PhonX's Posts

Re: Gore

it doesn't matter what Lott said because he most likely did not mean it. Yes he said he supported Strom Thurman, but he never directly said that he was pro-segregation because he is too good of a politician to say something that stupid. What actually happened is that he didn't think of all the ramifications of him saying he wished Thurman would have been president could have. So really what he said is a mute point. But here is where Jesse is wrong (and I am going to contradict myself fromt my last post because I didn't have all the facts and I didn't have all the facts correct). Al Gore is not saying that Lott has to apologize, but he is saying that what Lott should do is retract the statement and apologize for the possible interprerations that his stamement might have. Thus Gore is saying if Lott doesn't repeal his statement than he should resign from being the future majory leader in the Senate. Which, in reality, is quite reasonable and quite intelligent for Lott to do because if Lott doesn't retract his statement he will loose all of his black supporters as well as most of his minority supporters and many of his white supporters so Gore's advice is going to benefit Lott himself more than anyone else. So therefore, Jesse your comment that you made about Gore being in his own private wonder world is guite unfounded because what he said to Lott was very practical and futhermore I would much rather have Al Gore as our current president rather than "Shoot 'em up W."

Trent Lott

First who the hell is Trent Lock and do you mean Trent Lott the (to be) majority leader of the senate. But besides that little point I agree with you a lot, so many politicians try and attack inconsequential matters of other politicians lives to discredit them and good God is it annoying. And to be supprised that Gore did something stupid and feebish is no suprise to anyone, he needs what ever angle he can get to have people start respected him again and not as the robot man.

The Catholic Church

I dont' think many people are going to be able to understand anything that I am writing unless you are Catholic, but whatever. The Catholic Church of Rome is out of touch with the American church and the hierarchy is starting to fall apart. The communication is breaking down and thus we have the new reforms taking place during a time of a lot of dissent of the church. The church is trying to push the dogma more and more while people are recoiling after the exposure to much of the church scandal. I wonder how much the scandal actually affected the Vactican because the way they are dealing with the American church would make me believe that it is not a big deal. I am not mocking Rome because I think we have one the most scholary and intelligent popes we have had in awhile even more so that Pope Paul 23. So in essense I believe the Catholic Church needs more communication and more understading of the American Church or it will not continue to have a strong influence here. To branch from my post I would also like readers who are Catholic to note as the reason their is the dissent between the Vatican and the American Church is that there is a difference between the two churches. A lot of protestants try to classify American Catholics by the dogma of the faith and also the Vatican which is obviosly not true. :Side Note Ended: We need the Church to start listening to the will of the American and creating reforms that appreciate that will.

Have You Read any of the aTimes

Mike I know for a fact that Dan and I both dislike poltical parties and Jesse and Franson can sometimes be enravelled in the republican rhetoric they still are not mindless followers of the party. So for you to say that you are a "new" addition to the times with your "radical" view points is quite incorrect. You should try raising an issue or even mocking one of us directly instead of generalizing all of the times. And lastly how dare you call me a GOPer, I may agree with them on several issues, but at the same time I agree with the democrats on some issues, I call myself an extreme moderate or a libertarian (lower case because I don't neccessarly agree with the party due to the fact i dislike parties) and in no way am I a "dirty republican."

Take Warning

Nick I would recommend not attacking people who have no say in this forum unless they are of the political realm. You can attack a group of people as a whole but unless they are able to defend themselves in this forum it is and act of cowardice and I would say it is grounds for becoming a Magico. If you want you could post that person's response under your name or convince Jesse to allow that person to post their response under their own name. But unless you do that Don't attack people who are defenseless.

Parallel Legal System

This is the wourst breach of the constitution during the 21st and 20th centuries. For those of who don't know about it try researching it to get more details but i will give a brief description. Basically any citizen or non citizen can be moved from the normal legal system into the parrallel legal system based on any anti American rhetoric or terrorism. The parallel legal system can hold people in prison and not give them a swift trial don't allow them their phone call, don't read them their rights, don't allow them to contact lawyer, and they don't neccessarly get a jury when they are eventually tried. This is far worse than the Sedition Acts of Adams and it definitely looks like the Mcartney courts of the cold war. The government should not have the power to break its own constitution so it can take away even more civil liberties. Furthermore, Jesse is perfectly correct in his last article, the government is becoming a bigger brother.deliberately Because the bombings on september 11th the government is able to grow. Which of course it quite hyprotical of the GOP because they always plead for a smaller government. With this growing size of the government our conutry is in the wourst condition since the cold war and yet people will keep on wagging their flags as their rights become so dismayal that waving the flag won't even be protected by the constitution.


It purely matters whether or not they start to get uppity and wheter or not we in the CJA get bored.


I would like to let all of you protestants to be weary. Rachel Lavenda and I have created the Catho-Jeudism Alliance in which we are going to take down to protestants together. For most of you this means death, I am sorry you need to reform your souls some time, so I guess this is the appropriate time. All you atheists can live for now, until we run out of protestants to take down then we will come after the agnostics and atheistists out of sheer boredom. I am sorry I have to be the one to inform all you protestants, but you knew this day would come soon enough. But on a plus note if you suck up to Rachel and myself we could ask the Pope and the Jewish General "Someone" to spare your life until the 3rd or 4th wave. TA!

Everything Fucks Up At Once

Does anyone else notice that when one thing in life goes wrong, it isn't just that one thing but yet a whole stream of things come after. Today after a few unfortunate events I just felt awful and then a friend who I needed to talk to on phone was using hte internet and that damn dial tone kept coming up. And I wanted just to beat the shit out of my telephone. Next up my computer kept crashing and once again I wanted to beat the crap out of it. And then my email wouldn't work and blogger wouldn't work. And I am getting damn sick of everything going wrong on the exact same day at almost the exact same time, why the fuck can't God spread all this shit out?