Jesse's Posts

Re: Thoes Crazy Dems

Of all the Craaazy Democrats running for presidental Nomination THE ONLY ONE that doesn't jump the shark would have to be Liberman. Dean lies about everything he says, and looks to be a sneak. His entire base is based on insulting everything the repulbicans do. I meen, C'mon I dont think the man can even come up with a logical argument. I meen if Bush were to say to him "The Sky is Blue" Dean would retort with "No its not you egotistical bastard"

And California, I change my vote to Gary Coleman! "Whatchu talkin' 'bout"

Arnold for Governor

Arnold Schwarzenegger announced last night on Jay Leno?s tonight show that he shall be running for governor of California. Firstly, I ask, ?What party is he running on? (I automatically assume republican since his father was a Nazi) and yes, he is running as a republican. He seems to me as though he would be a good candidate for governor, and if I lived in California I would vote for him. Lastly I want to state once again that Jesse Ventura did wonders for our dear state and with all the Democrats bitching about his conservative ways people become blinded to the facts and hop on the diss the bald guy band wagon.

We're working again!

If you have not noticed, due to blogger being out due to ftp complications we have been gone nearly the entire summer. Sad, but true as it is our hits have dramatically dropped due to this. I was going to redo the site but got side tracked and the site has fallen into waste. I plan to fix up the site, removing frames, and cleaning up the site in general before school starts back up. What of this I will get accomplished you ask? Probably none but that is for fate to tell.

I kid you not!

Subaru is a Japanese car company. It is called the outback because they thought it would be cool to associate their cars with Australia. The truth of the matter though is other than Mel Gibson, kangaroos and Sting nothing good has ever come from Australia.

Andrew, work in some sense

Andrew, your last about eight articles you have written have been completely drawn out nonsensical bitching about things we cannot control. You your self are not too high and mighty to go the way of Magico. Work some sense into your rants. And try to be to the point; I don't enjoy reading your 4 page rants that could be summed up in 2 lines.

Russia and China

There is a reason we do not bug China or Russia. We the all-powerful united states are scared of them. Yes, I said it, scared. They both have nuclear arsenals large enough to destroy the entire world let alone our country, and they are both larger landmass then us. Would it even be remotely possible to overthrow either government? No, they are too wide spread. What you have to do is pay off authority figures so you can rot the inside and then kick down the outside. Russia, on the other hand is just far too large of a land mass. Remember how hard it is to find people in a small desert? Try the very large desert Siberia. People could hide there for years; even I would say centuries and we would never find them.

Simply put you do not mess with someone who could level you with a push of a button. Nuclear bombs are the great equalizer. You would not mess with even the smallest country if they had a nuclear arsenal.

Moreover, if not by violence then by what? Starvation? "If you don't be nice to your people we'll stop sending you the massive amounts of food we do!" We would be worse then them then.

Bringing Chinas and Russia's human rights up to code is not possible nor plausible at this time, so Andrew, shut up.

If Your Blind, You wouldn't be here...

The main page has been updated (finally) Tell me what you think of the new look. Simple, clean, better fits with the new navbar. Still doesnt work with Mozilla quite right although it should when I move the sidebar onto Edogg. that will aslo make the non disapearing scrollbar on the navbar go away. I'm working on it.


Andrew, if you paid $5000 for your Geo POS they really saw you comming... Community service to get into NHS? Ridiculous, between doing homwork, and attempting to have at least a little bit of a social life, some of us need some time just to go brain dead. And Hanz, I agree with your comments on the H2, but Pauls WRX is more practacly then any Geo, Andrews "Rism" was made to hold 3 children, but try jamming 4 full grown adults in there and A. You can't get above 30 mph and B. You are in such pain from knees in the dash and shoulders in your face you want to die. Its like a fucking clown car.

Changing the Subject: Seatbelts

By now, I am sure you have all seen those seat belt commercials saying, "If you don't clip it expect a ticket" and "because wearing seatbelts are proven to save lives" HOW can they ticket you for taking your life in your own hands? It is not as if you not wearing a seat belt will hurt anyone else? In my opinion, minors should have to wear seat belts because they are stupid and are not capable of making informed decisions, but the day they hit 18, if they want to risk their lives let them. No suing the car company, no medical compensation from the other driver. If someone wants to do something stupid how can you stand in there way? How can anyone find it justified to fine money for not protecting your self??? If there was a common event of people flying out of the windshield, landing on the sidewalk, and exploding sending out shrapnel and killing 15-20 people due to not wearing seatbelts I would see it as justified, but as you and I know this is not a common event.