Jesse's Posts

Austria's Lapse of the Most Basic Human Right: Thought

An English man by the name of David Irving has gone to prison in Austria for "Not Believing in the Holocaust." Do not get me wrong here, I am no anti-Semitist, but I consider what they have done to this man to be the worst kind of evil. Freedom of thought must be ensured. What I can and cannot believe should never be dictated by the government under any circumstances, and should have the guaranteed right to express what I believe. This is not to say that people should not be able challenge ones beliefs, but they shouldn't be able to throw one into prison for it. This is in my opinion as bad as Fascism. When they have the right to tell us what to believe where does it end? Imagine the large sweeping effects on religion among other things. There are many things nonreligious as well that I do not agree with scientists on, but when having a dissenting view is illegal there is no room for progress, improvement nor correction. Quoting the article "Anti-Nazi groups in the UK congratulated the Austrian government." That in it self seems pretty Nazi to me. I thought England was supposed to be a friend of freedom. It has hit me as of late that the United States is the only place where speech is still free.

As a side note this is one of several reasons why we must not give the reigns of the internet over to the EU, along with the fact that we spent billions creating it, If Europe wants control they should first pay off their billions in trade deficit, and then purchase the internet from us for complete development cost.

I was going to stretch this on into covering how Germany is not a democracy because of their complete lack of free speech, but this sentence should do.

Here is the link to the aforementioned article


I was at Best Buy and on an impulse purchase, I bought Oldboy because it made quite clear, all over the box, that it had DTS Audio. Oldboy Movie Poster

The movie starts out with a man, Dae-su, who has been out for a heavy night of drinking. He?s at the police department, taken in for public drunkenness. His friend comes to pick him up and take him home, but before he can get home, Dae-su vanishes. The next thing he knows he?s in a prison without knowing why or for how long. He stays in prison for 15 years until he mysteriously was released. He then finds out he has four days to find out who imprisoned him and why.

The movie gets a ten for style in my book. It steals a concept from Pulp Fiction in a scene and draws a dotted line between a hammer and where it is aimed. The fight scenes are decent but the ultraviolence is not quite up to par with Audition for instance. With this said, onto the plot. The plot is lacking in the extreme sense, and what plot there is, honestly, is stupid. Overall, it was entertaining to watch, but beyond that not much else.

Sidenote: I recently discovered they are making an American version. Yuck.

Flag Burning

There is an amendment to the constitution, supported by many republicans including the president, which would ban flag burning. I, though republican, am very strongly against this amendment. This is not because I am pro-protest but instead because I am con-symbolism. I do not stand for flags, ever, nor the national anthem, the pledge of allegiance, etc. I stand in respect for no man and most certainly not a piece of fabric. I do not respect a piece of fabric. I've mentioned this long ago, but it is my belief that putting value upon symbols is about the worst thing a person can do. Look at the power the swastika had on the masses. A symbol is nothing more than propaganda, something I might add the Nazi's were excellent at.
I wrote a letter a few weeks back on the topic and sent it to Senator Norm Coleman, a former democrat I might add. I got a response back a few days ago and it was very short and to the point. Since I cannot find it at the moment I will state it as I remember it.
"Dear sir: While I am thankful for your input. I disagree with you on this matter. Also Note I hate you.
Yours truly, Norm Coleman"
Well maybe that's not exactly how it went but its close. Anyway I was very disappointed with the response.

Battlefield Baseball

Firstly, let me apologize for the low quality of this review, but I promise it is thousands of times better then the caliber of the movie.

This movie had everything, zombies, baseball? wait, not everything, just zombies and baseball. Remember something cheesy you saw in a movie once upon a time? More then likely, it was used in this movie. Cheesy sound effects, breaking out into song, someone punching someone and crappy looking dummy goes flying, the list goes on.

The context of the movie is basically this: a high school baseball team is trying to make it to the finals, they find out they have to play "Gedo High School" in their first game. They are a team of zombies that instead of playing baseball just kill everyone. The principal is not going to let them play, but then sees a new student playing "Baseball Fight" with a local bully, and begs him (Jubei) to play so they can beat Gedo High School. After much begging by the principal and players on the team Jubei breaks into song and tells the tragic story of how he once threw a baseball so hard it went through his father and killed him. He then agrees to play. At the first game, he Jubei does not show up until after the entire team has been killed because he had to break out of prison. They proceed to kill him, but the best part is how they kill him. A bomb explodes; his fake body goes flying through the air, lands, and a tomb stone pops up. Several months later, he comes back to life and seeks revenge. He comes back just in time for the team which is dead to fight them Gedo High School again. He shows up at the game, and they mock him for not having a team, but then about half the dead team comes back cyborgs thanks to as they put it "advanced technologies." Other random people fill the rest of the team and they go on to fight the Gedo High School. They fight until once again no one is left but Jubei and the coach, and after a huge fight Jubei decides to show the coach mercy. But then one of the Gedo high school kids shoots the coach with a machine gun for being weak. Jubei is so pissed off that he hits the kid so hard his skeleton flies out of his body, and then he beats up his skeleton. He then looks around and notices that everyone is dead including the audience, and says some cheesy words about how it is all his fault and he should never have played baseball again after killing his father. He then cries and his tears bring everyone back to life. The End

Besides the fact that this was quite possibly the stupidest movie I have ever seen, it was actually somewhat entertaining. I think it would make a decent party movie as its short, only 1:20 long, and has quite a few things you would only laugh about with other people around. Overall it was OK. I wouldn't watch it again, but I don't necessarily regret watching it.

New Sidebar!

As if you haven?t noticed, to your left there is a brand spanking new sidebar. This is the first step in my work to make the site completely automated? Someday? Nevertheless, until then, these links automatilcy sort them selves based upon usage. Therefore, as popularity of pages shifts over time I, being the lazy bastard I am, do not have to change? anything. W00t, behold the awesome power of Php! Next two things in the works, new main page and finishing up the album review page.

Garden State

I bought this movie a while ago. It's been sitting on my table for weeks waiting for me to watch it. Tonight with the Katrina Aid on every channel, I decided to watch it.

The movie is about a guy who has been overmedicated, by his father who is a psychiatrist, for something he did when he was nine. The drugs have kept him numb his entire adult life. On returning home he visits all his old friends, makes a new one, and realizes what's important in life. Overall, the plot was somewhat lacking, but there was much detail in the plot there was. I need to name a genre for this along with several other films I've seen as of late that are very realistic and yet not realistic at all. Surreal kind of, but not precisely.

The cinematography and camera work was pretty good actually. There was one scene in Sam's back yard where the camera flies outward into the sky, which was reminiscent of the final scene in the version of 'Much Ado about Nothing' which features Keanu Reaves.

My one major complaint about the movie, this is probably just me though, is that throughout the entire thing Zach Braff appeared to be wearing large amounts of eye shadow. It was distracting. Also, from a scene where he goes to have a talk with his father until the end of the movie he seems to act overly effeminate, especially when he's saying goodbye to Sam.

Probably my favorite part of the film was the sound track. It was almost as though they took what I was listening to at the time the film came out and used it all in the movie. The Shins, Frou Frou, Iron and Wine all featured.

Congress's Plan to Ban the Analog Tele.

For those of you that are unaware during the mid 90's under the supervision of Bill Clinton a bill was passed stating that broadcasters would no longer have to broadcast in analog in the year 2006. Of course now we know that the switch over to digital tuners in televisions hasn't been as quick as one might have hoped. I believe I am the only person I know to actually have a digital tuner in any of my TV's, I know two people with HDTV's and even they are not equipped with digital tuners, we paid an extra $400 on our television just to have one built in. Congress is legislating now not only to push the date up to 2009. Not only though are they going to stop broadcast of analog television but they are going to ban the sales of Analog TV's and Analog VCR's. They want to use the frequencies for better wireless internet and emergency broadcasts. My major problem with this is that the digital signals are not nearly as reliable as the analog. For example I'll be watching 'Desperate Housewives' in HD on Channel 5-1 and all of a sudden 'Signal Low' and the picture goes out, not static-y but completely black. So now when this happens I can just tune down a click to analog, non-HD, 5 and have a lower quality but working picture. This happens all the time too, usually at the most inconvenient times. Sure with digital there is no static, but in place of the static you get black. I find it irritating that people who make over $100k, and making laws about something that mainly affects people who make much less who take advantage of broadcast TV. You know as well as I somewhere there is an old woman who will be watching TV the moment they turn off the analog and think her TV's broken. I guess the one decent thing about it though is that the converter boxes for standard TV's are going to be price controlled by the government, and they are aiming for $35 a box. Luckily for my self when Voom (Great HD) went out of business they never showed up to collect their boxes, so I have 3 boxes that have digital off air tuners in them.

New The Others Page Finally Finished!

After quite some time down, over a year I believe, the new ?The Others? review page is finally up and running. Many of the people working for OB may have seen the beta version of the page, but it is now fully functional and writeable. So I suggest to you all, get writing. (Though the oBlog of course, not blogger, if you?ve forgotten the link or your credentials contact me)