PhonX's Posts

Black Helicopters

I am sorry but it is true Bush is doing so crazy messed up shit in office and I definitely think that there are plenty of black helicopters. There is no question in my mind that America wants oil and oil especially from the middle East. I also believe that Bush is a fascist and that yes if we don't watch out he will become a lot more powerful then he should be in the confines of a democracy. Again and again I talk about it but our civil liberties are getting displaced . . . According to Carrie Lucking if you rent Mien Kampf (or whatever) or the Anarchist Cook Book you get put on a list. All I am saying with this blog is that yes Ben, especially, a government can be corrupt and can have devious purposes that aren't released to the public. And all I want is for people to keep their eyes open and think about how could a 400 page document be released 10 days after September 11th regarding September 11th and the actions we will take against it? If there are Black Helicopters we will have to grab our guns and shoot them down!


Bah Shutup Hans you are obviosly wrong, I don't care to read what you just wrote but no matter what it is wrong!!!

Haha . . . I am glad to see someone new on atimes that I can call an ignoramus because Jesse was getting to easy and Franson wasn't responding.

I hope this blog will be the begaining of a wonderful relathionship that we will have on the Atimes!

Adolf v. Stalin

Wow here is a great American tradition that has been repressed for oh about 50 years! America decided to support Stalin and ally with Stalin a man who killed vastly more people than Hitler ever did. Oh yeah that is right, Hitler killed an atrocious number of people mabye about 10 million people. But here is the kicker Stalin killed 20 million through purges, another 20 million through starvation, and about 10 million on top of that through military strategies that revolved around the fact of hurling bodies at the German machine guns. Now why do we think that Hitler was the wourst man of all time and not Stalin?!?!?! American propoghanda. That is why we want to to forget that we allied Stalin and did nothing to prevent him from killing his own people. Anyone who is reading this don't think that I feel sorry for Hitler, my expression to someone who kills 10 million goes un said, but my point is that America does not care about anyone but itself, and if that means supporting a man who kills 50 million people and then fighting against a man who is killing only 1/5 of that number seems ridiculous. So Jesse when you say that Europe only cares about itself, you should try and take a look at our own American history and look at the fact that we have never, not once, in our history done something to benefit another country that would not benefit us 10 fold.

Oh dear God!

Jesse, that was probally that most ill informed, egocentric, dumbass comment that I have heard in a long ass time. How the hell could you be so stupid . . . dear God. What is funny though is that your blog proved you wrong. By saying that you admit to that fact that you dont' know anything about European affairs and thus you only care about America and since you learn everything from American news you thus are illinformed by America who only gives a shit about itself. Also how can you refer to "Europe" as one single place it is a merely regional location and to say that Europe is only concerned with Europe you are undermining the fact that Europe is incredibly complicated with many nations and ethnicities. And also it might not be so easy to wag your flag so freely if you removed your head from your ass and realized that America isn't the strongest/ best/ greatest country in the world by any way of catergorizing the best.

Troubles Over the Pond

Bush is a horrid diplomat and that is the final answer to all of our problems. Bush can't seem to get the world to support what ever we do no matter what we do. In fact he actually had some difficutly putting together a coalition after 9/11, as a lot of Europe were skeptical about him. Our days of doing what ever we wanted with support from other nations are over. If you look back at Clinton's term no matter what he decided to do the majority of Europe was on our side and now with Bush as our president not even our allies are on our side. And what does Bush do in response . . . Gives them the finger! He doesn't understand that America can't exsist without the help of the other nations of the world and there is no way that we could win a war against Europe. This whole cowboy bullshit that Bush tries to put on is screwing America right up the asshole, but instead of possibly reforming what the fuck does he do . . . pushes more and more and more. Straight up he is ruining our country he is like Louis XV in that he has been handed the most prosperous nation in the world, with yes some issues that need (but could be resolved) and yet he has done everything possible to drive a stake through our nation. And this is just foriegn policy . . . look at domestic policy. He is stripping us of civil liberties and he is going to try and take more and more away, plus there is a new patriot act that is spreading around (I hate to do this but it expressess myself quite well) :( ! The whole Iraqy situation, personally I think that Bush is just throwing a bluff that he is going to war because he is really a big pussy. But no matter if it is a bluff or if he actually is going to war, he has handled this situation horribly. By basically giving the finger to the UN and saying "Bah, you guys dont' know what the fuck you are doing" he has alienated every single nation in the world except for two, the only two that aren't in the UN. And you know what Bush if you diss Kofi you have to mess me with next because I will kick the shit out of you if you keep stepping. Look at our relations with France, Germany and Russia. All three of those nations have refused to aide military support for Turkey (to potentially "protect" Turkey from Iraq) through NATO. And besides the fact that NATO is a horrible organization because military alliances only perpetuate more military alliances, this is the first time that NATO has refused to fold like a deck of cards to the US especially on an issue that the US thought to be so important. Bush does not know what is going on period, but specifically he can't fucking realize that America need allies and by giving the finger to all of our allies is not good policy!


Hey Ben I agree we have come a long ways, our technology, health, age of life, everything has improved and most of all the effiency of killing each other. Means for dismembering someone else's body have advanced more than regular technology and i believe that our increase of technology will hit a peak . . . we are on a speed curve. For those who don't know what that is with motors and such speed and torque are plotted on a graph and the graph increase then hits a point and then decreases, therefore the most efficient amount of torque compared to speed is somewhere in the middle. I believe that benefitial technology and destructive technology are going to be plotted on a similar graph. We are still feeling the benefits of technology but soon enough because we are stupid stupid humans we will fuck ourselves.

The Conservatives are arrogant assholes and the Libs are dumbass Bitches

If you look at the conservatives and especially republicans the best word to some them up is heartless. (Yeah, yeah I know you all are going to say that you have a conservative friend who is a nice person, but I am using generalizations because this generalazation is true to the vast majority.) The conservatives try as hard as they can to gain as much money as they can, which isn't neccesarly a bad thing, but they do it at the expense of anyone. To conservatives their only goal is money. Look at their opinion of dealing with business "meh let business do what ever they want!" HA! We have all seen that business tries as much as they can to screw their workers out of any money they could ever achieve, and the conservatives agree with that 100 percent. They believe that by increasing minium wage will in fact increase will bring the average pay amoung the nation (O'Reilly Factor). Conservatives = Fucking heartless pigs.

But all of you heartless conservatives that I have hopefully offended, I am now going to start going off on the fuckign libs. The libs and especially the democrats they do not know how to fucking apprioate money at all. Look at our school, they are cutting teachers salaries and laying off teachers, why? To build a fucking fire place - what fucking morons. Also the government spent 150,000,000 on testing how gay people respond to gay porno videos. How the fuck would they respond, holy shit they are gay for gods sake. The libs love to just randomlly throw money at their problems instead of even considering how they could possibly solved. The waste off cash in this country is exhorborant and that is final.

So to basically sum it up "We are fucked." I truly believe that the reason both ends of the spectrum and everything in between will never allow humans to achieve the potential that we can and must, is because God made humans with a flaw . . . they are all fucking evil, self satisfying, morons, with their fucking heads shoved so far up their fucking poverbial asses that the ever seeing the light of day ever again is completley out of the question. People are made to fuck themselves and we shall be screwed until we either get blown up, blow ourselves up, die out, or somehow mutate with the incredible amount of nuclear waste that this planet will probably succum to.

The French

The media is full of a bunch of crack pott old conservative idiots who know absolutely nothing. I have come to this conclusion because they believe that France has been conspiring with Iraq to screw over American economy. Oh dear God France has trillions of dollars invested in American companies, as well as gets a significant amount of trade from America, and . . . is allied with the US. Oh now but these reasons don't mean anything (according to conservative media) they are sure that after we finish slaughtering thousands of arabics that we are going to do the same to French people. Ummm . . . there is no way in hell we are going to wage ware on France. And also to defend France for not wanting to aid America, maybe it could have something to do with the fact that France owns much of the oil in Iraq and knows America would try and take it, or maybe that no weapons of mass destruction have been found, or maybe because France isn't acctually a bunch of war hawks who want to kill anyone and anything. I salute you France, and to the dumb ass conservative media . . . I dont' think it would be appropriate for this site (and that is saying alot)!



Believe in life. Believe in death.
Believe in peace. Believe in war.
Believe in poverty. Believe in money.
Believe in me. Believe in you.
Believe in believing in something.
It doesn't matter what you believe in
just believe in something.

(Crappy poem (with good meaning) inspsired by a good song by Youth Brigade)