PhonX's Posts

Everyone Dick on Paul

Hey Paul, first are you telling me that your WRX is more practical then my GEO Prism when your WRX costs a substantial amount more then the $5000 that was paid for me Geo. HAHAHAHA! Dear God no. And in fact I probably get better gas mileage then your WRX as I go through 9 gallons every three weeks. Also my car probably doesn't cost as much to repair as a matter of fact it is relatively cheap . . . all the repairs that we did to it (because my sis drives it like a sportscar and the automotives we took it to are morons, Spielmans auto sux ass) costed $2000. That being a substantial amoutn doesn't even come close to the original cost of your car, and at the same time it wasn't all that expensive for everything that we replaced. So don't even try and make it seem that your car is practical. It might be more practical than an H2 but so is a damn Sesna so that is saying jack shit.

The NHS thing . . . it does one thing that is good that I know of, enforces community service. I will never complain to an organization that is set up to give community service and so on for people even if it is for the purposes of bettering oneself.


Paul you are driving a WRX . . . a sportscar. You're car has almost no practicality whatsoever, and it really isn't any better then buying a Hummer.

These Places still exsist!

My uncle was talking today about a doctor he knew, who happened to be black, and was in Georgia for some reason. He was at a gas station or something like that and a kid in the store pointed at him and said "Look mommy a nigger!"

It astounds me to no end that places and people like this still exsist, I realize that the klan still exsists and that there are many a bigot in America, but kids that are so removed from the actual world was astounded to see a black person. It is just incredible that America still has its ancestory of bigotry prevelant in areas. Also Rachel Lavenda was talking to me awhile ago and said that an incrediblely christian family asked her where her horns and wings were, in a mockingly fashion. This bigotry is just incredible to me as well. It is mind blowing is mind blowing that there are bigots to this extent still roaming around.

Also if it sounded like I was saying bigotry was a rarity on this post, I wasn't, I realize that the KKK and other horrid groups of bigots still exsist and racism is still very prevalent, but nonetheless these example have impacted me because it shows how truly close racism is to me and where I live, and isn't in some far removed parsec of the universe.

Good Post

I think that signifies this entire website and most of the idealogy expressed here . . . correctness sux. Conforming to any sort of pre set standard is never a good thing, rather analyzing and using your mind to determine what is good and what is bad is the only way to live life, and that is why the biggest motto on this site is something like "Don't wear pants." Everyone is wearing pants and it is our job to look at pants and see if there is an actual purpose to wearing them or if everyone in society wears them for the sake of conformity. In addition when the politicians get together for a "spontaneaus" singing of God Bless America . . . i am sure those are "spontaneaus." They are just using the song to make them seem more patriotic and trying to show that they actual give a shit about the nation. It makes me feel a lot less about those people, and makes me think they are playing the politician game for mere power and don't really care about this nation or anyone in it. God most politicians annoy me. Now that Jesse Ventura* . . .

Also PC is a horrid thing as well, you can't say most anything with out being accosted by PC nuts if they are any where around you . . . Calling a person with dark skin, black if fine as not all "black people" are or from Africa as the PC morons would like us to believe. And I don't know a single Indian who gives a shit about being called Indian and not "native American." Obviously we should be a little more conscience than we were in the past, but the complete opposite is not any good either.

*That was a joke, that is what everyone says who are to incompotent to pay attention to politics so they say they like Ventura because he spoke his mind, and they people never understand the things that Ventura supported or wanted to implement in this state.

Hey Ben

In your post you forgot to discuss the world economy, or aids victims, or jews be killed in WWII . . . oh wait your post had nothing to do with these topics. As my post had nothing to do with how Saddam treated his prisoners. And Ben truthfully do you think that the federal government has always protected freedom of speech and people still don't get black listed (maybe not as a significant extent as in the past) for doing things that are unpatriotic. My post was aimed at the fact that just because it happens in Iraq doesn't mean it is automatically a horrid thing or an incriminating thing against Iraq but rather some things that happen in other parts of the world happen in this nation as well, and as we criticize a nation a dictator, who should be criticized to say the least, we must shine that same light on our selves and not believe that we are a superiour nation than the rest of the world and that we have no wrongs in this nation.

Fuck you

Hmm why don't we talk about twisting arguements Ben. You have never once answered anthing directed at you ever. And in addition in my article, you fucking moron, I said that I was not comparign the conditions of American prisons and Iraqi, but I was merely saying that we had numerous persons in jail. You decided to make some dumb ass post about something that I never ever said. "Ben and Paul I know you are going to say some dumbass thing about how the people are treated so much worse, and so on, which is obvious. My point though is that in a sheer numerical comparison we are probably right up there is not passed Iraq in number of prisons and prisoners percentage wise." That is a direct quote from my post, maybe you should fucking read something before you make some dumb ass comment about it. Secondly Ben . . . what the fuck are you talking about. I never said that people who found against Saddam were not in the right but rather I said that we treat have the same emotions and opinions regarding traitors as does Saddam, and therefore I was saying that it isn't that horrid of a thing if Saddam hates his traitors and we hate our traitors as well. You then spew this pity shit about the Iraqis and how long they have suffered in a effort to demonize me, when I never said anything of the sort. Once again fucking read a post before you make some stupid fucking counter to it. And lastly I really don't give a shit what you think happend With Walker, because what I have read both online and from the NY Times supports what I said, and you talk about political idealogy blinding someone, you have just as much of a blind fold around your head as you accuse me of. Also when did I say I wasn't happy that Saddam wasn't out of power . . . when did I say that Iraqis were not treated horridly by Saddam, and please explain how none of my arguements make sense . . . go through every arguement that i have ever made on this forum and discredit it, and also how is my logic twisted, I guess if I believe what I read by credible sources I must be twisted . . . or is that I am twisted because I don't agree with you.

And lastly lastly fuck you, you write these stupid posts that are completely unfounded ina manner to discredit me, and make up shit that I never said in my post. That is fucking bull shit and should not be allowed on this site. If you want to argue with someone good, but use actual facts no bull shit that you thought would have been convienent if I would have said. Also

Death to the UN

I dont' actually mean that obviosly but the topic shall come to an end soon after this, but there are still some fundamental errors that I want to clear up. Firstly, Ben you said a while back that the UN is looking forward to the prospect of an ICJ . . . umm Benny they have had the ICJ for quite some time now. Also I would like to clear up something that Frason said about how could the UN depose a leader, and actually the UN is able to go into a country and remove a dictator forciablly if neccessary if he is convicted of war crimes . . . which Hussien prolly could have been convicted of. I think that about clears it up for blatent miss understandings of the UN, a body that has done a great deal to increase peace and stability in this world, while at the same time in desperate need of nations to be supportive of it and to pay their dues . . .

Things I hear on the tele

I heard three very funny things on the televesion from a man by the name of Dan Rather a couple of seconds ago and I thought everyone would like to hear them.

1) Dan Rather was talking about how there are so many prisons in Iraq and how many prisons there are. I found it some what humurous because in the US we have over 2,000,000 prisoners, and yet we make it sound like Iraq is such a horrid place because of the number of prisons . . . Ben and Paul I know you are going to say some dumbass thing about how the people are treated so much worse, and so on, which is obvious. My point though is that in a sheer numerical comparison we are probably right up there is not passed Iraq in number of prisons and prisoners percentage wise.

2) Dan Rather said something about how many of the prisoners had been detained for fighting in wars against Iraq and speaking out against Iraq. Firstly, if any American were to join the Iraqi side and fight against the US we would detain them and throw them in the slammer for being a traitor . . . which isn't a bad thing it is just hypocrital that Rather was making a big point out of it.Then next he talked about how they were arrested for speaking out against the government . . . John Walker Lindh was basically black listed and accused of the ultimate treacheroury against the US. This isn't true as we now know that he went to Afganistan to study what a jihad was and to become familiar with Islam. What makes it even worse that is that a women who reported the story was basically black listed by the government and lost her job and was unable to get a new job.

3) Dan Rather said in a perfect world we our coverage of the war would be completely unbiased . . . hmmm, does this seem unsettling to anyone else, I would think that in a perfect world we wouldn't have any need for war, hahaha, I guess I stand corrected. I know what he meant and I am just making a joke, he probably would like peace as well, but who knows, he is making lots o cash of this war!

And last I hope you conservatives are happy because I criticized a less conservative person, but don't come back and say that oh well the conservatives would never say anything like this and that everything that you just mentioned is just a liberal thing . . . the points he made are more heavily argued by the right so don't give me any of that backwards ass bull shit.


Paul that is the same arguement that you have said over and over and over again, but nontheless you still have fundamental issues that are wrong. THe UN can go into any nation as long as that nation gives consent . . . therefore the UN is not a police force of any kind, but yet it is an agent to rebuild nations. It rebuilds them by reducing poverty and aids and getting humanitiarian help to the citizens. Also it helps maitain stability in a region by employing troops for a short resolution to a problem. And lastly it through its body allows for the democratic process in a country to work, while at the same time introducing the nation into a world economy and not just that of US's allies.

And to Ben, you don't understand aspects of the UN to well either, when I am talking about Koffi as a person I am not talking about the UN because he has no more control over the UN than I do. The only difference is that who is and his posisition gives him respect from the securtiy council to advocate what goes on in the UN, therefore I am not saying that one man should rule over Iraq, as Koffi wouln't have any power in Iraq, and instead I am advising that an actual coalition (not Bush's three nations) rebuilds Iraq.