
I would rather Not

I don't have the time or the want to find you your links, but instead you can look them up yourself, you lazy lazy man. But what I don't understand is that when I have been ranting and raving for the last few weeks you said nothing. You passively sat and read and then as I presume agreed with my rants. Then I bring up the topic of you precious politcal party, in which your political opinion is merely shaped by that of the elites of your party, and you get very very angry and upset. So I am slightly laughing to myself thinking that your complete and absolute blind patriotism to your party has kept your from admitting to or at least acknowledging the hypcrocies that are omnipresent throughtout their entire platform. I am so critical of the Republicans because they have the possibility to having a great platform but yet the inequalties they portray leads me to stay indepedently conservative from all political parties as a whole. You can't sit there and say that republicans don't want the government to control moral issues because it is obvious that they do, they want the gov't to enforce their ideals and to suppress those who have different ones. What I find funny in you Franson as that in all regards I see you as a pretty liberal person. You support the Rosevelts and Lincoln, while you dislike Jackson. You would probably say that Regan was a great president just because the elites of your political party say so. All I want you to do is to take my article to heart, not for its lousy mechanics or its of base concepts, but because you should think with your own God damn brain and not the one that is prescribed to by your Republican officials. Think Man (Oh and yes you started a war of wits and I am way undermanned, so get ready for the bull shit cannons cause you are going down).

Ah, Suckers

Well good I thought that maybe an article would get you lazy asses to write and it did, I am God fear me.

Um... Gross...

Firstly, you're talking about pro-life, not pro-choice. As they're opposites, I thought you might want to know. Second, while I wouldn't call your article as drastic and off-base as Magico's insanity, I'd still appreciate it if you'd back your ramblings up with some solid facts. Give us some links to the legislations of which you speak (I'm interested in reasing the "Patriotism Act" myself... that's a pretty nasty comparison). Oh, I'm forgetting something. **Insert argument against political parties here**. There, I feel a bit better now.

~Franson (I'm baa-aack).


WORK SOME SENCE INTO YOUR RANTS OR YOU WILL GO THE WAY OF MAGICO, not even you my feathered friend are not too powerful for me to take down with the click of a mouse button

Fuck The Republicans

I have been looking over bill that Republicans have passed and I come to the conclusion to just fuck the Republicans, why? Because Republicans merely want the government to stay out of their economy, but on the other hand, they want the government to restrict anything than doesn't coincide with the WASP view point. YES I am a conservative, but not a fucking republican. I mean look at abortion for example, eventhough I am prolife yet I have completely different views than the moronic Republicans. Why do Republicans believe that prolife is a good thing, not because it will save the child's life, but no to punish the women for sleeping around. That is why they want abortion to be legal if there is rape involved, which to me it doesn't seem right to be able to kill a child because you were raped. Look at the Patriotism Act that was issued after 9/11, do they remind you of the Sedition Acts of John Adams because they sure as hell do to me. Over to the marijuana debate the Republicans constantly shout small government, let us run our own lives, yet they say this idea doesn't apply to marijuana because it is against our values. I truly do hate myself for claiming that I was a Republican earlier on these blogs, but I have seen the light and I am sickened with the Republicans. And lastly a little bit of clarificfication, throughout my rant I said Republicans well I am sure their are Republicans who don't have the same ideas as the one I laid out for you, I don't mean to make a blanket statement. But by referring to Republicans I am talking about the general attitude and ideals throught the party itself. So to conclude my last statement I think a good ol' Fuck The Republicans, will be very well in order indeed. (Oh and fuck spelling and commas as well).

Bootlagging Bandit?

I saw numerous specials on TV about how great America was and so then they decided to include JFK into their mindless drone like ramblings. And I thought to myself "Self, that name, JFK, would never be important unless daddy Kennedy hadn't made fortunes on bootlegging during prohibition. Now not that I am much of a prohibitionist as I think it is a horrid oppressive and anti-Catholic law, but what is funny is that the Kennedys made their money and earned their fame through illegal activities. And is kind of humerous, at least to me, that good old King of Camelot became president through some illegal boose. Now to come to a point around this idea, most of the lefttus guerillas who are anti alcohol and think that minors shouldn't be drinking it are the same who believe Jack is one of our greatest presidents. So if alcohol made this man so great than why would you (leftus guerrilla) want me to not be drinking this shit?

Annoying Entertainment & Media

Ugh... Do even have to explain? I'm mean seriously, what the fuck? Stoopid[sic] commercials, and internet ads galour. Do I really need online casinos telling me that I could have $700 for free for gambling, when it's illegal for me to gamble anyway? I'm just really pissed at all this fucking spam and retarded internet ads that I'm dealt throughout my day. I typically receive at least 15 emails per day asking me if I want their products, half of which are illigal. The companies just aren't thinking. For example, there is a certain ad that my constantly causes programs to crash on my computer; so after they ruin my computer, am I willing to pay them for their product? HELL NO! In fact, they're lucky I'm too lazy to retaliate. Also, I'm tired of unoriginal television commercials, and well, tv in general. I'm tired of all the moronic shitcoms that plague the airwaves. I honestly don't understand how anybody can watch such garbage. In fact, of all the good tv shows I can think of at least half are cartoons (Adult Swim: where would we be without ye?). What's even worse is that people pass off cartoons as being juvenile, even though they inherently have more creative potential. Why the hell are people so damn ignorant??

I Am Sorry

When I read your article Juola I didn't pay much attention and I read it wrong, for what you said in your rebuke of my article mocking you made me think that I agreed with you. And I reread your article and it ended up that I agree with a large portion of your points. So I just want to say my mocking wasn't completely neccessary except I still don't like the channel shit as well as you quoting a two year older's book, but that has nothing to do with your philosopy. My apologies.