

Alice is a fairly old game, but it is also a great game. I had not played it until today and now that I have I am very glad. Although I am not very far into the game I just want to say what what I have seen so far has been magnificent. Its based on Through the Looking Glass, the second and much darker book of Alice in Wonderland, although it does not folow the story line at all. This game is dark and freaky and not for everyone. If your like me and you get scared while playing video games(heh) you should only play during the day. It roxors my boxors for sure. Check it out

Meatwad's Dance Dance Jambox

Meatwad's Dance Dance Jambox

For those of you familir with Aqua Teen Hunger Force you may want to know that the site just release a new game. It kicks major ass. Go there NOW AND PLAY IT. BUT DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OVERSHADOW MY HIGH SCORE! But go and have a 5/-33 relative time... whatever I mean by that.... Hmmmm....

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Adult swim on cartoon network is awesome, and we all know that. However, the best show is Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Why? It just is, so shut up stoopid! I've been spending a great deal of time at the unofficial website ( The games made by these guys, and the chat, and the message boards; all excellent. Trust my claim that Meatwad's Dance Dance Jambox is fun. Btw, you can check out the chat with the MAKERS OF THE SHOW on the site too. SO FUCKING GO ALREADY! I give the site 11 out of a possible 11.

Game Cube Club

Game Cube Club

I just got back from the Game Cube Club (as my title may have suggested). For those of you who don't know what that is, it's where I went to a place where Nintendo was showing off their new/unreleased games. I played a variety of games there, and had a fantastic time. However, that is less important. What is important is that I played all the new games for game cube, such as Zelda, Metroid, and Mortal Kombat; all three of which have yet to be released and hit the market. The new games, all excellent. I even played Jedi Knight II, which was excellent on the PC, and it was very interesting on the GC.


We all know and love dvd(digital video disc) movies. They are the size of cds and and they play movies. The plus side of dvds are the size as laser discs, and the fact that they aren't magnetic and stoopid. It's a real convienence to be able to search though a movie be scene rather than ff and/or rw. The only drawbacks I can possibly think of would be the fact that they're slightly more expensive, and they equipment to burn dvd's is expensive as well. Overall, I really like dvds, and they receive 10/11 chickens.

"Stereo Type A" by Cibo Matto.

I played this album untill my speakers busted! Just moments ago the back fell of one of my EV's. This album is great all the songs are to short with one exeption, "Lint Of Love" at just over six min. The album is incredibly varied, it has sweet brass and bass that reminds you the size and proportions of your internal organs. Go buy this album and play it at full volume you'll need new speakers but its worth it.
Rated: 4/5

Red Fusion Dr. Peper

At first I was skeptical, I thought I dont like Dr. Pepper, I'm not going to like this, but then I took a sip and it kicked ass so I decided to drink more and now Im an addict, god damn it, thank you very much Sr. Pepper!!

The Color Blue

Among the colors, how does blue rank? It's the color of the sky, and it's also attributed to cold temperatures. Some of blue's other features include its mixing capabilities. Mixing Blue with yellow yeilds green, and mixing it with red creates purple. Reasons behind such mixing techniques are that Blue is one of the three primary colors. Another excellent application for blue is hair color, not only in real life, but also in several cartoons. There are many shades of blue, including dark blue, and light blue. Dark blue is often associated with navy hence "navy blue". Blue has so many applications, and was even created into a new soft-drink pepsi blue. It's debatable the best color. So out of 11 possible crayons, blue recieves 10 markers.

Lumaseries CD Tower

I recently recieved a new cd tower for my birthday. It hold cd jewels, there for it does what its supposed to. Since it's only a desk tower, it holds 21. Another plus is that it's black light reactive (ooh aah). So, I give it 9 shiny discs that hold information out of 11.

Warcraft 3

Warcraft 3

Well, for those of you who read my Starwars review, this one is pretty much the same. For those of you who haven't read my review GO READ IT NOW and then come back and read this one. Now that you've read that, this is the same deal; you have to BUY THIS GAME! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S GOOD OR NOT, YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT SOMEHOW! That said, the game so far (I'm not quite done with the campaign) is excellent, but I just can't get into the multiplayer. Maybe it's because I love Starcraft so much, but for some reason, I don't find the multiplayer to be very fun. Graphically, the game is excellent, and the cutscenes (which I opted for on dvd(thank the collector's edition)) are so good that compared to them, perfection is crap. The price is pretty steep, but it should go down in a few months or so. Overall, I would say the game gets 9¾/11 axes.