Jesse's Posts

30,000 Hits

Well Oasisband has been though a lot in its 5 years, since its inception on March 30th, 2001. We've seen ups and downs, and until several weeks ago we were not even a real domain. We were a pseudo domain running in a frame. Instead of having some kind of cheesy spectacular, I'll just tell you what to look forward to. A complete site overhaul is on the way for the sites 5th birthday. We are transitioning from HTML 4.0 to a strict XHTML/CSS system and have plans to begin offering a number of services, including but not limited to Omnipresence, a simple notepad that will allow you to keep notes between multiple computers. Moving the site into our own database allows us a few justices, for example the new Oasisband wide search (Click Here) is in the works. Also, we are working on moving to just rather than as many of you may have already noticed. Oasisband is still growing and I have dreams of bringing back the community. If anyone has any ideas, or would like to write for the site just contact me at

A Money Thought

This is just something of a rant, but I think the 20 dollar bill should be eliminated and replaced with a 25 dollar bill so our paper moneys increments match our coinages increments. What?s more I think the $25 bill should feature Ronald Regan rather than Andrew Jackson, on the grounds that Andrew Jackson was not at all a good president with the 'Indian Removal Act' of 1830 and what not.

A Host of Backend Updates

Writers rejoice! You can now login straight from the sidebar. Insight posting is available now amount a number of other updates. There are a number of things in the work as well and a number of ideas floating around my head, one that should soon come about is Omnipresence for everyone, not just Oasisband writers. Also, the imaging system displayed in my review of Old Boy shall soon be available to all the writers. Lastly, a complete visual redesign is in the works, if anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them.

Let's Offend Some People

MohammadI think giving into their demands and being intimidated is the completely wrong way to go about this, as I love free speech I am posting one of the comics. Woo we're gonna get threats!

Line Tapping

There has been a lot of talk about Bushes unwarranted line tapping, which has been allowed under the patriot act. I am not a fan of the law personally, but I'm not sure of its illegality, and am therefore not going to blindly call the president a criminal as Al Gore did slanderously today. It may just be similar to the national governments right to taxation where a law overstepped its constitutionality (which oddly enough, though has been proven unconstitutional has not been overturned)

I've had a number of conversations on the topic and here is what I can say for sure. Whether or not you believe the phone line to be an extension of the home owners property (Which I personally do not believe,) the Fourth Amendment allows for unwarranted search of "any open space other than the land immediately surrounding a domicile" (wiki quote) which the phone line at the phone company could easily be considered. The obvious thing here though is that they still should either need the consent or a warrant for the phone company unless that has become public domain which I do question.

I welcome talkback on this, as I am not even sure on my stance any more.

Thoughts on Analog

This is an idea I've had for quite some time. If the universe is truly analog, which I'm aware many of you dispute, would it not be possible to store an infinite amount of information in the positioning of a single molecule? If the universe is analog then is there not an infinite number of positions from any point a to any point b? There are several problems with this though as several friends have pointed out.

Firstly, in order for accuracy, there could be nothing else in the universe, not even the device for measuring the data, as the gravity of such object would offset the object. Moreover the act of measuring the object would infact alter the objects positon.

Well this was the first official post for the new 'Insight' page.

A Large Number of Updates

Well, I wasted a bit of time fixing known problems with the site, along with adding new "Software" and "Insight" pages. Insight is mainly a place for me to post my harebrained theories, though in a few days it should be open to the public. Also I plan to redo the main page before my break is over (January 18th) Oh, and the emoticon legend is finally up. If you have an emoticon to submit that would be great.

In the coming days I plan on a number of things, new main page, album review page, get omnipresence running with its own database, finalize the Java version of omnipresence for our Mac OSX users?

Oh, not to mention I've decided to completely quit supporting Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 7 (which should fix many of the issues) is several months away and anyone still clinging to it I suggest to either just wait or switch to Firefox.

Stereo Future

I've had this movie for a long time, and I finally got around to watching it. From what I've heard it's an episode in a series of films, though I cannot find information on any earlier or later ones on IMDB. When I as in the single sentence summary call this the Japanese version of garden state this doesn't refer to the plot but rather the characters.

In both Stereo Future and Garden State the main characters are aspiring actors, who have girl friends with mental issues. Moreover they have friends making money doing illegal things.

Both movies also have a similar kind of laid back feel and both have great music. Despite the really utter lack of plot, this film did have a great atmosphere.

The movie follows several people including an aspiring actor, Keisuke, a television reporter and a few others lives for the length of the film with the connections not becoming apparent until the last few minutes.

In all honesty it was beautifully done, but came off kind of preachy at times and went nowhere.

If you've got nothing to do, its not bad, its just not good.

On an interesting side note the one American in the film "Dr. Danny Moreno" is in fact the man who choreographed 'Earth Girls are Easy'

Yahoo Widget Engine 3.0

When yahoo purchased Konfabulator I was suspicious at first, but then they put out Konfabulator 2.0 which was a great release. I thought I had no need to be suspicious. But now with the 3.0 release Yahoo has decided to show their true colors. They have completely destroyed the website. It doesn't render properly in anything other than Internet Explorer, and the page is as jumbled as Yahoo's home page. Next, they bundled hundreds of useless pieces of software with it, and even if you uncheck everything you get Yahoo Messenger which I don't want nor need.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, they decided to add insult to injury. They took down all the widgets I had programmed.

I am horrified at these turn of events.

Update - It's not as bad as I thought