PhonX's Posts


To Ben . . .

I don't understand why you are trying to belittle my arguements with the common knowledge that a five year old would know. You are trying to impress upon me your intelligence of a subject matter, that is common material. And the thing about the Grand Ayatollah is well kind of half of the story. The reason that that was issued was because the Iraqi people were resisting the coalition and they did not want the US or any of the other coalition troops into their country. In essence it is the typical usual of religion where the head of the religion will feel one way, while the mass of the religion will feel the exact opposite way. It is the same scenario of how the smaller third world countries are "supporiting" the US, while the people that make up the country are protesting the US. The fact that the Ayatollya had to realease his statement shows that while the educated see the benefit of allowing the US in their country the people don't. Ben if you honestly believe that in all of your narrow mindedness, and willing to believe the US over the voices of the rest of the world, that Koffi Annon is devoting his life to peace for his own gain. I am greatly disturbed that you would place a man who never had a single conflict in his child hood life and through college, and managed to make his way through life drinking it away while daddy covered his ass, over a man who has come from an incredibly poor town in Africa and managed to gain the respect of almost all of the nations of the world, and has spent relenteless hours of his life caring for those who are not cared, by your love and devotion Bush, the poor, the homeless, those with aids, all the people that Bush wants to not believe they exsist, he wants to help. It is mind boggling that you could support the actions of Bush over Koffi Annon. I have a question for you, do you believe that Mother Teresa (if you know you that is) spent her life suffering so that she could become famous?

And to Paul
Paul you are talking about completely different things, and I would like to leave my article to shutup you don't know what you are talking about, but I will elaborate. Here is the issue you are demonstrating the issue that the UN will not break soveirgnty, which I believe is a good action on their part, which you obviosly disagree a with. The fact that they will not break soveriengty, however, has absolutely nothing to with how they would rebuild a country. You talk about medical aide which should actually be paid by the US and not the UN because of what you said so proudly before, the US was the one to kill all of the Iraqi's and take over the country not the UN. Nevertheless I don't believe that the US is qualifiied to care for these people, as I have never trully seen the US embracing the needs of another country (not to say that I have ever seen that though), and so therefore I would, eventhough the US did massacre the people, the UN would be better set up to help the medical needs of these people. Also in terms of the actual rebuilding of Iraq, you can say what you want, but everyone on this forum knows that the Drug Lords are coming back into power in Afgaistan and that we have not even begun to repair the damage we caused, much less the damage caused by previous wars, and I believe that a similar attitude would be placed on Iraq. When Bush realizes that this will cost in excess of 20 billion dollars a month he might shy away a little. While the UN with the full support of most of the world would be able to easier acquire these funds and rebuild Iraq more effectively. And lastly we install regimes that look kindly towards the US, and that is a euphomism. There is no question that Truman did a good job with post world war 2, but this is slightly differnent the countries we are dealing with are not former super powers, or powers at all, but rather poor third world nations, that can be easily manipulated. I dont' trust the US with such obvious biases in this situation to control the future of all of these Iraqi's, the security in the middle East, and the potential for disaster in the rest of the world . . . obviosly we don't give a fuck about world opinion and the issue of rebuilding Iraq has serious implications on not just US trade but also the future of this world.


We have not rebuilt one road, or hospital, or anything else that we destroyed in Afganistan

Also how the hell can you even compare Kofi Annan to George W. Bush . . . ha! That is a laughable comparision, if you can show me one example where Kofi has acted to benefit "his friends in upper places" I will never speak on this forum ever again. You will try and twist and tell me to say when Bush has done anything like that . . . the Hummer Law as I refer to it as, he got rid of taxing stocks, he has lowered taxes for the rich. He does have a conflict of interest towards rich people.

Also the UN woudlnt be controlling a the nation, they never have and never will, but they would like they have done in other parts of the world facilitate an election, and allow a government that was appointed by the people to lead the nation, and not a government that neccarialy looks favorably to the US.

And lastly how can you say that they Iraqi's are enjoying the US imperialistic take over . . . just a few days ago they were in open arms refusing to allow the US to pass into their city of Najaaxarasdfasdfsfaasfa (okay the end is made up but the first couple letter are right) . Obviosly the Iraqi's aren't bending over and kissing the feet of the invaders that are taking over their country . . . you can't deny these people their human nature to feel threatend by a hostile take over of their homeland no matter if the intentions are good or bad.

Post War Iraq

Here is what I believe is going to happen in Iraq . . .

Firstly Bush is going to "rebuild" Iraq by himself and not allow anyone else besides "coalition" troops to maintain stability in the region and in the world. This isn't his job to do, because it is the international community's responsibitly and duty to maintain stability in the world, and not a country that has some lets say "preferential idealogy." This task of rebuilding Iraq should be left up to Kofi Annon and the UN, because their rulings will have the most legititamacy than any other group. But nonetheless Bush believes that it is his "job" to rebuild Iraq, which really it comes down to him believing that "to the victor goes the spoils," and that since he defeated Iraq, he gets the right to reap the nation of anything he wants. This doesn't make much sense to me, just because the Iraqi people have seen of enough of the imperialist America, and now want their nation to be rebuilt, not re-cultivated with American societal standars and so on, the Iraqi's need an organization in their that will be able to rebuild and care for the people . . . hell the WHO should been in there five weeks ago. Secondly on Bush's road to "rebuilding" I believe that he will take the Iraqi's oil. He will do this on the front that the oil is going into funds that are headed towards rebuilding Iraq, so therefore he isn't taking the oil he is just using for the same purposes that the Iraqi's would hopefully use it for . . . rebuilding. But rather this oil money will not benefit the Iraqi's to the large extent that it should, rather much of the money, not all because that would be to obvious, will be stolen and will be used the same way Bush uses most of American tax money - to benefit his friends in higher position. And thusly Iraq will turn into another Afganistan, will the Drug Lords taking over the nation and, not one single road being built, and not one single step taken towards democracy in that nation.

Lastly, I don't believe that the UN would do a perfect job in Iraq, they had some problems in Bosnia, which they did manage to overcome, but I believe that because the UN is a more neutral body then the US and also that the Iraqi's trust the UN more than they do the US, that the UN would be the better body to oversee this affair. If this is not handled properly every America that lost his life, lost it for nothing, and every Iraqi soldier and civilian that was killed, was killed for no reason. This will be the hardest part of the war, and I don't trust Bush to do it.

Wrong . . . maybe

Jesse you are most likely wrong when you say that Iraq has half the worlds oil fields because I assume you are pulling those numbers out of your ass (which is fine) but you are basing them on America. Therefore under that condition you are wrong because America only gets 20% of its oil from all of the middle East, so I imagine most of that would come from Kuwait and so on thus Iraqi oil would be a great benefit to America and all the other nations, but it at this moment hasn't been tapped as heavily by America.

Ben . . . read then post

Ben your arguement is completely unfounded. No where in my article did I say that the Iraqis should destroy their oil. All I was stating was that it seemed odd for Bush to make it so blatent that he didn't want the Iraqis to destroy their oil wells. And his own words made me feel as though he was more concerned about the oil then the people of Iraq themselves. You can not truly argue with this because it is a fact, this is how Bush's words made me feel. And you know what your last post was a mindless devotion to the government. You basically stated it is too late now to care about Iraq and to protest an unjust war against Iraq instead because "the cards are on the table" we must just sit idle and watch as Bush wages war. And lastly Ben I know your aren't stupid and I know that you aren't an idealist so all I want you to do is that maybe, just maybe America is the goodness fairy that you make it out to be, yes America does a lot of good in this world, but when it comes to installing regimes and hasn't been at its finest. You know this as well as I, so lets not try and pretend that everything will be good and happy after good old happy America liberates the sad people of Iraq and puts big smiles on every one's faces - Don't try and bull that shit on this website because you are better than that mindless dribble.

Saddam is the bomb

Sorry but that was a pretty decent ryhming pun. But I actually am writing about Sadamm because I can't spell his name - no actually I am writing because he scares the shit out of me because he is crazy. Sadamm has never refrained from using chemical weapons on his own people and has never been afraid to use force in the past. He did refrain from chemicals Kuwait, which does give me some hope, but not enough to be comfortable with him in such a tight position. He reminds me of a really physcotic, and angry squirrel that is in a few days will have his back against a wall with the only escape through America. Eventhough this analogy isn't totally true because Saddamm has such a vast underground tunneling system that he will be able to flee very quickly if needs be, but nonetheless the fact that a foriegn army will be taking over his nation, says to me that he might resort to some drastic plots. I would be very fearful if I were living in Israel right now as that is his closest target, but I am still very nervous about the US. An attack is expected on America, whether or not it will be foiled, and personally that makes me on the nervous side. I kind of feel as though I would be better off in a small nation that is surrounded by water that is neutral on almost every issue - Ah Ireland! I wish I lived in Ireland. It isn't that I am fearful of my life, but I am quite nervous of what Saddam (who is crazy) will release against America, Britian, and all the other nations that are supporting the forcible removal of Saddamm from their nations.

Dear Mr. Bush,

Mr. Bush for every American that dies you will be held responsible,
for every Iraqi that dies you will be held responsible.

For every American city that is destroyed you will be held responsible,
for every Iraqi city that is destroyed you will be held responsbile.

For every slightest moment of discomfort an American feels you will be held responsible,
for every slightest moment of discomfort an Iraqi feels you will be held responsible.

For every human that has to fear the bombs of the United states or the bombs of Saddam, you will be held responsible. You have decided to not listend the the world's opinion and the opinions of the Security council. You have decided through your ruthlessness and your ignorance to wage an unjust war. You have brought this war upon your own hands by denying prospects of peace. You have choice to not exhaust every option of peace, and instead declared war. You destablized this world and this country. You have killed far too many!

World Opinion

I find it really odd that almost of the nations in this world do not have a majority of their people supporting the war on Iraq. I have heard a few bigotted responses that say basically oh well the entire world is wrong and that America is the only nation in the world that can trully see the light. Or other responses that everyone is just not supporting war on Iraq because they hate America. What ever your opinion on the issue is it doesn't really matter because it doesn't change the fact that Bush has almost no support. His three major allies (only two that might contribute troops) are Spain and Britian. First off Britian's parliament doesn't support war and am not totally sure but I believe that because of how the government is structured Britian could not contribute troops. Then Spain's people are in a large majority opposed the war in Iraq, whether or not this is affecting the government, it should be a sign to Bush that people of the world do not want this war to take place. Then Israel will probably support this war and go invade Iraq. And on this issue I have a slightly differing stance . . . the Israelis should go and fuck up Saddam for the cruise missles that he lodged up Israel's ass in the Gulf War. Israel has a lot more stack and right in this war than I believe America does . . . (I hope the Jews get their sweet and deserved revenge on Saddam). The final response that I get when I ask people the question of why the other countries aren't supproting a war against Iraq, they say something to the extent that their leaders are incompotent. I am sorry but the leaders of the rest of the world are at the very least no more incompotent that President Bush and for the most part are more intelligent than Bush. In no way is America's government any more knowledgeable about worldy affairs than the rest of the world.

Don't blow up your oil!

Last night during Bush's speech he began pleading with Iraqi troops (that he sympathizes with so much) asking them not to blow up their oil fields . . . Oh come on that had to seem a little unsettling to everyone that watched that speech no matter your opinions concerning Bush. The fact that he spent a good 20 seconds on the topic and about 1 minutes leading up to it in a 15 minute speech is pretty important. It is obvious to at least me that we might not only being going into Iraq to remove/disarm Saddamm, but could it be possilbe that America has some devious purposes?!?!? It couldn't be (sarcasm!). Actually the thing that really draws my attention to this statement is that I have heard it about 5 times in the last 3 weeks from Bush advisors who have been concerned with Iraq destroying their oil fields. And obviosly the oil fields could allow Iraqi economic recovery after the war, but most likely the oil will only benefit the richest people in Iraq who are subsequentally the "democraticatically elected" and "not tyranical" leaders that would take control over Iraq after Saddam is out of power, and I am sure that oil will just by chance end up helping out the Americans a whee bit too . . . Maybe!

Fucking Sick

I am getting really fucking sick of the fact that every God damn operation or bill or whatever the fuck it is is called some bull shit name like operation freedom, liberty shield, American acts. Opps I forgot America would never practice in any form of propoganda ever, so obviosly these names must be just name like this out of sheer coinincedence that all of the other names were taken! I believe that every time Bush names a policy something freedom or something to that extent, he is admitting the reluctance he has to that particular policy and is trying to make people not disagree with his policies and so on. And yes this is propoganda . . . it isn't obviosly as bad as some of the propoganda from Hitler, Stalin, Hussien, or many other Eastern nations, but it really is propoganda.