the zorz's Posts

The Color Blue

Among the colors, how does blue rank? It's the color of the sky, and it's also attributed to cold temperatures. Some of blue's other features include its mixing capabilities. Mixing Blue with yellow yeilds green, and mixing it with red creates purple. Reasons behind such mixing techniques are that Blue is one of the three primary colors. Another excellent application for blue is hair color, not only in real life, but also in several cartoons. There are many shades of blue, including dark blue, and light blue. Dark blue is often associated with navy hence "navy blue". Blue has so many applications, and was even created into a new soft-drink pepsi blue. It's debatable the best color. So out of 11 possible crayons, blue recieves 10 markers.

Lumaseries CD Tower

I recently recieved a new cd tower for my birthday. It hold cd jewels, there for it does what its supposed to. Since it's only a desk tower, it holds 21. Another plus is that it's black light reactive (ooh aah). So, I give it 9 shiny discs that hold information out of 11.

What else is new?

As far as corruption goes, I disagree with both of you. What happens when a country is in an oppresive situation, is a revolution. Now this can be aided by another government, as Gross said, but it's far from democratic. No large government is perfect. To quote Tommy Lee Jones character from Men in Black, "a person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals". A large group of people will ruin any system, no matter how good the theory of it is. My point was that I'm so fed up with all the idiots that think America is so great. They think they're so damn rightious, and they think that nothing we can do is wrong. I'm gonna say right now, the system doesn't work unless it's a small system, and their aren't currently. I also hate the whiny politicans who have the backing of their major party. There was little difference between the candidates for President. Politically, they kept saying the same things. And if we are going to have a party system, we really need to get a second party. As for myself, I'll stay with the whig party for now.
(also, I agree with Gross in that Jesse shouldn't mess with other people's rants)

Democracy a Sham?

Lately I've been thinking. How effective is our system for government? Corruption has plagued our government throughout it's existence, so could this "experiment" be fruitless? I'm beginning to doubt the power of our nation, as well as how hard our fall will be (what goes up, must come down). When the same family continues to rule over the people isn't that how kingdoms work? I disgust the fact that idiots would rather conform to a loosely held together party with shady goals than think for themselves. I find that giving control to the peons of the nation isn't always the best idea, but I do think the founders had the right idea with the electoral college. We've strayed too far from the guidelines implimented. The country was at it's best before political parties, and Washington knew that, so why don't any other Americans?

Warcraft 3

Warcraft 3

Well, for those of you who read my Starwars review, this one is pretty much the same. For those of you who haven't read my review GO READ IT NOW and then come back and read this one. Now that you've read that, this is the same deal; you have to BUY THIS GAME! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S GOOD OR NOT, YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT SOMEHOW! That said, the game so far (I'm not quite done with the campaign) is excellent, but I just can't get into the multiplayer. Maybe it's because I love Starcraft so much, but for some reason, I don't find the multiplayer to be very fun. Graphically, the game is excellent, and the cutscenes (which I opted for on dvd(thank the collector's edition)) are so good that compared to them, perfection is crap. The price is pretty steep, but it should go down in a few months or so. Overall, I would say the game gets 9¾/11 axes.

Watermelon Gum

I recently(and by recently, I mean I've just tried it for the first time a few days ago) have chewed some watermelon gum (such an original name) by Bubble Yum (doesn't even deserve a link). Watermelon gum is typically excellent, but this, was shit. I couldn't believe a texture could be so disturbing. The feeling left in my mouth was awful. I detest this gum. It gets /11. So if you feel like your toilet isn't such a fine mistress for you to leave your partially digested gum, by all means, go ahead and chew it.

Is Capital Punishment Stoopid?

I have mixed feelings on this subject, because in the sense of VHEMT I think that killing prisoners will speed up the elimination of idiots, but the hypocrities are what really bug about it. I don't like the government saying "it's against the law to kill people, so now we have to kill you". I mean what the hell? Not only that, but the ways that prisoners are killed doesn't leave the organs intact, so they're just wasting precious organs. As for the other forms capital punishment, I the same hypocrities apply, and besides, there are much worse acts occuring from actually prisoners ("can you say prison-bitch?"). Overall, my stance will be anti-capital punishment.

I'm sure we all love sealab

The humans will have dogs, that'll sniff you out, that's how the humans can tell. With your robot body, you'll have the strength of 5 gorillaz (all 4, then a combo of them), but you have to be 5ft nothing. Not only that, you can have ex ray vision, or laser eyes!

Time Periods Matter

What my point was that the Civil War did amplify the racist thoughts of the time period, which is what I said in my last post. Furthermore, my intial response was focused on your attack on the Union, stating that it was more racist than the Confederacy, which was a blatant exaggeration of the levels of racism in the Union.


Gross, Juola would say that I do consider the civil war a large factor for anti-black sentiments of the time period. Slavery became the cheif issue of the war in the eyes of most northerners; so naturally blacks were seen as the cause, directly resulting in greater tensions. Also, I was somewhat joking about the anti-stoopid people, and I'm not pro politcal parties. However, I do want to state that renowncing parties doesn't solve much; the idiots will all just band together anyway. Why? Because they're even lazier than any of us, and they don't have the time(or mental capacity) to think. So as long as people thoughts are manipulated(without much resistance), parties will exist.