Baron von Awesome's Posts


This is a great game. It is much like GTA III, except it has an interesting story line and historical accuracy. In this game, you are a mobster in the 1930s' and must complete missions using historical guns and vehicles. Like GTA, you have total freedom to travel around the vast world. This is one you must check out. I know its for PC, and I think PS2 as well.

Die Biznitches Gunfire sound here

Die Biznitches Gunfire sound here

It happened to me again today. Those idiots in my gym class tweaked out on me, I wouldn't be surprised if the "specially abled" (thank you very much PC-thug A. Gross) girl was the smartest one in the whole class. I was playing well and though they were allowed to do it themselves I was one again forced out of the gray area. Even my own traitorous team turned on me. Two people especially chewwed my head off when a had had enough of their abuse and said no. What is it that the feminazis say no means no, right. They threatened my life, the nerve. I eventually moved to avoid a riot, and commented that I must Intimidate them. They had to hold one goth girl back. Where has justice gone in all rights I should have been able to Grossdance in any color area I wished. Who can I sui for this gross in justice, whatever I'll just bo it tommorrow.

Magico defends his honor

To the Glorious Donat of Oz
Can't we all just get along
To Gross
I may have not made this clear I meant that the libs think that the 2nd ammendment is outof date and from a time in which they were needed to fend off wild beasts not that they actually were. As you and I know many things that the libs believe are wild fantasys unbased in any form of fact what so ever. Secondly when did I say I laughed at the "specially abled" person. I did not laugh that was more of a chuckle. And my verbosity offends your humble personage, I say perchance a real feeb were to be traumatized by my petty prose as to become morose than I shall say to them in a volumous cristaline oratory (in small words so they would understand), "I you got it flaunt it." And if my postings of the last day were in any way not in the spirit of the site I appologize to all of the readers, they were origionally intended for my website. I will let you know it's address when I feel like it.
To a certian wanna be literary editor.
You offend me sir, correct me I am wrong but would you prefer I write in a different style. How about Ghetto speak, hommie g face, me dogs been axing me ta... that enough of that. How about shakespearian, aNaRcHiSt times, time-honour'd friend, Hast thou, according to thy oath and band, Brought hither Chris Franson thy bold son, Here to make good the boisterous late appeal, Which then our leisure would not let us hear, Against the Duke of Magicoland. Beat that mister change writing styles, I like my writing style, change your perceptions to match my writings instead.

In response to Franson

I resent your mother *BEEP* article, go to *BEEP* mother *BEEP*-er. SUCK *BEEP* loser, I hate You and your mother *BEEP*-ing friends. *BEEP*-hole. It's called the *BEEP*-ing First *BEEP*-ing Amendment, *BEEP*-hound, god-*BEEP* it. GO TO *BEEP* PEICE OF *BEEP*, *BEEP* and another thing *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*. That shows you.
-"*BEEP* this" as said by Magico

I am Angry Listen to what I say... Fool

I write today disgusted. The government has let the good people of this nation down, the promises made to are fore-fathers are no longer honored. I speak of the constitution that sacred document that binds this nation, it is a contract that many feel is no longer binding. In fact I'd be surprised if a single politician in Washington takes it seriously or has even read the document to which they owe their own jobs. I mean it. Take a look at all the laws they pass there these days; take gun control for example. Supporters of gun control argue that the Second Amendment was crafted during a time period where there was no protection from the wild beasts, and therefore it should no longer apply. They argue that it is too old, TOO OLD! Then why not discard the entire Bill of Rights or better yet the whole Constitution itself it's from the same time period, idiots. I'm sure they would like that to to have no restrictions governing their abuse of power, communists and liberal tyrants. If they had their way the country would be run by a combination Lenin and Caligula, because that is what they'd do to the american dream, redistribute it and watch it burn. They stand against every thing good and holy: entrapeneurship, founding fathers, and god. Look and see Washington's Birthday turned to "Presidents day" Jefferson's name besmirched by veiled allegations of rape, and the elevation of Martin Luther King allevated above the builders of the country with his own day. Not that I have any thing against African Americans but if the champion of every cause had their own day than every day would be a holiday. MLK only reformed an institution, granted the institution was bad but he did not shape a nation nor did he lay the foundation for all things american. Well it's a free day off school so what am I complaining about.
by an Angry Magico

The First In My Series of Great Injustices of the world:

Ok, this is what happened to me today: In gym we were playing a modified game of keep away, and when the retarded girl in our class dropped the ball, I took it and refused to give it back. Then this girl named Amber yells at me to give it back and I say "It's a game, I play to win." She then states that I should give it back because she is retarded. I go, "No preferential treatment!" Somehow I come out of this as the bad guy, even though no one on MY team objected. Am I crazy or is playing to the best of my ability a crime, if the retard is exempt from the rules what is the point of playing the game at all. In other peoples' minds I think they think that because they have the retard on their team they should be garraunteed the win! THIS is unjustice.
Same Gym class we played a game of team handball. The aforementioned Amber was on the opposing team to me. Every time she shot the ball (I was the goalie for most of the game) she screamed "No special treatment this," to which my response was, "Just the way I like, bring it." This served to enrage her more. During a period where I wasn't playing goalie, I used my strategy of standing between the player with the ball and the goal to great effect. The rules of handball as we play it are that you must shot from beyond the baseline of the basketball court to the goal on the other side of the track. Amber decried my tactic as unfair though nothing prevented them from using it for themselves and promptly tried to dislodge me from my position as that tactic had worked on a previous occasion. She learned better as she got a swift shoulder to the gut and a blocked shot. Suck it Amber!!!!


Listen folks, I bear today the imutable truth that none can deny; that John Madden supposed football guru is none other than Demon Lord Braxis, spawn of satan from the eternal pits deep it the underworld sent in succubus form to devour the world in insantity for the dark lord to corrupt. When you hear the demon's rousing cry of stupidity, "...the object is to get the brown leather ball into the painted area at the end of the field," can you doubt for one second the above truth. I feel whenever I see that bohemian monster on screen that a should order chinese food and plunge the chopsticks into my chest while forcing an entire carry-out thing of dry rice into my gullet, leting it slide into my stomach and expand causing me to explode it'd be a pain I'd willingly accept as punishment for hearing that man speak. "The reciever's job is to catch the ball, while the quarterback's job is to throw it," no duh, idiot! "The running back shouldn't drop the ball like that..." is he lecturing retards. What I see when I picture him is a man with a face greasy from sixleged chicken saying, " know the coach can not challenge in the last two minutes.." and as Pat Somerall replies, "There are three minutes left." and Madden taking a long hard stare at him and then yelling while shaking his flabby arms wildly, "FOOOOTBAAAALL, uuuaghic-haaaa." Do the world a favor Madden die and leave the world in peace.
- Magico reflecting on professional Football.