PhonX's Posts

The American Dream

The American Dream has always consisted of the ideal that the common people of this country were able to participate in the government and to have their voices heard. Unlike the monarchies of Europe or the totalitarian states of communism and fascism the democracy that has been employed in America allows for all peoples to choose who is to run the country. Foreigners flock to America because in this nation people are able to choose their leader instead of being forced to follow the rules of a leader who does not represent the people. This system has also created leaders who are forced to listen to his people because if he doesn?t the people have the power to remove and elect a new ruler. The democracy in America is one of the greatest reasons that, when concerning America, foreigners do not want to remain foreigners and become members of a country that allows political power to all those who want it.

But the process that has been installed the eliminate corruption in our society has been corrupted. Many times voting has been restricted few of the masses. In the very birth of our nation only men with land were able to vote. It wasn?t until Andrew Jackson when the common man started to vote. Yet still only the white men were able to vote. It wasn?t until the 20th century that black men were allowed to vote after being subject to unfair tests that would keep the black populist out of the voting booths and out of power. Then it took an even longer time for the women?s right to vote. The ideals behind the American Dream, in which all where able to participate in voting was not true until the very late 20th century.

The one consecutive truth of the American Dream is that all people eventually get accepted into our nation. The Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, African, German, Middle Eastern, and all other peoples managed to eventually, through a long struggle, get accepted as an American. Today when the question is asked where are you ancestors an amalgamation of countries is stated by many individuals. Americans consist of every nation of the world and thus something about the American Dream is a truth. People from everywhere come to America in search of something and get satisfied with what they find. The American Dream though corrupted a lot, is still not a hoax and never will be as America entertains the most diversity, whether or not it accepts the diversity, than any other nation that exists today or has every existed.

Flag Burning (Revisited Again)

The main coherent opposition to flag burning lies in the fact that the flag is sacred. The opposition entertains the belief that an American flag is more important than fixing a corrupt government. Americans take more offense to a flag being burned than by q government that brutalizes its citizens, or a government that supports a biased justice system, or a government that chooses to invade other countries, slaughter innocents, and internally create a system of government in the country that looks favorably to the United States, but yet is more corrupt then the previous government. And all those things have happened in our United States. The newspapers are consistently depicting events in which a police officer beats a man or women for being black. They also depict men or women being freed from jail after 20 years after they were determined to be innocent of any crime. And look to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and far worse Dresden for the slaughtering of innocents; and South Vietnam and Afghanistan for creating and supporting the corrupt government. But yet Americans choose to ignore the facts and instead choose to support their government and agree with its policies by not paying attention to flag burners and the protestors. Why is the flag sacred? Is it because it symbolizes a country that has slaughtered millions of innocents, or is it sacred because it symbolizes a country who prided itself on its racial tolerance when it practiced the worst slavery known in common history? These are the things that the American flag represents. It is the fixation that Americans have with their country and the infallibility of their country that precipitates the idea of the flag being sacred. The ultimate question becomes then, which is more important, a pure and just democracy or the American flag?

Didn't Quite Catch You There....

I don't exactly understand what you were trying to say but what I got is that is you kill someone well driving slower than the speed limit is legal? Well first if you hit someone it is always the drivers fault (most of the time) because the pedestrians have, unfourentantly the right of way. If someone were to jump out at you from a bush then the driver would have the right of way, so thus the crime would be careless driving and manslaughter. But yet I probabally didn't answer your question because I didn't understand it so Long live Pope Alexander the IV!


I think you have a good question Franson about how did the country get more patriotic? But I don't at all believe that the country got more patriotic. Now to start off by analyzing the literal meaning of the word patriotic my arguement is already crushed so lets put that aside. But I believe that the best way to be patriotic in a democratic society is not as many people believe to agree and allow their government to go off on its own seperate from the people. But instead I believe a trully patriotic democratic society would be a society that consistently questions its government, protests it government, a society that votes. I look at the Vietnam era and I truly see the most patriotic society that America has had in the 20th century because the "New Left" was not allowing their government to do what it wanted even though it was against the opinion of the people. So back to your question Franson, I believe that our society's change has been a change towards less patriotism. Of course more people swing their flags and what not but they decided to let Bush go off on his own. A good example is back around the first weeks after 9/11 Bush said to the nation, you are going to have to trust your government and you are going to have to not question us during the crisis. This is very typical of a president during or before war time turning the government away from the fact that it is controlled by the people. And allowing the government to take a firmer grip on the nation without the knowledge and support of the country behind it, as the people of the United States allowed George W. Bush to do, greatly changed this country from better to worse, in that it was one more step in crushing the democracy that was set up to have the people govern the government and the not the other way around.


a. The act or process of corrupting.
b. The state of being corrupt.
2 Decay; rot.
3. Archaic. Something that corrupts.

I just put that up there for some comic relief to our waging war agianst "god" as he so likes to be called, but instead I will call him by Jeff's given name "The Beast Master." So here goes : The Beast Master is saying that within a democracy corruption can be rooted out because voting is like a redeeming a cleansing process. This is what I believe to be a very naive thought, but i will continue the synapsis. So the rebels that are desperately battling thus said Beast Master are basically trying to claim that not even voting will root out the evils of corruption in a society. But the said Rebels have failed to give example of Democracies and have only been able give examples of Totalitarian states. Conclude Synapsis. Now what I believe is that in this modern age of large media and the "internet" we are still unable to see all of the corruption that is taking place in the government. And since we being the voters don't know where and when and how our government in corrupt and who are the corrupters, then we are therefore unable to vote the corrupters out of office and cleanse our system of corruption. I will leave this arguement at that but I will move to another, and that is that we should have no local governments?!? This boggles my mind because as a conservative this is the main thing that I want. I was at the San Fran baseball game and The Amerian flag was not as high up as the Californian State Flag and at this I was almost crying because it was so beautiful. A state that thought their local goverment was more important than the one in Washington! But later i found out the American flag was just positioned further away than the Californian flag. Here is the thing though when people, we, are all being ruled by a government in Washington then the system becomes more similiar to that of a monarchy because we are being ruled from far away and by people who don't what are problems are. To combat that problem we have Senators and House Reps. that go to Washington and make the Minnesotan's buisness known, and I don't think they do a good enough job of that. I agree with you Beast Master that many laws the state passes are unneccesary and meaningless, but I think that is because they are power hungry and state government officials want to say that they have some power and they then pass the only laws that they are allowed to pass these day, meaningless ones. So what I would like is there not to be less local government, but instead to remove their meaningless take alot of the power away from Washington and the central locations and transfer that power to the state level, where the people would be better heard and provided for. And very lastly I would like to apologize for making the last few articles turn into a boxing match where I directly attacked Jesse. I, as I look back on it, think that was in bad taste and this column Atimes, is about expressing beliefs and it isn't about attacking other peoples beliefs, merely arguining with them. So in the future I will try to not directly attack a person but instead attack his column.

You Arrogant Fool

How dare you say that corruption is something to be embraced, corruption is the downfall of any government and will destroy all governments that choose to embrace it. And what is this that Corruption fixes itself, give me one cause of where that is true. Look at Colombia, this country has chosen a route of illegality and how and when is it fixing itself. The people of Colombia are starving and the "government," dictavitve officials are becoming fatter and fatter on the money their illegality is making for them. And their corruption, jesse, how will it end? It won't end with two people getting married and being happy ever after as your ingnorant rave tried to assert, but instead one of two ways. The first the country will just plan die out and the politicians and officials will be the only ones left, and the more foreseable future America goes in killing thousands of civilians to get rid of this corruption. If nature would take its course Colombia would always be corrupt, but outside forced have to step in to stop that corruption. And now lets look at America. A democracy which many ideals of our nation spawned from, strives on the fact that the government servers the people by what the people want. And corruption is the exact opposite it is the politians doing what is best for themselves hence the ruin of our country. You can continue to embrace this corruption of a governement serving the government itself and not its people, but I would loose all respect for you as a person and a conservative. And how dare you say that you and your friends have food. I am staying in San Fran for just a few days, and actually today is my first, I have already seen horrible poverty and a system that does not work as well as it should and could. Back tracking a little I have no problem against making money, I believe everyone should be allowed to make as much money as they can, but I believe that they should make it by their own legal means.

Jesse and Historical References Confused

Jesse do you happen to know who said "Let them eat cake." I can promise it wasn't any democratically elected official. No Jesse the person that wrote that message had ascended to their power by inheritance, in other words queen. Queen Elizabeth actually said that quote. And in no way did in the least refer to the idea of loosness (which isn't a word I am sure you are meaning looseness), but instead the quote was spoken by Queen Elizabeth out of sheer arrogance and/or ignorance. It was told to here that her peoples did not have any money to buy bread and had no way of buying bread, so she remarked, possilby arrogantly or as I believe with ignorance, "let the eat cake" which she had in plenty supply in her castle. In no way does that pertain to anything Jou said . . . And Next, I am going to speak for Jou not because he can't but because I had a completly different view on what he said than you. I believed that Jou was more or less saying that the democracy is a good thing, but what made it bad is current politics and the politics that set our country on the current trend of democracy. As I believe Jou was stating the Washington's democracy did work and will still work much better than the one we have today. And lastly, dear God Jesse how do you not believe in corruption in the government, just look at our pres and our vice both of them have and possilbly still are involved with corrupt and illegal buisnesses that are now being tried for "cooking the books." On a new topic my views consist with Jou's in that democracy is very very beautiful but it has grown beyond its means and no longer are the people able to control their government, but through entrenched aristocratical service in the government positions ( just look at Strom Thurmond). And I have always stated that political parties merely inspire confomority as a result of lack of thought and thus the compromise all of democracy.

The Church

As we have been unable to avoid hearing and reading about for the last weeks is that of the Catholic Church scandal. And being a Catholic and also being a cynical Catholic I would like to give my words about the scandal. To begin with I believe that the media has done a wonderful job and should follow this story as far as it will take them just because the scandal is a very disgusting thing that has rampaged its way through the church. But I believe that the Minnesotan media has done a very bad and demeaning cover of the story, mainly because the Minnesotan disocese has already gone through this scenerio, 10 years ago, and has cleaned up. Now many priests that have already been punished are recieving it over again. To a final conclusion when people go on mocking the Catholic Church you have to remeber that priests are just as human as any other person, and they have their failures and their disturbing fetishes as well, and not that we should accept this as okay. But we must realize that of course these people will sin and will be pedophiles and so on. And to that extent the percent of priests that are actually pedophiles is significantly lower than the normal population, which means that priests, for the most part, are trying to fight temptations hence a blanket statement of priests being evil and disturbed is not deserved and very ignorant.


Why are we so damn ineffiecent I want a robot body. But then i would have to fight the humans when the robot war came around, so I am thinking about staying human just to hunt down the traitor bots. Once again though with a robot I would have the power of 10 men and I could look like a cat, so all around robots would be better.

-Andrew Gross

-Andrew Gross

-Jesse Donat


-Andrew Gross

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Are you actually going to use the Civil War as an excuse for rascism is America because that is completely off. There has been vast amounts of rascism all throughout American history and especially devoted to blacks. Yes, I agree that the Civil War amplified the large amount of rasicm that was already present in our society. But in no way was it a key factor for why American's hated black people, no freaking way.