Erik's Posts

Paul - 2 things

1. as long as the other person does not impede your rights as a driver, who cares if they drive a Sherman Tank. If they wanna spend their $ on that, that's their perogative. Granted, that lady might have sucked at parking, and life as well (raising 2 soccer kids, come on), but the hummer can get into a single slot

2. H2's aren't designed to kill people, guns do that for them

If you think I am defending them because I have one, not true. There isn't a car in our garage made after 96, and my car is an 86 camry. No sports or classic cars

Of NHS and the Right Candidate

In the crazy world of Hopkins High School today, with its vastly diverse and dysfunctional Student body, staff, and architects (*cough, fireplace), we can all agree that worthless organizations and clubs are a waste of time and money. While many clubs are for the enjoyment of the members, some have become merely College application pads. I believe that, as of right now, NHS is a application pad. It is a worthless club whose members sit and do nothing, but look good doing it. The presidents of yesteryear, and candidates for this year are setting up for miraculous mediocrity, in that they will accomplish nothing, and do jack shit for our school. They will walk out with a pretty college application, and leave NHS to the worthless teachers' ends. Now, after talking to Ben Abrams, who plans to run for President, I am convinced that Ben is prepared to take this cesspool into the 21st century, and produce an influential, worthwhile club that will actually make a difference in Hopkins. Ben has expressed many progressive ideas for NHS, such as a reformed application procedure, NHS sponsored debates, the return of Toilet talk (A necessary supplement to HS life). These changes will, no doubt, significantly help the school for the better. While many run solely for their own ends, I believe Ben has everyone's best interests in mind, which will pay off in the long run for all of us.


How can you like Yoko? She didn't do anything, and was about to divorce John before he died. Then she decides to forget about all that, and live off the royalties from being wife to one of the Beatles. I can't see where she should recieve respect.

New Here

Hello everyone, and I'd like to say thanks to Jesse for allowing me to rant and rave with complete freedom now as a member of Atimes.

Now, in true anarchist form, I say fullheartedly "screw conforming to the Apple system!" This is basically a concession of failure on their part. They are admitting that they cannot stop the file-sharing online, so they are trying to call on people's consciences to get them to start feeding money back into their greedy hands. Too late. The music labels already are the immoral ones, seeing as a band sees less than $1.00 off of every $18.00 cd sold. Why aren't more bands crying out about the "great injustice"? Because they know people will still pay for their music one way or another. Whether it's for more tours, or clothing and accessories, bands will live on. Bottom line now is music control has gone to the hands of the people, and anything less than free-music will not suffice, or rattle enough people's consciences to make any drastic changes.

This also works, because I don't think family should directly benefit from their dead relative's genius. Especially if that relative was planning to divorce the spouse right before he died (Yoko Ono). Dumb whore

Hans, you should like this. Since bands will now have to rely solely on talent, perhaps more quality music will be made which "explores the emotions" as you put it. No more record labels forcing it on us.

So that took a few tangents, but you get my jist. Down with the norm, up with free music, movies, and love.