PhonX's Posts


We all have all read enough science fiction novels to understand what is going to happen when the government starts censoring things, so there is no reason to even begain this debate, we all agree on that topic, but I want to move to a vastly more important topic and that is of the president. George W. Bush is a terrible president in that he has forgot a very important phrase throughout his precendency "civil liberties." Sure war-time presidents are always awarded more power to run the country but Bush has decided to go to far. I won't go into the minute details of everything he has does unless you really want me too, because we have already covered this, but i really hope that Bush doesn't get reelected for a second term - plz God.


I never responded to my own question so I would have to say that it is all about the melee Lovin' don't give me any of those pulleys or crap like that that.

One Question Ben

I am going to ask one you simple question Ben, why did Osama Bin Laden attack America, why didn't he attack one of the other thousand nations that populate this Earth with as such supreme prejuidice he attacked America? In that answer, Ben lies the reason that I believe that we can't go killing the arabs and say that we were attacked first. We are not in the right, we have done things that have been terrible to that country and now we shouldn't go around murdering their people. Yes obviosly what Bin Laden did was horrific and unprecendented, and he had no right to do it, but because we the United States of America did instigate some sort of retalition from the Arab people then retaltion was therefore deserved. And yes Ben i have no backbone to say to myself that an American's life is any more important than any one else on the face of the earth, I am not a patriot and I am not arrogant, I will never support killing someone because who they are or where they live or killing some one at all. And if that makes me spineless so be it, but I would rather be spineless then to be a blind patriot randomlly sluaghtering Arabs. - Oh and Ben this forum has been typically focusing on mocking and ranting about other people that write on this forum.

This was the manipulation that I was Hinting At

Ben you are manipulated by the fact that you think America is so wonderful, I mean hell you would rather kill off half the world then to see one American die. And you are only seing things through how your government is and has been telling you to see them for your entire life. You have a veil over your eyes and since it has been on their you entire life you don't even notice it when you are talking, and that is what everyone is criticizing you about, your egocentric view point. It seems Ben that you think every single person in the Middle East is a terrorist and everyone in China is a communist . . .there are people in those countries that merely live there because their parents did and they don't go around killing Americans. Oh and also you are definitely trying to enforce your morality on other people, you are a typical republican in this regard, you believe in a small government until it comes to your moral opinion than you want rules, legislation, and war to enforce your moral viewpoint - grow up America isn't infalliable and it has made plent of mistakes.


Good call Jesse, thanks for the backup . . . but Ben when you talk about how the Arab countries haven't got the message of democracy you are completely wrong because the have got the message and they have had very bad expierences with it. You see America's democracy works great in America but when we enforce it in other countries, namely Vietnam, we do it to establish puppet governments that are basically dictatorships. Now if you look at Afghanistan we tried to instill a puppet government by messing around with the countries internal affairs . . .and we gave a horrid image of what American democracy is. So by you saying that we haven't been able to spread freedom and democracy around the world, you are wrong because America has had oppurtunities to spread the "ideal government" but instead we spread cruel dictatorships that oppress the people more than the current gov't. But to change paths and argue with both Jesse and Ben, I don't think that other countries of the world think we are the "Great Satan" and instead they really don't care, they have bigger fish to fry. They have to worry about their neighbors with atomic weapons .. . obviosly some of the world thinks we are a horrid country but a lot of them don't think of us as their biggest threat.

How Different Are We?

My mind was recently wandering and I thought to myself that I should not have been so suprised that America was attacked through terrorism because if one looks at the rest of the world terrorism and sucide bombings are a daily fear. In almost every single country in this world the citizens have to worry about the cafe or bus they are currently occupying blowing up at any instance. I belevied when the attack first happened that this was the wourst thing that was happening in the world, and that all the other countries actually were concerned with the terrorism in America . . . naivity. Terrorism is far severer in most of the other countries in the world and me thinking that the terrorism in America was so much worse than any other countries is a great example of how we are manipulated by our news and our country. This manipulation, that we as Americans say doesn't exsist in America, has been present from the very founding of America (getting the lower class to fight a rebellion that would only benefit the upper class), and has continued with our country throught the ages (Cold War . . .). Also in America we always tell ourselves that we are the most powerful country in the world, while at the same time most of the wealthy countries in the world think they are the most powerful country in the world, which means that only one can be right, and no longer do I believe that America is that. The fact isn't that I hate America, far from it, but what it comes down to is that I used to support America because I thought it didn't try to manipulate its citizens and brain wash them, but it is unfortuantelty true. And I don't hate America I have just lost a lot of respect for it.

Joe Strummer

The world is shocked and punk rock is shattered; the lead singer of the band The Clash, Joe Stummer, passed away on the 22 of December, 2002. The Clash with Strummer singing revolutionized the Sex Pistols punk by adding the politics of protest to it as well throwing in aspects of jazz and reggae into their music. The Clash has created an entire genre of their own and now their lead singer lives no more. In the last years of his life he has been active in politics, such as writing music for Nelson Mandela's AID's Convention, as well as constantly fighting the new direction punk rock and music are going in general, asking for a return to 1948 style, but now that he has died his plea will be further ignored and much of punk rock died with him yesterday. Strummer's death ending all possibilty of a Clash reunification is also a great loss to protest, rebellion, punk rock, and this world. He will be missed!

Right . . .

The first reason that Ventura even got into office because of a fluke that involved the ballot that he exploited. He got all the people (hicks) that have never been to a voting booth in their life to vote for him because he established that he was anti-gun control. But yet he did nothing in all four years even concerning gun control. Heck he never even spoke on the topic. And what about legalized marijuana and what about legalized prostitution? Those are another two issues that he said he supported and said he would pass when he became governor, but neither of those ever happened. No bills that he supported about these two issues even appeared in the Senate or the House.
Next he decided to screw over the public education and especially the U by not giving them the funding that they recquired. The U has been having to cut its programs and sports teams like mad, and they still don't have a football stadium on campus. And to funding on a high school level - he didn't actually cut out any money as you were so enthused about, but instead he mandated that all schools would have x amount of funding and that would be the same for all schools based on population of the school. Which obviosly doesn't work because certain schools have higher needs than others and also some schools had been running at higher expenses so they couldn't just give up cold turkey the programs that costed money after they had been installed.
Lastly how can you support school funding cuts, you benefit more than most people in our school with the amount of money the school has approipriated from the city in that you are taking all those classes in the tech department. Which if Ventura would have had is way would not have been there and if they would have been there they would have been 20x lousier than they are right now. And next Jesse, when you go off to college and if you stay instate you can thank Ventura that you can't find any scholarships because the state colleges will still not have recovered to the beating he put on them. Ventura wore the same mask that all politician's wear and that is one of lies and deciet, he was no better than any other politician in that regard and he was worse to most politictians in the fact that his office had and will continue to have determental effects on this state.


Jesse was just as much of a hypocrite than any other politicians and even more so because if you take a look at him all of his bull shit with the media and how he had himself portrayed was nothing similar to the laws that he made or that he didn't make that he promised to make. "I hunt men" need i really say more, he talks big but he never follows through with his big talk and that was why he was a bad governor. If Jesse would have held tight to some of his liberatarian views and tried to actuallly accomplish something besides his ego while he was governor than I would be praising him much more than I am right now.