guest's Posts

Erik Greene

First of all, I don't see how anyone can make an argument that what we are doing in Iraq is still bad after you've seen the pure and unrestrained joy that the Iraqis demonstrated after the highly symbolic toppling of the statue of Hussein. I think that that proves to all of you who thought Iraq loved Saddam were sorely mistaken. Nobody loves being oppressed, and the filter that Saddam had in place for foreign countries such as the US were complete lies. Now, in address to the restructuring of Iraq, I don't see where the UN should even be considered. They made it extremely obvious that they did not want any part of war, save a few countries. We took this task upon ourselves, we spent our soldier's lives, and to let a third party try and control what we sweat and bled for is incredibly illogical. We went in there with a purpose, otherwise we would not have went in in the first place. Now that we have done the dirty work, let us establish what we see as best fitting. Then Gross, if the UN sees our new regime in any way inadequate, then let them propose any new changes for Iraq. The bottom line is, the quicker we establish a new government, the less likely it is that a new facist party will seize power, and the vicious cycle repeats itself.

-Erik Greene

Erik's third post

Ok, Paul and Gross, you guys see what I'm getting at with my speech. Our school, as well as the state, has its priorities way out of whack with how we can and do spend our tax $. While the things we get are all fine and dandy, they would be put to much better use if we were allowed to spend it on things such as school-subsidized AP testing, security of Orchestra, extra strength chains for the special ed students, etc. And yes, I knew about our max spending, despite not hearing it from Paul and/or Rex. I wrote that article to infer how screwed up our school, and state is currently with regards to it's budget. If our community is willing to put more into our education, why stop them??? This isn't some communist controlled regime, it's capitalism. Money is power. Our parents pay exorbant taxes, so let them, and us see the benefits of it in more than super (with a gay lisp) new construction projects! Hey, this is the Anarchy times, right? Down with the current state status quo!

-Erik Greene

Guest Blogg From Erik Greene 2

Question: Our school keeps cutting and cutting back academic materials and teachers. i.e. double the AP fees, loss of teachers, higher athletics fees, etc. Yet we throw money at a multi-million dollar frivolous artificial football field (I would know, I play football), and we have plans to build a huge auditorium and totally rennovate the cafeteria. Bottom line, we'll have HHS kids who are dumb as rocks, but they'll be well-fed rocks, who have nice chairs to sit in for the semi-annual school gatherings. I know money doesn't equal knowledge, but I ask you people, where are the priorities?? If we can build these great faucilities, but can't educate the kids to do anything but clean those faucilities, I see a downward spiral to doom in the near future.

-Erik Greene

Guest Blogg From Erik Greene

I feel that I need to come clean to people on my feelings on the pending war. I sent this out as an email a couple days ago, so if you've already read this, congratualtions. The "protest" at school the other day only solidified my feelings that war is inevitable, and the anti-war advocates are flat-out wrong, or misinformed. If you can think of another "anti war campaign" justification, please let me know.

Lie #1. There are other alternatives

When anybody says this, they cannot come up with specific answers, or offer idealist jokes. The only way to handle this as of now is march in, armed, and let Saddam choose to fight or give in to free elections faucilitated by the US/UN.

Lie #2 We do not need to fight.

We have come too far to let a third world oppressor stand us up. If we do not invade, we are telling other 3rd world rebels in the middle east that it if you stand up to us, you will win. It is 10 times better to put down a single country than to have to fight the entire hostile middle east, where the casualites on both sides would grow exponentially

Lie #3 We will kill too many innocent civilians

Yes, civilians will die. It is a factor of war. However, on the grand scheme of things, it is better to accidentally take some in this war than to allow this American-hate to fester, and have many other wars present themselves. Can't you see that we need to put these people down, and then we will be much more peaceful than this pacifist attitude will bring us, thus bringing much more hostilities and subsequent death? For any overthrow, some cost will be assessed. However, we must act now, while the penalties will be at a minimum

Lie #4 We're only going for Gas/economy

Never has any government, media, or anything besides random speculation said that we are going for oil. Not even the LIBERAL MEDIA. what does that tell you? even those who hate Bush and all he stands for realize that it is not about oil. While this might boost our economy, see previous reasons, and then realize that it is not the primary factor here.

Lie #5. The Iraqi people do not want to be liberated

Wow. I really want to be oppressed, don't you??? You think it's the actual people who are saying they don't want to be freed, and not Hussein puppets? Next Lie, please

Lie #6 Bush is an idiot for this, and everything else he does

Think what you want about him, but he is surrounded by some of the smartest people alive today, and they all have a big say in what he does/says. He mainly just presents their plans to the US people. He's not the mastermind behind all this

And Finally,

Lie #7 (your name here) made a difference at the rally/protest today.

No, all you did was dissend from the country's planned course of action, with YOUR BEST AT HEART. The government is of, by.for the people. There is no ruling class. These people do what is best for you. If that had been an Iraqi protest, you'd all be murdered like cattle. Nice though, hm?

Really, when everything is considered, war is the only option. I am all for peace whenever possible, but here it is totally impossible. If we back down, all the rest of the Middle East will see us as fragile, and will stand like Iraq. That is not good, in case you cannot draw your own conclusions here. Imagine this scenario everything times 6. Interesting mental picture, eh?

-Erik Greene

They say a picture's worth a thousand words
Well I beg a thousand pardons for each word I've used for personal gains
But the letters that float through my head, demote my sentences
Could never be contained by your simple picture frames