PhonX's Posts

Good post Paul

And in addition to that . . . will people stop bitching about the fireplace, it is only going to cost $5000 and if you know anything about how much stuff costs you would realize that that isn't very expensive. That $5000 can't be saved because of government laws and it can't be spent on anything productive because there isn't enough of it . . . so what the fuck lets just spend the money on a fire place. It will be fun to try and throw shit in there. Plus it might warm that fucking frozen tundra known as our school up a little!

Since you created a blog aimed at me . . .

I love the morons that are in a furious uproar about how horrid the walk out was and what a utter failure it is, but oh wait . . . the walkout accomplished its goal and that was to draw awareness to a nonsensical war. "Publicity stunt that crashed in the hanger." Sorry but your blog kind of ruined your whole entire arguement because the fact is that by commenting on the protest you are acknowledging its exsistence and it impact upon you and therefore admitting how much of a success it truly was. Oh and Paul people who believe that members of the third world nation are inferior as well as kicking the assess of Australians as well as killing French people, I would say that there is a pretty good comparision to you and the "anti-christ" and then I see no reason to not treat you like the anti-christ. And also I, being a liberal/ 3rd partier, am not shocked that a lot of the people in this nation don't agree with me, because most of the people in this nation are incredibly pretentious and bigotted, instead I am appalled that most of the nation doesn't agree with me, in believeing that a human life is worth more to than a machine to kill a man with different colored skin, salutes a different flag, or speaks another language.

If Sadam disarms then Sadam is a moron . . . ah good ol if/then statements!

Before I start I would just like to say that Sadam is a horrible tyranical ruler and deserves to be placed in the presitigous category of Hitler and Stalin and that this world would be better with out him alive. But I think Bush is going at this situation all wrong. What Bush is doing right now is making it seem as if there will be a war on Sadam no matter what. Therefore whatever Sadam does it doesn't matter because Bush will invade. And we have seen that through Bush's speeches and most recently his follow-up statement of the Iraqi's destroying some of their missles, where he said this doesn't mean anything and so on. So Sadam is put in a precarious position if he disarms the US invades and he is fucked, if he rearms / continues to arm then he will stand a chance. So if I was Sadam I would get some big ass nukes and nuke the fuck out of the US and hope to kill everyone that could destroy him and his empire. And this scenerio don't look to good for us Americans, as we get the fuck bombed out of us . . . all because Bush is incompotent . . . ! Well the whole getting nuked is farfetched but the position that Bush is putting Sadam in is a reality and is only worsening the situation.

Good Idea

I believe that it is a very good idea to walk out and especially during school hours. We the people of the United States of America have a right to voice our opinion and have the neccesity to voice our opinions and people who trully believe the hour in Iraq is not justified they should walk out. And by walking out during school the students are bringing attention to there walk out, because before that letter was sent out I had no clue that a walk out was going to take place and now I am slightly entriuged about the walk out and considering participating in it. I think that our school should consider doing one of those nude protests! I would be all for that!

Ah Ha

Now you just shot yourself in the foot. YOu complained in a previous blog that the UN is potentially dangerous as it starts exceeding it rules of soveriegnty. But now when you are pressed up against a wall you say that they should go into countries and break soveriegnty. What do you want? Make up your God damn mind. Also you say that the UN depends on the US . . . once again not true. The US does contribute some peace keeping troops of the UN's but the majority come from nations such as Britian as the US sends in its own troops as well as NATO troops. And I don't think that you understand the amount of power that the UN can potentially have. It can freeze banks, international trade, enforce borders. and other very offensive actions to that extent. Also I believe that the United States, France, China, Russia and Britian greatly hinder the amount that the UN was able to do and with ou those nations especially the United States, able to have a larger sway in events that is knows nothing about to control. Oh and lastly I am sorry to tell you but fucking grow up . . . the Israelies aren't defensiveless holy people that are perfectly innocent. They are equally terrorists, madmen, haters, and promoters of violence. What should the UN do . . . kill everyone that has raised a finger against a jew? Human beings are human beings in they eyes of the UN unlike most of the rest of the world.

Give Me An Example

Give me on example Paul of how the UN has not followed through on its word . . . cite at least resolution and tell exactly how they didn't follow up on their word. And if you can't do it (which you won't be able to - with out making up bull shit) apologize for insulting a wonderful organization as well as making shit up from your ass.

Hatred of the UN

Dear God you fucking moron . . . half of the countires in this world are in some form of military conflict and without the UN to contain these outbreaks, localized wars would turn into full scale world wide murderings and killings. Oh and Paul, you kind of forgot about the whole ICJ which is a very instrumental organ in working out minor issues between nations that would have one time or another result in war between nations. And that one part USA eventhough to true is completely wrong because the USA can choose to not pass anything, but it can't pass anything giving it and the other 4 permanent nations, yes too much, but still limited powers. Also for you to criticize is a wonderful example of the indocrinated Americans who only give a shit about America . . . the UN has been a neccary force of establishing and maintaining peace throughout our society. And very lastly you say that the UN is a "pussy" but at the very same time if the UN decided to start invading nations and breaking soveriengty it would no longer be an agent to promote peace, but another military alliance, and you would be complaining because you would view the UN as a possible threat to America as America is somewhat a subsidiary nation to another nations (eventhough not all together true). Basically you bitch and moan about the UN because you do not give a fuck about any nation in this world besides America and you are so blind to think that the whole world must be burdened 50 times over before America can sacrifice anything for the betterment of this world. I think I have said it before but if you mess with my man Kofi then you are going to have to mess with me as well!

SUV Drivers are Terrorists

The government should lock up and arrest any person that decides to buy an SUV. I think that Jesse would agree with me on this particular subject in saying that any perosn would throw away money that they could be using to do incredible amounts of good in this world. But no they decide to spend their money on perpetuating or dependece on gas and thus the middle East, and also our natural rescources of our national parks. SUV drivers symbolize the wrongs of mankind and the reason that man will eventually fall . . . stupidity, ignorance, and elitism. The three ideals that every person who drives around a fucking Cadillac Escalade SUV - terrorists!

Nuclear Bombs

Can anyone explain to me what America is doing about limiting nukes or any other weapons of mass destruction in this world? Because it seems to me that we are continuing to build our piles of missiles and arming up the wazoo while we hell at other nations for having weapons of mass destruction. NO nation is going to stop building weapons of mass destruction when they have nations right next to them or on the other side of the world that are able to obliterate their nation in about 20 minutes or less. If any nation stopped building weapons they would be buffoons because they are threatened by our weapons. And yet we Americans are complaining that Saddamm has weapons stock piled, eventhough they can't find traces of weapons or any radioactive material, while we America practically brag about the weapons that we have. To tell the truth to a good portion of this world . . . we are the threat. We are the terrorists that are killing innocent civilians, brother, fathers, mothers, and sisters, while at the same time we blame all the other nations of the world for the wrongs committed against them. I dont' hate America or believe we are the Universal terrorists but all I am saying is that by building nuclear weapons and so on we are only perpetuating more and more countries to mount some defense against the US, the effect then is cyclic. (Kind of like the situation in Colombia, but that is a wholly different blog!)


I am glad to see that NATO is having some difficulties with the nations of Germany and France and so on, and I hope that this dilemna persists. NATO is a horrid orginazation that will create another large scale war. I said will because as we have seen in our past when nations feel threatened they ally together and so on and so forth until WAR! I believe that if we continue to threaten smaller nations with military alliances they will create military alliances of their own. The middle - Eastern countries could ally, and then maybe China could ally and then possibly North Korea. This is very far fetched but potentially likely if NATO continues to be a dominating militaristic force. And this is why I am glad Germany and France are providing some dissidence because hopefully that will remove some of NATO's power and create a much less powerful military alliance and won't threaten nations into military alliances with other nations!