
What's to become of it all?

Since seemingly no one has desired to write anything the past few weeks, I'll try and jumpstart a conversation. What do you all think is going to result from the terrorist events of September 11th? World peace, or World War III? What's your opinion?

The so called "terrorists" atack of the World Trade Center and The Pentagon

-I'm going to start this off by saying it is idiotic saying that this had to have taken years to plan, It wouldnt be hard at all unless you were mentaly retarded, with a drunken monkey super glued to your back. You get some friends who don't like the U.S. and say "hey, lets get on some planes and crash them into the World Trade Center and some other important buildings" It wouldnt be that hard.

-Secondly, where do we get off automaticly asuming it has somthing to do with the middle east, I know they know some people from the middle east were on the plane, but there is no way to asume they had anything to do with this. I am partialy from middle eastern decent, and I would have to say that that is very racist.

-Lastly, didnt anyone else see this coming? I know I did, I'd been expecting some major terroristic act for about 2 years here, it doesn't take much any more to kill a whole lot of people, so if you wanted to, it'd be fairly easy. I'm realy suprised this didn't happen earlier.

The Evils of Walmart, continued

The evils of Walmart are so many it's hard to list them all on one page. The redeeming qualities listed by Jesse earlier seem to be the only ones. I was almost glad to hear that a Walmart store had gone out of business (this was about a week or two ago). For starters, have you ever tried to walk through the aisles there? The management crams so much crap into said aisles that I find it impossible to pass someone when they decide to peer upon the crap stacked in the aisles themselves. Also, need I say it again, music censorship is evil!! I feel sickened when an upstanding store such as Target (which is a great store (for the most part) in my opinion) censors the music they sell. It sickens me to the core. Well thats about it for now. If I think of more evils of the modern-day world, I will be sure to make my opinions known.

The Evils of Walmart

-I used to like shoping at Walmart, their anti union which I like since it keeps prices down, and they have a good selection of nintendo oddities such as my game saver for my super nintendo(very cool.) But the other day I was watching tv and discovered that A. Walmart is the largest CD seller in the world, and B. They refuse to cary any thing with a Parental Warning on it. I find this to be an insane feat by them. I find censorship to be one of the greatest evils to ever lerk the earth. I believe censorship is like lieing, and should not be tolerated. If we censor things that are "too harsh" we all become ignorant fools, and ignorance is one of the other great evils, im running out of ideas for this article, so die

A review of idiocy and disgust

-First off, I believe the only form of legalized marajuana that should be legal to use would be the form that is not smoked, but injested instead, although this form has been proven not to be as affective as its counterpart, people can not get high off of it, and therefore there would not be any cases of people not needing it using it. Also, I believe that any liberal Republican does not deserve to call him self republican, for he goes against everything that the republican party stands for. Also this is not ment to be a battle ground, but for people who think diferently than most to express their opinions. I can understand your want to correct an error in somone elses judgement, but other than that this is free speech. Happy Hunting

Yet Another Side to this Multi-faceted Debate

Now to defend myself: In my article, my point (however clearly I put it) was that I would rather have drug trafficking done by no-one, much less by the government which is supposedly here to help us with our problems rather than magnify them. I think we all agree that if marjuana was legalized, it would be more accessable to the average person (Little Jimmy could rob a pharmacy, forge a prescription (it's easier than you'd think) or commit some other sort of crime to obtain it, rather than just buy it direct from the dealers and crime lords). Why not recruit more police officers to go undercover and stop the drug trafficking that occurs now, rather than destroying more innocent lives for a 'good cause'?


Follow Up To: Legalized Marijuana: WHY?
Posted: [6/29/2001 5:58:38 AM | Chris Franson]

I would like to start my follow up to Franson?s article by declaring that I am a supporter of the Republican Party. I am not a conservative republican; instead I am a fairly liberal republican. But yes, I am a republican.

As Franson stated: ?Little jimmy is interested in getting high, and he doesn't want to kill himself using inhalants, or pay a whole bucketful of greenbacks to get hooked on cocaine or heroin.? This is the scenario that Franson created for his argument; I will use the same. In the current situation Little Jimmy would walk down to a park, a street corner, a back alley, or any other place that has some dealers near by. Little Jimmy gets some marijuana laced with LCD and Little Jimmy ends the next day dead with an overdose. That probably won?t occur but it could . . . and probably does. If marijuana was legalized this situation would never occur.

Little Jimmy goes to the local drug store to get his marijuana, and he gives the pharmacist his forged prescription, and walks out with his marijuana -- this would hardly ever happen because the chances that little Jimmy can actually forge a prescription and get away with it are so small. I am sure when congress instates the bill that they will take some precautions, so that it would be very difficult to forge a prescription for marijuana. For the sake of discussion though, what if Little Jimmy gets away with it. He is going to have safer marijuana ? some that isn?t laced with LCD. Jimmy doesn?t end up dead with an overdose the next day, but instead just gets a little high.

?Why may I ask would we want to make drugs even more accessible to young people in this already drug-infested society?? (Franson) More accessible! What is easier going to a street corner or park or wherever to get drugs, or getting the paper that doctors write their prescriptions on, then forging their signature, then walking over to a local pharmacy, then waiting for fifteen to thirty minutes because the pharmacist takes so bloody long. Which is easier?

There is no reason to keep allowing the drug lords to control this profit making, life-destroying drug. Instead I would rather have the Government control the trafficking of this drug. This is a simple choice, who would be better to have control the drugs and the outcome of little Jimmy?s drug experience, the mobs, gangs, and drug lords or the government . . .?