PhonX's Posts


I was taking to Ben last night and I was bitching about Jerry Falwell so he made a comment something to the extent, damn falwell and damn Subaru WRXs. He obviosly said it sarcastically and mockingly to an extent, but nonetheless I was laughing hysterically because of it. So thus these post was written. Don't worry I am not comparing Hilter to the WRX we just needed to make fun of ourselves a whee bit!


During the course of human events, great evil arises. Such cases include the rise of Hitler's genocidal madness. A more contemporary example Jerry Falwell's hatred of gays, stating that all gays will go to hell and that God hates them. This brings us to the little thought of continent of evil, Australia. While settling the colony, the white settlers nearly eliminated an entire race of people known as the aborigines. With aboriginal blood, the settlers built up a prosperous colony, and started selling many products from it, namely Subaru cars!
The worst of these cars is the Subaru WRX, which has no practical usage whatsoever. Whoever drives it is driving over the corpses of dead aborigines, and showing off the wastefulness and genocidal nature of Western Civilization. Just as Hitler drove his Mercedes, so too do others drive their wasteful sports car. For shame. Evil is still all around us, even as you drive down 394.


Fine kick me off . . . no skin off my back. And jesse my articles did have a lot of facts in them yet . . . but I am sorry that my posts aren't written like Dr. Seuss boook.


I would like to congratulate myself and being the first person to achieve the honor of writing 100 horridly confusing rants on the Atimes. I know what you are thinking that it must be hard to rant this hard for this long, but I tried my hardest and I managed to get here first. I know not only hold the honor of sexiest member of atimes, insulter of Franson, and according to Mr. Marrinson most liberal on the atimes, but now am the only and the first to get to 100 posts . . . boooya!


I was watching the O'Riely factor the other day and one of the guests said something to the extent that the liberals never praise the government for what they do well and they are always critizcizing it. And I took that to heart and the more I thought about it, the more I started agreeing with it. And then after I appreciated it for its valor I then thought to myself that that isn't such a bad thing. The federal government does not need people telling it "oh what a good job you did" and "way to go" no with the boundless potential that a our democratic system gives people should be always saying what it needs to do better. Just because the government improves on an issue we should not sit back and become passive, but instead we should appreciate the fact that that situation was resolved and start protesting and raising our voices about another issue that the government is doing wrong. And therefore there should never be a time in our history were people are saying that the government is doing a great job, but rather people should say the government has to do this and do that. It is our patriotic duty as democratic citizens to protest the government and to do it constantly!

Oh Right

Right Jesse, I forgot that you don't care about human beings and that you are totally fine with them be massacerd on the streets and then having the government saying that it never happend, so you would have no intention of at least trying to end some of the horrible breach of civil rights that is occuring in those nations . . .

As you said Jesse we are afraid of China and Russia, but moreover they are simiarly afraid of us. Russia doesn't even know where most of their nuclear missles, a great deal of them have been destroyed, and finally they don't have the means of launching a missle strike on America. China has nuclear capabilites, but I dont' know whether or not they have nuclear weapons, but that doesn't even matter they aren't going to nuke us for telling them that they have to stop oppressing their people. Reasonable men and women and especially the people that run nations do not want to nuke other nations especially America. If America is attacked we would not hessiate to strike back and every nation knows that, they aren't about to attack us any time soon.

But where you are wrong is that we can't do anything about it, there you are very wrong. There is a thing called "international trade" and America does a fair amount of it. We have lots of power to make nations suffer and to punish them for not agreeing with us. We have the power to stop trade with a nation and get all of our allies to stop trade with that nation. We could push for NATO countries to start boycotting those nations and we can get the UN to do the same. And Russia especially needs that help. Besides "starvation" as you put it we also have the thusly have the ability to turn the the international community against a certain nation. And once again Russia can't have that as they are trying to emerge from their former ideals and prosper in this new world. And China at the same time is trying to do that same thing and they as well can't afford to have the world turn against them, it would not be favorable.

It is possible to establish human rights in these nations because these nations need us and at least they are afraid of what can happen if they don't respect our power. We have this great power and if we don't use it we are once again guilty.

Response to Paul

I think that the greater factor was the ramifications of WWI. Not only that immense poverty and so on made these people very easy to being tricked into supporting Hitlers brutality. And also Hitler was a very good propogandist he slowly and methodically conviced the nation that there problems were from minorties. But at the same time there is no and never will be an excuse for these people supporting Hitler, there is no way that anyone can try and making that excuse. And the same goes for nations and others that gave into Hitler as well . . . there are not to many people that are not at fault for the rise of Hitler.

Here we go

As a prenote, a warning of sorts, I just played a couple o' games o' rugby and I am tired and I took a couple too many shots to the head but nonetheless I am decided to write this blog anyway.

As you said Ben the people that aided Hitler were most defintely at fault for Hitler. And as Paul said that soldiers weren't totally to blame, but rather everyone was. So my problem with this is that we all admit that helping evil and even ignoring evil is evil in and of its self. Therefore when we turn and analyze our own country I think that we have to start placing responsibility on ourselves for the terrorism that we support and provoke all around the world.

If we look to the Vietnam War, it is one of the greatest examples of installing a horrible regime for the sole purpose that it would benefit us. We saw images of Monks burning themselves in disagreenace with the war. We installed a repressive regime with Diem-Sung at that lead who was more destructive to the people than the communists ever would be. In this circumstance we were responsible for the horrors that they government committed because we supported them, installed them, and praised them while we knew what was going on in that nation.

But these the Vietnam was, to no means, the only time that we have ever invoked a policy of this kind. Once again in an effort to fight the "communists" we supported governments in El Salvado, Guatamala, and Honduras that were repressing their people extensively. Repression is defintely a euphemism for the horrors that were being committed, such as mass murdering, executions of men and women on the streets void of any trial, and complete brutality. But as the US knew of all of this we continued to support these nations governments with weaponry and funding . . . I believe that makes us responsible to those actions. It is the same as the men and women who supported Hitler, they are guilty, and simiarly we are guilty.

Presently we are supporting the Phillipenes government with weapons and other sorts of funding to ruthlessly put down its nations people. It is wildly know amoung the forerunners of our nation that the government in the Phillipenes is acting ruthlessly and with out cause or reason. We members of the US can not continue to give money to governments that do not in the least extent even try to uphold standards that our own government tries to adhere to. Money not humanitarianism is the source of our International indeavors and that is incredibly detremental to the world.

In both Russia and China we are ignoring the horrible breach of rights that we as Americans believe that every man has the right too. China is one of the worlds leaders of ruthlessness and obstruction of all civil liberities. Russia is very similar in that the more and more we become friendly with them, the more and more we turn our backs to their policies regarding their own people. This next week Bush is going to chat with the Russian leaders another time, and there is no chance that he will bring up issues condeming the Russian government about their breaches of civil rights. This is something that we as the self acclaimed "police force of the world" must deal with. We are the most wealthy and the most capable of dealing with these situations and yet we do nothing, and that makes us guilty.

In Colombia we are supporting a government which is run by drug lords and murderers. We are basically keeping this government alive because of the money we supplement to it, and thus extending our own drug problems in our nation. There are an average of 50 kidnappings, murders, and other forms of this illigetiment government's abuse on a daily basis.

Our international policy is flawed. We give lots of money out to the world, but we put it in the hands of killers and murders because it will benefit us to a greater extent. If we didn't give this money out to these nations we would be doing the international community a far greater favor then shelling out the money that we need back at home. Ben has been right in the past when he said that we do do alot for the world. And he is correct again when we do do a lot of good for the world. But there are vastly to many cases when the things that we do support governments which horribly repress and murder their people, and that makes us responsible, and personally I don't like the feeling that my tax money is responsible for the killing of vast quantities of people all aroudn the world.


I want to sort of change topics but I would like to try and corner some of you people first, so I am going to ask a pretty open question and ask you guys to respond to it, especially Mr. Abrahms.

The question goes something like this, "Were the German soldiers who listened to Hitler's words at fault during WW2? And were the countries and nations that added Hitler to the smallest degree and added in the killing of humans, at fault as well?"

My answer thus goes something like this. Everyone who did not condem Hitler and did not try and do something against him was impart at fault, no matter their race, religion, creed, sex, or anything else of the sort. Every nation who sent him money, guns, or anything else or even didn't do anything to try and stop him was at fault, and every soldier that supported Hitler was at fault as well. I believe in choice decision and there is no excuse for your own actions, ever. No matter the consequence of your decision they are still yours.

So if yall would get back to me with your answers I would love to twist them around and apply them to a seperately different arguement, hohohoho, because I am damn tired of people trying to run when the pressure is on, I want to see some people caught in the corner, because I know I run under that pressure as well and would like to see myself caught in that corner!


Paul the reason you aren't going to respond any further is because like usual you have nothing important/relevant/interesting/factual/intelligent to say, but this time you are choosing not to say it . . . for once. My remarks were completely valid.

And on to Jesse . . . the Geo makes it up to 90mph on a constant basis and it accelerates faster from 0-30 then do most cars because most cars nowadays are automatics which do to shifting restrictions and such manuals end up accelerating quicker. Jeff has plenty of leg room in that car and he has never bitched about it being to small for him, and he isn't exactly the smallest little girl I have ever seen. I fit like 6 people in there once and was debating picking up a hitchhiker as well. I used to sit in the back seats all the time when my sister was driving and I never found it uncomfortable to any degree. Oh and Jesse the Geo that we bought was blue booked at over $6000, and the car only costed $3000 while repairs on the sucker were an extra $2000, which were only needed because of the drivers of the car. Also most likely you have never had your knees in the dash because most likely Jeff was riding with me and therefore Jeff was in shotgun and you were in back, thus it would have been impossible for you to bash your knees against the dash, and I have never heard about Jeff banging his knee on the dash . . . ever. Now if you want to try and give some real reasons that the Geo is impractical then go ahead, but as I see it the proof of Jeff, Alex, John, myself, and all my sister friends never once complaining about that car completely frustrates your arguement.

Also Hummers, they are just the kings of all the stupid lousy wourthless SUV's out there. They are #1 in cars that break down the most with Saab right behind them. I believe that SUV drivers are terrorists if people who smoke pot are terrorists as well. I also believe that people in Hummers and SUV's are the stupid bastards who think that because they fell upon a heap of money that they have the right to drive on my lawn and rip the shit out of it.