the zorz's Posts

Numbers of my own...

I have multiple points, arranged in numerical order: 1) Gross, I'm glad to see you actually got around to bashing the republican party to get more writing done here. 2) A large part of anti-black sentiment in the civil war came directly from the war itself. I recall a certain picture in Brinkley (mostly because there was a crease making the book open to the certain page it was on) depicting a NY city riot, directed at blacks because of the war itself. And also, the few union states that were pro-slavery were in constant battle, and were great sympathizers. 3) I honestly don't think anybody writing for the Atimes is really anti-political parties; I think we're all just anti-stoopid people. 4) Melee Loving, no contest.

Annoying Entertainment & Media

Ugh... Do even have to explain? I'm mean seriously, what the fuck? Stoopid[sic] commercials, and internet ads galour. Do I really need online casinos telling me that I could have $700 for free for gambling, when it's illegal for me to gamble anyway? I'm just really pissed at all this fucking spam and retarded internet ads that I'm dealt throughout my day. I typically receive at least 15 emails per day asking me if I want their products, half of which are illigal. The companies just aren't thinking. For example, there is a certain ad that my constantly causes programs to crash on my computer; so after they ruin my computer, am I willing to pay them for their product? HELL NO! In fact, they're lucky I'm too lazy to retaliate. Also, I'm tired of unoriginal television commercials, and well, tv in general. I'm tired of all the moronic shitcoms that plague the airwaves. I honestly don't understand how anybody can watch such garbage. In fact, of all the good tv shows I can think of at least half are cartoons (Adult Swim: where would we be without ye?). What's even worse is that people pass off cartoons as being juvenile, even though they inherently have more creative potential. Why the hell are people so damn ignorant??

Gross - YES

Clouded as my point may have been, I was trying to clarify an inequality. I think that my channels analogy was effective, because it proved that by bitching enough about how they are unfairly treated, women can undermine attempts at true equality. Furthermore, I wasn't just talking about women. For example the BET: this is a network designed specifically for blacks, and it's unchallenged by any censorship. But if there was *WET design specifically for whites, there would be controversy. The WET network would be considered racist. My point about the tv channels is that a White Male channel would be unacceptable, but a black or women's is fine. Also, what the quote itself specifically refers to is irrelevant. My point in using it was to show how motives for equality can change.
*Jesse created WET

The Sword That Cuts Both Ways

In agreement with Gross, there are flaws in most equality issues. Granted I do think that women deserve equality to some degree, I disagree with how they think that they deserve better. It's not just equality, women want to have benefits while being still equal(example: there are at least 3 channels specifically for women, but if any channel were be specifically for men, the womanist would be all over it). This it reminds me of a quote from a good book, "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others". In reality, men and women aren't equal. They're different, and therefore shouldn't be treated exactly the same. Unfortunately, women don't realize this. I don't think women should be treated equally; they should be treated fairly. If a man is better at something, he should do it, and vice versa. And honestly, I really have no problem with the feminist channels as long a channel more men isn't shunned

Watermelon Wave

I recently have chewed some watermelon wave gum by bubblicious(and by recently, I mean I've been chewing consistantly my entire life). Some advantages of this gum over others are it's smell, and it's friggin' addictive flavor/taste. Drawbacks include the short life of flavor, the price, and the fact that everyone around you can smell you chewing it, and immediately wants some. So, out 11 possible stars, Watermelon wave recieves 7. So if yer ready for a party in your mouth and only a select group of people are invited, chew this gum.


It has come to my attention(mostly because there have been a bunch of morons running around in stoopid orange t-shirts) that there is a group of religious fanatics(more or less) converting people at hopkins high. They come regarding one "seth", who is their "leader". They've been running around with little cards, trying to get people to go to his seminar or something. I didn't go, because I really didn't think it was worth my time to be wasted on some re-born crack-whore who's finally found "god" after taking serious head trauma or something. My advice? Well, there is only one thing to do in this situation... hassle these poor misguided/brainwashed fools. For all I care, they can go and drink the cyanide laced kool-aid while the rest of us make fun of them.