Jesse's Posts

Mourning Americas Greatest President

America suffered a grave loss, on my 18th birthday nonetheless. June 5th 2004 the greatest president in our nation?s history passed away at the grand old age of 93.

Using nothing but pressure the great communicator managed to bring the fall of the Berlin wall. Using Star Wars, forcing the Soviet Union to hopelessly try to keep up, he managed to collapse their economy. Then funding enormous amounts of propaganda for them managed to get Yeltsin elected and democracy flourished, therefore ending the cold war.

There is no president who did more, and I do not want any of you dumb shits saying Lincoln because I have gone into why Lincoln was a horrible president. 3 Years Old has now reached 3 years of age as of the 30th of last month. I had planed on having the new amazing PHP based version of the website avalible by then, but it didnt happen due to some problems with the blogger based stuff being hosted on another server, and some general problems with non-ie browsers such as mozilla. If you care to check from time to time how the new site is doing feel free to check This is actually where I work on it so from time to time it may not work...

The Suicide Club

I found this movie actually looking for a movie by the same title made in the United Kingdom, I was rather disappointed to find that I had actually found a Japanese one as I have watched many a japanese film as of late.

This movie starts as most Japanese things do, with suicide. But this isn't your ordinary suicide; this is 54 happy Japanese school girls holding hands jumping in front of a train. Probably one of the goriest scenes I've ever seen in a film. Here and at later suicides a sports bag with a reel of human skin is found. After this some kids start joking around about the suicides on a roof, they decide it would be funny to stand on the edge of the roof and pretend like there going to

jump, but in fact they do jump, all but 2 women and a man, the one woman walks over to the man and pushes him off with her, the a bunch of people come up the stairs and the remaining woman says "We are the suicide club" before jumping. Following this police investigate, there are more single suicides, and a person who wasn't right in the head tries to take credit for the suicides so he can go down in history, although he is not the one responsible. It ends up that a band of 12 year old girls singing what appear to be happy songs are actually promoting subliminal messages to kill your self, and have formed a cult of somewhat brainwashed children. They are never apprehended and the film pretty much ends here which is very disappointing. Oh, and did I mention the main character commits suicide about half way through the film. (Which leads to much chaos because you have no idea who to root for, and it turns into just a series of events)

I wouldn't watch it again, but I don't regret watching it. If your in the mood for something kind of scary (not really) and Japanese give it a try.

New Anarchist Times Page

In an attempt to bring some sort of color theme to our page I created a new anarchist times page, there is some things I like about it, other things I don't. Your comments are welcome. You may notice it is a much faster loading page now, thats because it only loads the last 99 articles now and not all of them.

Update: Site Progress

There has been great progress with the site in the last few weeks. Our server is almost completely preped to run the site and for once we will be able to (most) host our selves! Also we should be able to remove frames but it will cost money... again... since due to complications with Namezero (crap) we'll probably have to leave them. For a taist of what is to come check this out CLICK HERE

Update A very temporary phonx monkey page is located at Click here

Its been a while...

I hope to completely revamp the site by the end of winter break. If Jeff does not update the comic by the end of next week, I will be forced to kick him. He will retaliate and I will loose but that is another story.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Oh Bill, we hardly knew thee. I was expecting much better from this film, I expected better from Tarantino, I expected wrong.

Here is my summary of the movie, chick gets shot, goes in a coma, comes out of the comma, decapitates like 90 people, the end. This movie was just non-stop blood squirting and decapitation. There was the occasional laugh, but other then that, blood and heads.

I will admit to it being somewhat neat how it switched between genres. There were parts of the film that seemed Western, 70?s, Anime, and B&W Kung Fu. The switching of genre?s was one of the few parts I enjoyed about the movie.

I will also admit that the sound track was bitchen, though it hardly makes up for the lack of artistic styling and the blatant over use of blood. I do understand though that that was what he was going for. My friend Andrew had this awesome theory that Kill Bill was just Tarintino testing his audience to see if they would love anything he put out, be it shit or otherwise. If this is true, it is quite obvious the American public has failed.

Even with how much it sounds like I hate the movie, I still am going to need to see Volume 2.

Re: Re: Re: Those Crazy Democrats

First off, Franson, you suck for taking so long to post. Secondly, no, I do not think any of that crap you said. I think it is just another meaningless and even more so stupid law somehow managed to pass. Like three people in my class stood for it, and I sure as hell did not. I do not plan to stand for any symbol ever again. I do not live in Nazi Germany and I do not have to fear the Gestapo. I have no respect for anything made by man because as it is said ?everything made by man turns to shit? which is so very true.