Political Rants

No Acting the Part of the Fool, Jesse

Corruption is nothing less than the strongest poison to any organization lording over a group of people with brains between their ears. Take pre-Communist Russia for example. The people recognized that the Romanovs were merely pawns to Rasputin's corrupting influence, so they killed said influence along wirh his supporters (in a slightly less spectacular fashion), and formed a coup which brought a new leader to power. However, this story has a downside as well. Their blind faith in the new form of government and its decisions brought them into the mindset that nothing could possibly harm them, as they followed Communism, whilst Stalin's regime became in many ways more corrupt and evil than Czar Nicholas's a quarter-century earlier. Thus, corruption can destroy a corrupted regime if the people are brave enough to see it, or, in a worst-case scenario, strengthen the belief in the regime and the country it rules. Oh, and by the way, Jesse, thank you for restoring the paper to its former glory days of existing above censorship.

The battle is not worth fighting

Instead of being a hypocrite for I am much against censorship, I have deleted my comment on Andrews article "Jesse and Historical References Confused (Jesse: no wait, Andrew is confused on the let them eat cake)" but before you go and insult my intelligence do read my article at least twice for I was raised Czech and things may be fraised a bit oddly. I would also like to apologize, but this does not meen I am caving in so don't go off and get cocky.

Mess with this

First off I will only mess with rants when it's a matter of my integrity being wrongfully downgraded. Secondly "no government is perfect" and yet "no government" isn't perfect either. Anarchy cannot exist for small governments would for automatically by people joining together to percent gangs from riding towns. I'm not saying, "Oh, America is wonderful" but is better than any other place I know of. I believe the less government the better, their should be no local government, and no stupid laws to enforce like the Hopkins law "a garage must the same color as a house" Save the tax payers money and simplify next near everything. We are a party system, live with it, and their are MANY parties, not just two. Look at Jesse Ventura, he's neither DFL nor GOP and yet he was elected.

What else is new?

As far as corruption goes, I disagree with both of you. What happens when a country is in an oppresive situation, is a revolution. Now this can be aided by another government, as Gross said, but it's far from democratic. No large government is perfect. To quote Tommy Lee Jones character from Men in Black, "a person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals". A large group of people will ruin any system, no matter how good the theory of it is. My point was that I'm so fed up with all the idiots that think America is so great. They think they're so damn rightious, and they think that nothing we can do is wrong. I'm gonna say right now, the system doesn't work unless it's a small system, and their aren't currently. I also hate the whiny politicans who have the backing of their major party. There was little difference between the candidates for President. Politically, they kept saying the same things. And if we are going to have a party system, we really need to get a second party. As for myself, I'll stay with the whig party for now.
(also, I agree with Gross in that Jesse shouldn't mess with other people's rants)

learn of what you speak

-First off I would like to say it fixes it self because we elect our officals and if somone is known to be corrupt it fixes it self, secondly look at enron, it fixed it self, and thirdly how is columbia any of our buisness? Even if it was our buisness, a corupt government kills it self, it can only exploit its people for so long before they take out the governent. And their government was SMALL and was hundreds of times simpler to force into a dictatorship, if you believe america could ever becaome a dictatorship within any of our lifetimes without much of the country first being nuked you are so very wrong. ALSO, YOU ARE IN SANFRANCISCO, the land where you are PAID to be a bum by the city! BUMS MIGRATE TO SANFRANCISCO, and that is why there are so many. They are not working by choice and eating fine so shut up. Lastly I am god and will change what ever the hell I like, just be glad I changed none of the content.

You Arrogant Fool

How dare you say that corruption is something to be embraced, corruption is the downfall of any government and will destroy all governments that choose to embrace it. And what is this that Corruption fixes itself, give me one cause of where that is true. Look at Colombia, this country has chosen a route of illegality and how and when is it fixing itself. The people of Colombia are starving and the "government," dictavitve officials are becoming fatter and fatter on the money their illegality is making for them. And their corruption, jesse, how will it end? It won't end with two people getting married and being happy ever after as your ingnorant rave tried to assert, but instead one of two ways. The first the country will just plan die out and the politicians and officials will be the only ones left, and the more foreseable future America goes in killing thousands of civilians to get rid of this corruption. If nature would take its course Colombia would always be corrupt, but outside forced have to step in to stop that corruption. And now lets look at America. A democracy which many ideals of our nation spawned from, strives on the fact that the government servers the people by what the people want. And corruption is the exact opposite it is the politians doing what is best for themselves hence the ruin of our country. You can continue to embrace this corruption of a governement serving the government itself and not its people, but I would loose all respect for you as a person and a conservative. And how dare you say that you and your friends have food. I am staying in San Fran for just a few days, and actually today is my first, I have already seen horrible poverty and a system that does not work as well as it should and could. Back tracking a little I have no problem against making money, I believe everyone should be allowed to make as much money as they can, but I believe that they should make it by their own legal means.

Andrews an idiot, and I am correct

First off I knew who said "Let them eat cake" and I was stating that to show one of the problems with a monarchy you jack ass. Corruption, its natural, and it fixes it self. our government is not week enoguh to be taken out by corruption, its nothing to fear but instead somthing to embrace. I was saying that by electing people from the general public they know of the problems of the general public. And so what if Bush bought stock in Enron, does that make all the other inverstors bad? No, its just the execs at Enron who made the company out to look mor profitable than it was! And personaly I believe in all out Reganomics, cutting back on all unneeded governement. Secondly how is the current system not working? I have food, everyone I know has food, the system is working just fine you jack ass. AND POLITICAL PARTIES ALOW YOU TO EASILY KNOW WHERE SOMONE STANDS ON THE ISSUES, I AM A REPUBLICAN AND YET I DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THE REPUBLICANS SAY, YOU JACK ASS

Jesse and Historical References Confused

Jesse do you happen to know who said "Let them eat cake." I can promise it wasn't any democratically elected official. No Jesse the person that wrote that message had ascended to their power by inheritance, in other words queen. Queen Elizabeth actually said that quote. And in no way did in the least refer to the idea of loosness (which isn't a word I am sure you are meaning looseness), but instead the quote was spoken by Queen Elizabeth out of sheer arrogance and/or ignorance. It was told to here that her peoples did not have any money to buy bread and had no way of buying bread, so she remarked, possilby arrogantly or as I believe with ignorance, "let the eat cake" which she had in plenty supply in her castle. In no way does that pertain to anything Jou said . . . And Next, I am going to speak for Jou not because he can't but because I had a completly different view on what he said than you. I believed that Jou was more or less saying that the democracy is a good thing, but what made it bad is current politics and the politics that set our country on the current trend of democracy. As I believe Jou was stating the Washington's democracy did work and will still work much better than the one we have today. And lastly, dear God Jesse how do you not believe in corruption in the government, just look at our pres and our vice both of them have and possilbly still are involved with corrupt and illegal buisnesses that are now being tried for "cooking the books." On a new topic my views consist with Jou's in that democracy is very very beautiful but it has grown beyond its means and no longer are the people able to control their government, but through entrenched aristocratical service in the government positions ( just look at Strom Thurmond). And I have always stated that political parties merely inspire confomority as a result of lack of thought and thus the compromise all of democracy.

Hell No

Democracy is not a sham, by the people ruiling them selves the needs of the people are best met. Lets not forget "Let them eat cake". It is the loosness which alows people to live their lives without fear of opression. It is this looseness you speak of which alows you not to be shot for speaking such treachery against the government. Oh, and not to mention "Shady Goals" why would royalty have to do anything other than somthing for their own good when they dont have to worry about getting reelected? You should be thankfull for this system. Now I shall go back to my summer of not thinking. Thank You

Democracy a Sham?

Lately I've been thinking. How effective is our system for government? Corruption has plagued our government throughout it's existence, so could this "experiment" be fruitless? I'm beginning to doubt the power of our nation, as well as how hard our fall will be (what goes up, must come down). When the same family continues to rule over the people isn't that how kingdoms work? I disgust the fact that idiots would rather conform to a loosely held together party with shady goals than think for themselves. I find that giving control to the peons of the nation isn't always the best idea, but I do think the founders had the right idea with the electoral college. We've strayed too far from the guidelines implimented. The country was at it's best before political parties, and Washington knew that, so why don't any other Americans?