
Insanity in the courts

There was a man who was rear ended by a woman on the highway who had her dog on her lap, she kept on driving, he forcerd her to the side, took her dog out of the car and trew it into oncoming traffic. He is now in jail and she got off without a single charge. I say this is insanity, under proper provication you should have the right to take the law into your own hands. This includes the killing of dogs when nessessary! She was a danger to all, and I believe her licences should be taken away and she should be greatly fined.

Anyone Else With Me On This, Or Am I Going Stark Raving Crazy?


Okay, here goes:

Does anyone else see the absurdity of this situation? My father, in all his incredible wisdom, has decided that I, being an impressionable teenager, may not watch R-rated films, despite the fact that some of the best movies out there bear said rating. (Example: I ask him to see every single one of the following. His one an only reply? "You can, when you're seventeen". Here's the list: A Clockwork Orange, Godfather I, Godfather II, Godfather III, The Silence of the Lambs, Patton, and Platoon.) Side notes: 1. He scoffed at me when I asked to see A Clockwork Orange, asking "why do you want to see that?". 2. He OWNS the Godfather trilogy.

Just as some background, of the 35 or so American Film Institute Top 100 films made since the movie rating system was enacted, 17 or so were R-rated. That means that the R-rated category produces just as many good films per year as those in all three other categories combined.

But here's where it gets really good. On his own, he has asked me to see the following critically-acclaimed R-rateds: Alien 3, Blade, and The Matrix, all by himself, with no prompting whatsoever from me. Am I missing something here, or is my dad an ignorant hypocrite who contradicts both himself and readily-available information on a daily basis?

Hmm... I seem to have forgotten all the language I was going to add... Oh well, best just leave it. *another bitter laugh*

~Chris Franson, 2/8/02

No one is reading this anyway

I know no one ever reads this so I have decided to speak my mind, those of you who are not reading this may remember my article "Why I hate Minnesota" which ended up being more of an anti-suv article. Well this time I am going to dig much much deeper into this, I'm going to point fingers and call names.

I want to start off by saying the people of this state are some of the worst people on earth. Minnesota has no morals. Almost everyone here fits at least one of these categories: "Money Grubbing Bastard, Image obsessed bitch, Overbearing Ass Wipe, Ignorant Fool, Passive Aggressive Son of a Bitch, Communist, Bleeding Heart, and just plain Jack Ass"

Another reason Minnesota is a horrible place to live is the simple politics of the place, they are all democrats. They're answer to anything is lets throw the people hard earned cash at it instead of reforming the current system because its much easier and doesn't work. And on the ignorant fool area, about 2 years ago, maybe less then that when senators were being elected they elected the man(Mark Dayton) who blew a whole bunch of promises out his ass, instead of the man who had much more experience, and had about 1/3 as many commercials as the opponent. I believe it was somewhere around $200,000 Mark Dayton spent on commercials. He simply won because he was rich and had more money to blow out is ass. Also on the topic of politics, the stupid ass laws they create in Minnesota, I'm many cities it is illegal to park more than 3 cars in your yard, illegal to park a camper on your lawn, illegal to cover a car with a tarp, when a tree is on public property in front of your house you cant chop it down but your required to maintain it, their is a maximum length your grass may reach before you are required by law to mow it, your required to have a certain percentage of grass on your lawn, your only allowed to own two dogs, and you can get more time in jail for killing a dog in cold blood than a person.

Last but not least, what made me decide to write this is the fact of the stupid ass rules in my school. We went to get 3 copies of a packet for the teacher today, they told us we needed a TA pass, then we returned with a note from the teacher, one again rejected. Why would we want go to such measurs just to waist paper? This is the kind of thing that could make a person want to repeat columbine, although I am sane and am not going to.

A National Disgrace

I am sure all of you reading this are familiar with the many images, and flash animation's making fun of Osama Bin Laden. I have but one thing to say, oh please my fellow Americans, do not view or create this foolish pieces of garbage, because by doing so you are insulting every Americans intelligence and are proving their point.

Follow-up: The Truth

While I very much agree with your view on Democrats, I have no choice but to disagree with your statement as a whole. I doubt the government has recovered Bin Laden, as he may very easily have fled Afghanistan unnoticed. But if the government is, as you suggested, "wagging the dog" until most of the terrorist population of Afghanistan is destroyed, is it really such a bad thing? Certainly it is an action that disturbs the American faith in their government, but is it not for the greater good that these dangerous terrorists be taken out of action? If the government has decided to be untrustworthy in this case, I believe that they have the best interests of the people of the United States in mind, or it played at least a minor role in their decision-making process.

The Truth

-Everyone talk of how it would be so hard to find Bin Laden, and how the government is working night and day to hunt him down. The truth is they don't want to find him. If they were to find him do you think that they would get continued support for the strike against the terrorists from the democrats, HELL NO. The democrats like to weasel their way out of things, not fighting the fights that need to be fought. Just like when Clinton was in office and the Cole was attacked and he did nothing about it (the lousy son of a bitch). They will do a good job taking out the terrorist groups before they go after Bin Laden, although the truth of the mater may be that they already have him and are holing him in captivity until they think they have most of the terrorists taken out. They are "Waging the Dog" as it were. Now remember the governent is never to be trusted on any level.

Its been a month

-It took me a month, but look were kicking their ass just as i predicted, they dont have the fire power to take us out, they have to use our own devices to atack us which is not a very good system if you ask me. This isnt going to be like ww2 as i said, its almost over actualy, so in your face franson!


-Because america is strong, and will not let things like that hurt our freedom. Also World Peace is imposable, and it wont be worldwar iii for its pretty much the entire world vs. the middle east, therfore is not wide spread enough to be concidered a world war