Meka of Awesome's Posts

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

To be honest, I cannot adequately describe how amazing this film is. Raoul Duke aka Hunter S. Thompson is assigned to write an article about some race in Las Vegas. He does, but it's written from the point of view of a mind in the clutches of a hardcore drug binge. It's a wild movie full of bizaar and hilarious one-liners. Just go see it. Now.

American Splendor

Finally a new comic book movie that doesn't suck ass. American Splendor highlights the miserable life of Harvey Pekar, a disgruntled file clerk who in the film is played by Paul Giametti(who does an amazing job) and Pekar himself at times. Now you could be thinking "omgwtf he's played by two people in the movie?" Don't worry, the way they pulled it off is quite classy - I enjoyed it. The overall style of the film was neat, I liked the use of the comic-book style accents as well as the cuts where they showed drawings fromthe actual book that reflected the scene you were seeing in the movie. All this topped off with very cynical humor creates a definate cult classic. See this now.

National Treasure

This movie started out slowly, and never really picked up. Everything they do is extremely predictable and thus the audience is never surprised. Here's an example of a typical dialogue excerpt. Hot Chick: Oh no, that's fragile. Cage: Yeah, it's over 200 years old and Ben Franklin did something with it. We stole it to protect it from being stolen. Hot Chick: Omgrun! Cage: k They did that for about 2 hours. And then I regained consciousness.

Contrary to popular belief...

I am in fact, not dead.

That being said, let us continue on with the conspiratorial rambling. Many of you know that fluoride was put into the drinking water of Nazi prisoners in order to keep them docile and fairly controllable. Ever wonder why the government allows it to be injected into the nation's drinking water supposedly for the one actual benefet it has: Strengthening children's teeth.

Drink up, sheep.

Re: I'm sick of African Americans people blaming all white people for...

I agree with what Donat just said. Its stupid that Retributions were even being considered. Why should we have to pay for what our ancestors did to other people's ancestors? That is total BS...If we pay retributions on one thing..why not take the time to go back and research all the transgressions that occured between people of different races/religion/political standings? Everyone would owe everyone something. It is pointless and stupid...people need to just get over it and deal with problems that are happening now. "I want to live in a society where everyone can forget the sins of the past and live productive lives in a colorblind world. It was over a century ago, let it go." Hell yes, whining about how your great great grandfather was slapped by my great great grandmother won't help anything.

P.S. A comment on the title of the post: I have some "African American" blood in me as well as "White" blood. Does this mean I get to blame myself? Oh, heh. I also hate the term "African American"...most "African Americans" have never even been to Africa...they are just "Americans". Racial labelings can kiss my ass. We are Humans.

Re: Fly the Confederate Flag High and with Pride

You are correct, they do have the right to fly their confederate flag. What does it symbolize though? Southern history? Perhaps. One must then ponder why the KKK marches around with the Confederate flag "Flying high with Pride". Maybe it's because this flag has become, over time, a symbol of white supremacy? A symbol of the racist beliefs held by southern slave owners during the war? You say the war was "all about economic issues", heh. I'll give you two guesses as to what minority was a major part of the southern economy at the time. Yes, the flag is just a piece of fabric...and the Nazi swastika is just a design. I do agree that it should not be illegal...and it never will be. Making it so would be unconstitutional.


Heh, censorship...why do we need to talk about it? Censorship sucks but it is somewhat necessary. The film, music etc. Industries censor themselves so it doesn't get to the point where the goverment has to set censorship guidelines...and we all know how anal that would be, heh. "Oh no! He said 'anal'! CENSOR IT OR DIE!" "Ahh! They said die! Censor them!" and then everyone would go insane, giving Canadians the opportunity they need to jump in and take over the world. Anyways, I'm sure I had a point somewhere. Ah yes, as long as people are so *expletive deleted* sensitive, there will be censorship.

Tired. Slow.

Tired. Slow.
Want it. Need it.
Find it. Take it.
Drink it. Sip it.
Taste it. Burning.
Feel it. Tingling.
Now it's..
In the...
Smile now. Happy.
Feel it. Energy.
Like it. Love it.
Need it. Thrive.

Re: You People have no Backbone

"'everyone is right, no one is wrong' bullshit!" What? I think it would be the "No one is right, no one is wrong" bullshit. Donat seemed to be ranting about how people "have no right to tell someone else what is right and wrong" (which in itself is contradictory. What makes it wrong to tell someone what is right and wrong? Why are you telling them that they have no right to do that? Is that not what you are against? heh) I agree with him in some sense. Countries should not impose their believes on other countries. They should not interfere with what countries are doing to other countries, because "Who is to say if that is right or wrong?". I totally agree with that. BUT I then take a look at what Ben was talking about. You know, the bar of soap thing. If what one country is doing to another has even a slight chance of possibly effecting the freedoms we enjoy so much, either now or in the future. We have to kick their ass. That's all I can say about that....we have to draw the line somewhere. Why not draw it right there?