the zorz's Posts

California = STOOPID

As of late, I'm pissed at California. "For their movies?" you inquire. "For their music?" you confirm. Ohh noo... it's this fucking recall election. I'm all for recalling elected officials in a just cause, but from what I can tell, California is just acting retarded, almost as dumb as (dare I say?) Florida during the 2000 election (ALMOST). To recall an elected official on the basis that he's not done solving the problems he was elected to help, when he isn't finished is bad logic. If we were to recall any politician just because we didn't like what they were doing, nothing would get done. Once an official is elected, the term should be uninterupted unless major criminal activity is involved. Voiding an election is a big deal, and shouldn't be taken so lightly.

Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne

As its expansion, Frozen Throne starts where the original Warcraft 3 ended. New features: somewhat new race (the somewhat refers to the fact that they are not considered a race to be played in multiplayer, but they appear throughout the singleplayer); the Naga - an aquatic race that can move through deep and build on shallow water. Their hero is however featured in multiplayer through another new feature: hireable heros! Several new heros are available to purchase during multiplayer, such as the Naga Sea Witch, the Pitlord and 3 more. Each race also has a new hero, as well as new units. As far as expansions go, this one is really good. Though the price is high now, it will eventually decrease. The campaign is fun, but hard. Out of 11 spears, Frozen Throne earns itself 8 guns, because guns work better than crappy spears.



This is an easy game. There are shapes made up of 4 blocks each. The shapes fall, and you are supposed to arrange them so that they form lines across the screen. Once a line is formed, it disappears. You lose when you can't put the falling blocks anywhere, and they are up too high. It's a fun game it recieves 10¼ out of 11 blocks in shapes of 4.

time for a real review


Do you know what a sub-profile is? It's a link to a website of sorts in your aim profile. They add extra space to your profile, and allow for many features. The downside is that you have to access a website to edit them, which takes extra time. It also takes a lot longer to make/edit sub-profiles. Overall, Sub-Profiles get 5 emoticons out of 11, because it takes too long to edit and it's almost not even worth it.


For those unaware, SmarterChild is a robot on aim, who talks. You can talk to it, and it has several features. When it talks back, its responses are often very dry. On the plus side, there are many features like traslators, and conversions. These could probably come very handy. Overall, SmarterChild gets 9/11 buddy icons, cause its fun to talk to when you're lonely at night :C.

More reasons why this war is bad

I was watching the news, and I took a closer look at the Pro-war signs. Wow, I just noticed how self-centered and ass-backwards this sign is. You'd think a sign with the purpose of trying to gain support for "liberating Iraq" would put more emphasis on the Iraq. But is this how it looks? Of course not. Half of the sign is the american flag; the other side says help iraq. And even though the message is supposed to help iraq, it's not the one underlined word, which one would think to be something liberate or iraq, instead says "our". That's right, the message is essentially saying that once we take Iraq, it's ours.

And before you jump down my throat about this, I do plan to take a closer look at the anti-war signs now too.

What can I add

Ben, I'm going to agree with you. Limits of speech exist. That means we don't have free speech. Since this is true, we don't really have free speech then, do we. I'd like to clarify that not only are there laws contradicting free speech, many social places such as malls or other places I can't think of right now have whatever rules they want. My point is I think we should have free speech. It's in the constitution. I doubt this will happen because people lazy idiots who can't tell if somebody is lying and aren't going to bother trying to find out if a fictional situation is true or not.

Paul, you're an idiot; stop talking.

Gross, I tend to agree with your predictions for what will happen. It's one thing to critique current policies; it's quite another to criticize what hasn't happened yet. I say this because the US doesn't have unilateral support. There are countries who oppose our conquering of Iraq. Let events play out.

Paul, you're FUNNY!

You sir, are an idiot. Furthermore, you were off topic. It doesn't matter if it's hard to prove, my point is that it shouldn't exist in a country that has "free speech".


In a country built on free speech, how is it that the government can make laws about slander? This policy is undermining to the entire concept of free speech. If I feel like lieing about something in a country with free speech I should have every right to say something like "Paul Johnson is being raped by Chris Franson every night." What's you take on it? Cause to me, it's incredibly senseless.