
Moses Oakland

Greatest blues band ever. I've seen them at Famous Dave's (the one in uptown) a couple times. They completely blow me away. Let's start with the lead guitarist/vocalist. He does NOT look like a blues musician. The guy wears overalls and a denim shirt, looks about 70 (or older) and has a massive gray beard, as well as a big pair of thick glasses. That, and he's white. But he has a blues voice, plain and simple. Deep, throaty, raspy, and perfectly in pitch and time are not usually all attributed to the same voice, but he has them all. Then his guitar solos were simply amazing. I've NEVER heard a better guitar player than he. The guy knows how to improvise, and his band knows how to back him up. This lets him play the most soulful, emotional sounds I've heard from an instrument. You can tell he's into it, because he sort of slinks to the ground while playing, completely lost in himself and the music. By the time he's done, he's laying completely prostrate on the stage, banging away on his axe. There are also times when he'll walk off the stage, and travel all about the restaurant (he has a wireless pickup), playing his solo while stopping at people's tables. Now, I don't know how much you know about this type of thing, but playing an improvised, complicated solo 150 feet away from your amp and band is TOUGH. The sound takes extra time to get to your ear, so you have to almost anticipate the noises coming from your amp, which is hard to do while playing fast.
The rest of the band is just as impressive. There are 4 others: another guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums. The other guitarist plays mostly rhythm, but has a few solos, which are almost as astounding as Farmer Joe's. The bass player is, for lack of any better words, funky. He knows his instrument, and he shows it. The keyboardist plays on a classic Hammond B3 most of the time. God, I love that rotary speaker sound. All these amazing instrumentalists come together to give a tight performance. You can tell they've been together for a long time. As a band, it would be simply impossible for them to be any better.
Go see them sometime at Famous Dave's on Sunday nights, 8 o'clock.
I give them 546 blues guitars out of 546 blues guitars.

The letter "U"

Yes, the letter U is a commonly used vowel. It's the twenty first letter of the alphabet, and is often used in the word "you", which as you all should know, sounds like the letter, and even contains the letter U. U comes from the greek letter "upsilon", which makes the "pUt" sound. U takes many forms, and exists in many words, sometimes even becoming a word itself, for example while people type back and forth online, "r u gonna go 2 the mall laterz?". Though it can be seen in many words, it's the least common actual vowel (lousy fucking Y's...), it thus doesn't become overly prevelant among the language. U thus recieves 6 capital and 3 lowercase U's out of 11.

Paul, shut up

Find your own topics to review. That's my name next to insane content and don't you forget it...
On another note, your rebut to my sox lacks clear advantages and disadvantages. Also, it wasn't a "theory", it was a review.

And for god sakes, you need a better number scale. You don't even give a total. get with the program man


i would have to argue against your socks theory.Socks are a preverbiable pain in the ass. Not only do they possess an inate ability unlike any other clothing paraphanalia to lose themselves but they clearly posses the unique talent of keeping JC Penny in business. On the Johnson scale, sox recieve a well deserved 4.


They slide over feet, and go inside shoes. Yes, socks(often abbreviated "sox") keep the feet warm. But one might say a little TOO warm. Not only are the footwarmers in a manner of speaking, they also act as a barrier between one's feet and shoes. On the downside, you can slip/slide on some floors specifically because of socks. Out of 11 socks, socks recieve 9 socks.


Everybody wears them (cept me), but why? For those who don't know, pants are clothing for the legs, come in forms such as bleu jeans and khaki. In general, the make the world a less comfortable place, and get in the way of more important things. Furthermore, when not wearing pants (which includes wearing shorts), you feel the air around you clearer, though they do protect the legs from the elements, wind especially. Pants thus recieve 3/11 pant-legs.

Windows Media Player 9

Lets just say if you didn't like 8 which was only for windows XP, you wont like nine. Its slow and ugly, and huge. Personly I like 6 or earlier. I'd suguest not to download the update UNLESS you absolutely have to.

My Review of the Sun

I left numerous sides out of the review, though there was a lot still included. Some high points were my explanation of what the sun is, and my explanation of both arguments. Some low points (and they were rather low indeed) were overwhelming bias and lack of a creative and predictable rating object. Therefore out a 11 thumbs, my last review recieves 3/11

The Sun

The Sun is a big ball of gas and plasma, and the center of our solar system. Its strengths include it's life giving properties, gravitational pull keeping the Earth in orbit, the energy it produces, and the beautiful sun rises and sunsets Unfortunately, there are many downsides of it, like its blinding capabilities, and radiation that can cause skin cancer. Furthermore, it cannot be seen the entire day (usually), leaving darkness everywhere. It's also a dumb color (yellow). In conclusion, the sun recieves 5/11 stars. On an added side note, I'd like my personal loathe to be accounted for.