Political Rants

For once Andrew has a Point, sort Of

-I just want to say that I agree with you on your article "Loosing Faith" I would still say you could call your self a republican though. Every topic does need to be assesed on its own and not just what your party has to say. I tend to agree alot with the republicans, and as you some with the liberatarians. I still can call my self a republican because I am not so liberal as to be a complete ass, or in other words democrat.

Feminism And Equality

The feminist movement only wants equality in the good parts of life. Do women want to suffer from obsety more or do they want to get murdered more often, of course not. But then why do they say that they want equality. How about baldness, or snoring, diabetes or anything else that is attributed to men. "No of course we don't want your diseases your problems or anything else we just want to be completely equal to you in every way" says the mindless femisist. Once a women says to me that firstly she is equal to me physically (and is still a women) and then also wants all the crap that is associated with being a man - then I will respect feminism and their outreach to try and gain equality, but until then go suck your nipples.

Loosing Faith

As I declared in the first I am a republican, but this I can say happily is no longer correct. I declare myself as a yes, Independent. The Independent just another code word for ambigous people who don't really care and don't want to make there republican or democratic friends look less upon them, but as I put my head about the topic of Independs I realize that parties are just a haven for those conformists who themselves are amibigous and can't figure out an arguement for themsleves and need their white house lackey to find the answer for them. And I completely disagree, I can't agree with any party and make a complete blanket statement saying that "I Agree with the Democrats" or "I Agree with the Republicans" or "I Agree with Seth" for that matter, each indivual topic must be assessed using one's own head not the one supplemented by the party. I tend to agree with a mixture of Liberatarian platform and some of the Republican and then some of the Democratic platform. Don't blindly ally yourself with a party because when they party decides to make a horrible policy that you disagree, you have already agreed with it and approved of it. So think of that someone asks your politcal affilation - Conformist.

The American Flag

The American flag has long been a symbol of democracy and freedom, but it also carries another meaning - Pride for America. As Sempteber 11 came crashing hard the American flags came up from the old shelters where they had been liing on the ground with dust accumulating and small bugs eating away at the so called sacred fiber. And then the hypocrits dust off the traces of the lazy and ill practices and hang the flag as it had been in a case of glory. Then the same laziness and unresolute Americans don't take their flags down as the rain begains to endlessly fall upon the symbol of pride and democracy, and as the sun fades out of the day the flag still sits as the lazy American boasts to his friends his patriotism. Then as the hooks that hold the flag onto the pole start rusting and falling off, that American won't replace them and let the flag swing only attached by one little inch of the flag. This same American is the same American that throws the stone at the flag burners, but isn't the lazy American worse for he boasted about his hypocricy as the flag burner told nothing but the truth.

Fairy Tales - Walt Disney - Manipulation - Federal Government

It is my belief (as is everything that I say) that Walt Disney was paid off by the federal government to change Fairy Tales and recreate them to be more manipulative than they already were and to lead to a submissive population. When you are reading your favorite fairy tale when is there ever a black person, not animal, but person - or a flag burner and it always seems that the hero get money in the end. Well firstly the federal goverment, through Walt, is trying to get little children to hate black people and other minorities so that they won't rise up and and have a major influence in the important politics. As well the government is telling us that only law complacent maniacs who do not question the federal government will succed. But this is completely hyprocritical to the idea that the more peoples opinions we have in our society. And lastly it says that money is the only was to happiness, which is benefitial for the government so that they can .?.?.? beat people (yeah that is it). So basically mothers and fathers that read this - getting a fucking job you bums and second don't allow your children to be manipulated by Walt in his tower mocking us little fucks with the government backing him 100% of the way!!! (Death to all EMOTICONS :) = EVIL)

The Penis Crisis - A.K.A. Social Angst

Why when I walk down the school do I hear feebs discussing how one has the larger reproductive organ (penis, wanker, johnson, willy, so on...). Why??? It doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that men are so uncomftorable around one another that they have to prove that they have a large cock, but does this trully matter to the female sex. This opinion is divided between whores and everyone else. I think you people can figure out who is who in this situation. So men then are expressing to other men how big there penis is to other men to please whores! Yeah go men. The other part of my penis crisis (not my crisis of my penis, but the crisis I am going through because of people's illogical use of penis's (yes that sound weird (and yes I know I am using parenthesis inside other parenthesis))) is that men tell other men to suck their penis - which this (while contemplating on the hole I figured out) is about power. But in a very gay sense as I figured out because to suck one's penis would cause pleasure but discomfort to the sucker so . . . the sucked is being commanding and gaining power over someone by forcing the displeasure and causing them pleasure. But as I say the whole pleasure caused by other men is really homosexual obviously, so maybe all men that say that crap have some sort of homosexual tendencies that are riding their ass (oh man - good pun). So basically men who talk about their penis are A - very angsty B - Gay C - Slightly Gay D - Trying to get whores to dig them, YOU CHOOSE CAUSE I DON"T FUCKING GET IT.

General Motors, a National Evil

-I've known this for a while but no ones been writing or "righting" as I like to say, so I'm going to talk about somthing I find to be very hatefull and waistfull. GM, one of the largest Amercian car companies has been doing somthing awful for the last few years. Their cars headlights are on when ever the car is on. Most people would say, "oh it doesnt waist much energy" but the truth of the matter is that it makes for worse gas mileage, how much do you ask? Its estimated about 1 less miles to every 60 miles or so compared to what you would normaly be getting. Doesnt seem like much but imagine all the people driving these evil machines, it adds up. Well this has been bugging me for a while so I needed to get it off my chest.


It has come to my attention(mostly because there have been a bunch of morons running around in stoopid orange t-shirts) that there is a group of religious fanatics(more or less) converting people at hopkins high. They come regarding one "seth", who is their "leader". They've been running around with little cards, trying to get people to go to his seminar or something. I didn't go, because I really didn't think it was worth my time to be wasted on some re-born crack-whore who's finally found "god" after taking serious head trauma or something. My advice? Well, there is only one thing to do in this situation... hassle these poor misguided/brainwashed fools. For all I care, they can go and drink the cyanide laced kool-aid while the rest of us make fun of them.

In defense of Microsoft

-For the last few years Microsoft has been under fire for unifying Windows and Internet Explorer into one. First off I feel this is one of the best things Microsoft has ever done, it allows me much easier and faster access to the net so instead of having to launch Internet Explorer as a separate program wasting valuable seconds, I can just take an open folder, type in the URL, and go! Also another thing that pisses me off is that AOL claims its massive failure of Netscape is due to this. IT IS NOT DUE TO THIS but are due to Netscape?s massive dhtml incompatibilities causing it to SUCK. Also it could be that NS6 takes incredible amounts of your system recourses and overall slows your computer. There are other browsers such as Opera, which are decent but still suck compare to IE (Internet explorer). Some might say they suck BECAUSE Ie has taken all of their business, but I call this blasphemy. All it takes is one good programmer and correct incentive to create a good program. The simple answer is their trying to please idiots and end up with software with all kinds of stupid functions that no one ever uses or overall makes it harder fo

For the love of all that is Holy

- The Security Systems Standards and Certification Act which is currently in the house being debated wants to make it so that everyday beloved objects now become evil and make us folow strict guide lines and want all media files to require tags saying that they are legal. They want new computers produced to have ROM pervention software hard wired in. This brings me to my point. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO BREAK THE LAW IF I FEEL IT TO BE RIGHT. This is not to meen that I should not pay the punishment for breaking the law but I should have the option. Also, this would over complicate many everyday activites and overall stoping all progress society would ever make.

POINT of Converstation: They say they are loosing millions of dolars to the internet. But their not loosing any from me for if it were not for the internet I would never listen to their music in the first place and it would just end up hurting them more than it already is.