policies by not paying attention to flag burners and the protestors. Why is the flag sacred? Is it because it symbolizes a country that has slaughtered millions of innocents, or is it sacred because it symbolizes a country who prided itself on its racial tolerance when it practiced the worst slavery known in common history? These are the things that the American flag represents. It is the fixation that Americans have with their country and the infallibility of their country that precipitates the idea of the flag being sacred. The ultimate question becomes then, which is more important, a pure and just democracy or the American flag?