
to be OR not to be . . .

Once again the scene from Hamlet is used to show an idea of debate, but in this instance it applies to the current issues of the Middle East? I have my own opinions on this issue, but I would like to hear Jesse's, Franson's, and Jeff's(as hacked into some one else's account. What I want you guys to talk about is should America be in support of Isreal or should we be supporting the Palestinians? Guys respond to this question.

American History X

Eventhough this isn't the movie review section, I still want to comment on the movie American History X because i found it wonderful.

The movie centers around the brother of a skin head who goes to jail after killing two black men, and then in jail he meets a black guy that he relates too. When he gets out of jail he tries to stop his brother and the rest of his town from keeping up their rascist practices. To begin with, this movie truthfully brought tears to my eyes. I am not going to say that I am Mr. Tough guy that won't cry, but it is still a rare occasion that I will cry in a movie and this movie made me do it. Also what I loved about the movie is that it showed racism from a completely different view and the viewer actually would start feeling sorry for the skinheads in that the black gangs and such were making their lives misserable. But than to counter what I said the movie is not a pro-white movie in the least it is a movie that is anti-racist.

The movie inspired me to write what am about to do right now and that is my topic on racism and sexism. My personal opinion on black people and white people and yellow people and red people is that they are completely neutral. All black/white/yellow/red are not good and they are not bad they are merely just a skin color. When I was watching TV I saw some peace ad talking about how black people are good people. This is a completetly bogus and racist comment. Because black isn't a way of classifing people but instead it is just a skin color. On sexism, I just came to the realization that when a teacher forcing people to sitting in the rows by girl boy and so on, or do anything according to girl boy and so on, that teacher is being sexist. By saying that women and men are different the teacher is saying that men and women are different more over than just the physical attributes. Basically what I am saying is that rascism and sexism are enbedded so far into our society that even those who are trying to do some good in combating the issue are still rascist and are still using rascist actions. And that is something pretty crappy to think about.

Nixon, Teddy . . . The Best Presidents?

I Have been away and silent for a fair amount of time, but it is impossible to not shut up when Jesse directly attacks the integrity of history and honor. How dare you Jesse, say the Nixon, the pussy, is our best president, haven't you ever heard of Vietnamization, Nixon's horrible plan to leave Vietnam with dignity. It was very possilbe to win the Vietnam war, but instead Nixon merely pulled us out of it. The Vietnamese attack on their Tet Holiday proved that the Vietnam war was almost over, as the American troops successfully defended themselves against the largest Vietnamese attack. Instead of winning the war in Vietnam, which was very possible, Nixon says hey what the hell lets remove our troops from Vietnam in a slow and long lasting process. And then you went on to say that Teddy Roosevelt was one of the greatest presidents, I thought you were a conservative. Teddy is probably the sole president to ruin America as he used the Sherman anti-trust plans to break up corporations, futhering the government's medling in the economy, as well as he turned America from a nice unimperial government into the police of the new world as he involved the country in the "Boxer Rebellion," "The Russo-Jap War," Panama Canal, Venuzualla, and then he created the Roosevelt Collary. And lastly Abraham Lincoln does score some points with me because the Emanicaption Proclamation. The proclamation was an ingenous war measure as he showed Europe that he had control over the South, and also avoiding pissing of the Union slave owning states. My picks for greatest presidents are probably, Polk of course, Old Hickory, and then Silent Cal.

My God!

Are you serious?! Um... let's see here... what're those things called, in the Bill of Rights, you know... Oh yeah! Inalienable rights! And what's one of those rights? Right to privacy! That's it! Stupid fargin' FEEBS! ARGH! Yes, Jesse, you have an excellent point on music to make money versus music to make an expression. That's why pop culture sucks so much. Thirdly, why is the music industry trying to put yet more money into its pockets when it already makes a king's ransom every year (this is true to the extent that the mafia is literally jealous of the profit margin turned by the music industry)? ARGH! STUPID FEEBS! JUST STAY OUT OF PEOPLE'S LIVES!!

Evils of The Music Industry

They are currently trying to pass a bill which allows the music industry to hack your computer and delete your mp3's. First, is this not an invasion of privacy? Secondly, if someone is only singing to make money, I don't want to listen to them, music should be a median by which to express your self, not to get rich. Well this is my rant of the day, respond.


Primaries would cease to exist (hateful, hateful things they are), giving the possibility of an infinite number of candidates (the perfect Democratic society). Why not just give everyone an equal chance, Jesse? Why?

Jesse Rebuts to Franson Rebuts II

The same day Abraham Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation he also put a bounty on every single Native Americans head. If this isn't evil I don't know what is. This may affect me more than you for I am a fairly large part Native American. If this doe not affect you, you are a heartless bastard. Abraham Lincoln is no where near the best President; I would say that the title belongs to Teddy Roosevelt or Nixon.

Also Political Parties are important because we need them to keep the people belonging with us near, and the ones not, ex: Ralf Nader far, far away never. Also how would the primaries work without political parties? If it were just by conservative and liberal then would there only be two possible candidates?

Franson Rebuts II: Return of the Evil Kiwis

Jesse, I didn't say that I would agree that Washington was our nation's greatest President, I merely stated that one could argue that statement (I'd give the title of best President to Abraham Lincoln). Plus, why do you say that? I feel that politics can (and often is) far to one-dimensional. Plus, people still can, if they had to (liberal versus conservative or moderate). Political parties are indeed an important part of our current system, but they don't need to be. Far more people could be interested in politics if their ideas weren't confined to "Democratic" or "Republican". Plus, its not like we couldn't still make fun of liberals... But thats all for now. Andrew, Jeff and Andy, what do you all think?

In responce to "Political Parties"

First off Franson, Washington is far from the best president of all times. Secondly we need political parties so that a persons political beliefes can be summed up in a single word. It gives us somone to side with, a sence of being. Political parties are an important part of politics, and I'm fairly sure they would naturaly form due to people grouping together who have similar beliefes. Just think of it this way, we couldnt make fun of democrats if they didn't exist.

Political Parties

Are they a good thing? Are they a bad thing? Are you indifferent? What's your take?

Anyways, I say that parties are bad. Echoing our first and arguably greatest President, I do not believe in the political party system. It unnecessarily stereotypes the correct path for government, both liberal and conservative. Thus, most who have true epiphanies about government are shunned from mainstream politics, hence the evil of political parties. And that's about all. Send in your thoughts!